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Posts posted by bayscholar

  1. It is also possible that you had some nerve endings cut while your strip was removed-donor region(assuming you did not get Fue). So as you regain felling in those donor areas, you are going to notice a more pronounced "itch" that's what happened for me, meaning you did not feel it as much pervious as you did not have as much feeling or sensitivity. As far as Aloe goes just make sure it is 99-100%, like "Lilly's of the desert" is 99.9% aloe and worked very well to cool my scar and help with itch during some of the hot summer months. So yes it is very normal what you are experiencing, both in donor and recipient areas just don't scratch rub if you have to but don't pick or scratch as it will not help you any.

  2. lol, not my point...but I think N23 was really making good point on the other forum thread about AAmiri, I just felt it came across as premeditated towards that clinic..not sincere as it could seem. I feel he is being extremely helpful and it would hammer his point home better that's all...not a general rule for post, just between me and n23 (and it seems you got my point)regarding to those individual who don't need a ht i.e any one 19-23NW1-2..in my opinion icon_biggrin.gif

  3. While I almost completely agree, I would only like it mentioned that again we are making these assumptions based on non-definitive photos. As for the case on hlh forum with 5k being placed in the first 1/3, yes that is pushing the envelope IN MY OPINION but I don't think you stated that enough N23... sounded like definitive answers not just opinions...just saying you are walking a thin line be careful. Your post say all the right things ( I believe a hlh member followed up your questioning with.. I wan't to do the same thing so why is it bad?-you answer may help save him) ...just think you would be more affective if you watch your tone or state it as your OPINION more definitively.


    Any how your fighting the good fight

  4. Mark H,


    Liked your blog funny "whatever bakes your cake"....never heard that saying but will add to the list (previously stopped at whatever floats your boat). Any how Pat is right...long walk across the desert awaits you brother...I know I thought I found water a couple of times already icon_smile.gif .


    Good growth to you

  5. London_lad,


    I too made the switch to avodart(1.5months before my HT with Dr.H). I can tell you it has worked better for me in the crown then propecia, much better really. By the way you are a freak mate 5760 multihairs that is a blessing from the donor gods..congrats on possibly the best ht to date icon_cool.gif ..sorry I think I came down with the assumption bug on Friday and can't shake it yet, same cold that b-spot got I think...I have read a ton of his post and his intentions and post are good..(%error)


    cheers (I need that cool beer icon bushy has in some of his post).

  6. I feel I unintentionally fueled this threads debate based on an incorrect assumption(made viewing 5pics on hlh, again pics alone are not enough), I owe it to LL to say sorry for the mess. He did not in fact have a 35cm strip as I posted early on in the thread, he had 30cm strip.. shorter then my own. Good growth to you LL you visited one of the best clinics in th world.


    In regards to my Fue statement, I was simply trying to offer my own thinking and planing in case of (%error) as a method to help camouflage a strip scar.. As your temporal region recedes you theoretically should be able to assist coverage in that area cosmetically speaking via fue, as a fire extinguisher of sorts...doing so if and only if you are part of the % error that affect every type of business Doctor profession etc nothing in life is 100% but death and taxes.

  7. Landen,


    Again there is a lot of information we are speculating about in regards to this case...so while it may not be a moot point, we don't have enough info to answer right or wrong...your opinion is given in your response, as is mine. Being as neither of us is a Doctor (unless you are, then my apologies) I still feel that it is a doctor patient decision. .Simply not enough info for us to conclude based of photos. And being that you have a tendency to try to polarize a topic I will leave it at that.

  8. I don't disagree that you could go 3-4 times as troy is suggesting, but don't forget that means four times the down time (4 years of your life vs one. he is 27 so he will look amazing by 28 vs 33)...Also your best growth % comes in your first HT and diminishes slightly each time there after...So I think there is no conclusive right or wrong answer... it is a patient doctor decision to make, in this case I believe it will work well...could he have taken the rest of his twenties hiding in a hat taking each ht nice and slow, sure he could (slow and steady wins the race), but this guy will not have to wait much at all. If needed he can visit Dr.Feller and fue the final 2cm of the scar on both sides in one lunch time fue session if he has temple recession so I think that is a mute point personally.

  9. Yes it is normal, you just have fluid trapped in your face that is slowly moving down and out...If you want to speed the process up, try sleeping at 45degrees lazy boy chair style it will help. And brain storm what you are going to tell people in advance so you are calm and composed at work. You have made a decision to improve your looks now you have to deal with some of the minor bumps on the road to success be positive it's the best thing for you and will be fine.

  10. Guys with all do respect, if you just look at their results with 6k+ patients it will rest most of your fears. I do not agree that Dr.Hasson jeopardized this patients safe zone, I do think he may have maxed it out some...and if that means a full head of hair in 6-8months this guy will be beyond jubilant with out a need for crown work in the future (he could keep what he has left in his donor region for touch ups every 5-10years). Is the Bobman approach better, again that could be a point of argument... but was has to be remembered is that this same discussion circled around his near 5K session 4 years ago...again I agree B-spot larger sessions do have more strain on everything from grafts, scar width, to crucial execution done by techs working on the patient for so many hours. However with that said, I personally had Jody and Rebecca (same techs worked on this patient) place my grafts I will say they are second to none, I remember asking Jody how she could do such detailed work so patiently with the same steps every time, she told me this job is for those that are passionate to help people enough said (she was telling me this at 8pm night of my ht), I can not overstate the team at HW. I called that night of this procedure to bother them with endless question on shampoo's to you name it (they are good people that always have time to answer my question and see how I am progressing) and sure enough everyone was at the office at 8pm working. To a man you could feel the excitement in the air for this guy, not because they wanted a record number of grafts (which I think this is 2nd highest) but because they love what they do, helping people overcome hair loss. Again may be I am biased because Dr.Hasson was my doctor and I think the world of him and his staff, but if a guy has that kind of laxity and density he should have more grafts in the bank, so maybe he is a freak, lets face it only a select few have touched 6-7k+ with HW though Joe could more accurately answer this as I am just making an educated guess.

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