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Everything posted by cjslider

  1. I'm 36 and had my first strip procedure done at 25. I've had two more since then and my scar ended up about the same each time, which is basically 1mm or slightly more than that on the left side. As far as non trich closures go, it couldn't have been much better. The scar was never an issue until recently. I'm very satisfied with my hair transplants, but as I get older, I just prefer to have a short, very low maintenance hair cut. With clipper #4, my scar is undetectable. With a #3, it's essentially undetectable, but that's where I start to notice. I taper my hair in back anyway and it works for me to use a #2 up until just below the scar and then use a three from there. All of this said, I'm done with the hair restoration game. Monday, I had 200 fue placed in to my scar and realistically expect to be able to shave down to a #2 over the scar with the obvious appearance of a linear scar to be very minimal. I still use Propecia every day and use Rogaine foam twice a day too. Over time, regardless of my Propecia/Rogaine regimen, my crown will probably thin a little if not quite a bit. All the more reason why being able to clip down a little shorter is important to me. Had I not already had three strip procedures, I may have opted for a trichophytic revision of my scar, but didn't want to risk a wider scar, even with hair growing through it.
  2. After the glowing report I gave my doctor, I should give him his proper kudos. My doctor for all three of my strip surgeries and the FUE into the scar was Dr. Bradley Wolf in Mason, OH, just outside of Cincinnati. I can't say enough good things about he and his staff.
  3. BigBill, I'd follow suit with prior poster's advice and sit tight if I were in your shoes. I had my first restoration procedure when I was 25 and only had about 600 grafts the first time. I went back again at 27 for roughly 1200 more and then again at 32 for 800 more to "even things out" or "tidy up" the overall appearance. Bottom line is, you just don't know how much eventual hair loss you're looking at when you're at the tender age of only 23. I don't want to sound too preachy, and I only have my own personal experience to talk about, but it may help you to re-calibrate your expectations. I started thinning at the age of 21. When I started out, I didn't look to regain the full head of hair I had when I was a teenager, but rather a reasonable look that would be good to me as I got older. That was my doctor's advice and I'm glad I took it. After roughly 2700 total grafts, all via strip surgeries, I finally had my scar filled in with 200 FUE grafts two days ago. My procedures were done very skillfully and with great care and forethought by a terrific surgeon who, thankfully, had a vision for me eleven years ago that I did not. You're 23 now, but in a blink of the eye, you'll be 33. Be careful not to sacrifice your future happiness with more instant gratification in your early twenties. Best of luck to you. One thing you have on your side is age. Hell, they could be doing hair cloning by the time you're my age!
  4. Thanks Maxxy. The travel pillow is a great idea and I'll be trying that tonight, if not for a nap this afternoon! I found some information as well as before and after photos of some procedures where FUE's were inserted into old donor scars, but not as much as I would have liked. I'd like to get a picture of the back of my head (two days post-op)in case anyone else on this forum is interested in tracking the progress. I've thoroughly enjoyed the many benefits of this site and would like to contribute a little.
  5. Hello, Two days ago, I had 200 FUE's put in to my four year old strip scar. So far, so good, but it's hard as heck to sleep because I don't want anything to touch or disrupt the grafts. The last two nights have been rough. How long before it's "safe" to sleep normal with the back of my head on the pillow? I'm open to any type of advice as well as opinion. Thanks.
  6. Hello, Two days ago, I had 200 FUE's put in to my four year old strip scar. So far, so good, but it's hard as heck to sleep because I don't want anything to touch or disrupt the grafts. The last two nights have been rough. How long before it's "safe" to sleep normal with the back of my head on the pillow? I'm open to any type of advice as well as opinion. Thanks.
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