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Everything posted by BackOfTheNet

  1. I found Courve better because i use gel sprays and Dermatch run when it got wet, probably due to some chemicals in the gel. Dont think lights make any difference.
  2. Hi Bill, thanks for the reply. Did you use any gels or other styling products? I think thats what made it run. Maybe they had chemicals in them similar to shampoo's but i do need to use the gel spray. Do you have any recommendations? Thanks
  3. Hi, newbie here. I've read around the forum, inparticular the Dermatch thread and would like to ask a few questions. First of all, i've used Courve or Dermatch, along with Toppik over he past 3 years. I play a lot of sport and i'm worried that it will run due to getting wet or sweating. I use hair gel that does thicken the hair and one time i got caught in the rain and the Dermatch run down my forehead, as did the courve but nowhere near as much. As i now play football a lot and have to head the ball, is there any product that wont come off due to heading the ball (with wet or dry hair) Thanks for any advice.
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