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Everything posted by Cue

  1. Makes sense, thanks for the input guys! I'm on day 7 so just a few more days and I'll start doing light exercises that don't put any strain on the back of the head.
  2. Hey everyone, sorry if this is a stupid question but does excessive sweating have any damaging effects on grafts? I'm on day 6 now and can resume exercising. When I exercise, I'm one of those guys that sweat profusely (think Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter). I was thinking of using the stationary bike today but I was wondering if it was safe to do so considering how much I sweat.
  3. Hey everyone, sorry if this is a stupid question but does excessive sweating have any damaging effects on grafts? I'm on day 6 now and can resume exercising. When I exercise, I'm one of those guys that sweat profusely (think Patrick Ewing in the 4th quarter). I was thinking of using the stationary bike today but I was wondering if it was safe to do so considering how much I sweat.
  4. Hi Bill, the main reason for choosing 1800 grafts was due to a limited donor supply. When I saw first met Dr. Dorin at the consultation, he gave it to me straight and told me I didn't have enough of a donor supply to cover the entire bald areas, particularly the crown. So for this HT, he wanted to cover as much of the frontal hairline to bridge area as possible. We did discuss the possibility of doing another HT depending on how I felt about the hair growth in about a year. He also recommended I start propecia or rogaine so I can keep and if possible, regrow or thicken the hair I have now.
  5. This was my second HT, first one was with Gary Hitzig, which was a mistake. I really wish I knew about this forum before I went to him. More upsetting than the money lost is all the grafts he wasted. Just curious, has anyone here gone to Hitzig first and then to one of the coalition doctors? How were your results? Unlike Hitzig, Dr. Dorin was present for almost the duration of the procedure. The only aspect he wasn't involved in was the numbing of the donor area and recipient sites, which I expected to be the most painful part of the procedure, but it turned out to be pretty painless, equivalent to getting numbed up at the dentist. He cut the strip off the donor area himself, making a conscious effort to minimize as much scarring as possible. My case was a little complicated because Hitzig didn't do such a great job leaving the scar. In doing so, we only got 1800 grafts instead of the 2000 we were shooting for. He could've gone for the full 2000 but he didn't want to needlessly leave more scarring. That showed a lot of integrity on his part, he also refunded the money for the 200 grafts he didn't get. He also made the incisions in the recipient site himself and supervised his technicians when they were putting the grafts in. The whole procedure took 6 hours but it didn't feel like it. I felt tightness in the donor area the first two days but now it isn't so bad and I haven't had to take any of the prescribed painkillers today. I'm really glad I went to someone that not only is extremely skilled but also puts his patients first. Now I guess is the hardest part - waiting.
  6. Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum but not to the bald community. I'm 27 male, started losing my hair at 21. This is a really great resource, I really wish I knew about it before I had my first hair transplant at the end of 2007. I went to Dr. Hitzig and aside from a few strands that look pluggy, my hair looks pretty much the same, so the head full of hair he promised never materialized. It's been a year and no new hair so I've given up on the first transplant. I had a consultation with Dr. Bernstein today (based on how highly he's recommended on this site) and he's exactly the way people describe him here. He told me the issue with getting a second transplant is the best crop of hair is taken from the donor area for the first transplant, which is why I really regret going to Dr. Hitzig now. Dr. Bernstein didn't make any outlandish promises but he said he'll do the best he can with the hair in the remaining donor areas. He recommended 1500 grafts, which comes out to $9000. It's a little more than I can afford right now. I paid $3500 for the first one, now I know why it was so cheap compared to Bernstein. I know there are a couple of other Doctors in the NY area that are highly recommended - True, Feller, Epstein. Are their prices comparable? If they're drastically less, it'd be worth it for me to go to them but if they're about the same as Bernstein, I'll stick with Bernstein so I don't have to waste my time or any of the other doctors' time. Obviously in NY, especially Midtown Manhattan you're going to pay top dollar but how are the prices in other states from top surgeons?
  7. Hi everyone! I'm new to this forum but not to the bald community. I'm 27 male, started losing my hair at 21. This is a really great resource, I really wish I knew about it before I had my first hair transplant at the end of 2007. I went to Dr. Hitzig and aside from a few strands that look pluggy, my hair looks pretty much the same, so the head full of hair he promised never materialized. It's been a year and no new hair so I've given up on the first transplant. I had a consultation with Dr. Bernstein today (based on how highly he's recommended on this site) and he's exactly the way people describe him here. He told me the issue with getting a second transplant is the best crop of hair is taken from the donor area for the first transplant, which is why I really regret going to Dr. Hitzig now. Dr. Bernstein didn't make any outlandish promises but he said he'll do the best he can with the hair in the remaining donor areas. He recommended 1500 grafts, which comes out to $9000. It's a little more than I can afford right now. I paid $3500 for the first one, now I know why it was so cheap compared to Bernstein. I know there are a couple of other Doctors in the NY area that are highly recommended - True, Feller, Epstein. Are their prices comparable? If they're drastically less, it'd be worth it for me to go to them but if they're about the same as Bernstein, I'll stick with Bernstein so I don't have to waste my time or any of the other doctors' time. Obviously in NY, especially Midtown Manhattan you're going to pay top dollar but how are the prices in other states from top surgeons?
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