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Everything posted by Jinny

  1. Thanks for the advice Bill as usual, quick to respond and sound advice, I will take note and speak to the surgeon regarding donar area Franklin, we have been to Margarita (venezuala) and didn't have to take maleria tablets as we weren't going into the Amazon, I too was surprised about the maleria tablets, were going to a resort in Bavario and its a large resort (punta Cana)right on the beach, no-where near a jungle !! - I suppose when the doc tells you that maleria is quite bad in Dom Rep, you take note of all the precautions - having had all the jabs and knowing friends that have taken the tablets and been really sick with them, I'm a bit sceptical, and certainly reading some of the side effects (such as loss of hair) !! Blimey, wish he'd done his usual now and booked for Skegness !! Thanks all - Happy new hair (oops I mean year) ha ha
  2. Hi there guys, sorry I've been out of touch for so long - Brummie girl here - my computer has been in surgery for months now, but has come out of the trauma and recoved at long last, so back on-line! Great to be back and see all that has gone one since I last posted. I'm almost 9 months since HT and although not as much coverage as I'd hoped, its better than before which I should be grateful for., just the growing game at the moment, looks a little like a ducks quiff!! I'm considering going it again, one last time and have two questions 1. Its our anniversary soon and hubby has treated me to a holiday - trouble is we should take maleria tablets and the leaflet says one of the side effects is hair loss! no way, I'd rather get maleria ! any ideas or any suggestions, were going to a complex in Dom Rep do malaria tablets really make you lose your hair? 2. 2nd HT, how long should I wait, and is there a limit to how much a surgeon can take from doner area? Originally if you can remember I had just 1000 grafts and now the sides are really patchy (thin) and I think having that little bit more on top makes it look worse, I'd like to have the sides done and a little more on top just for coverage really., but not sure if that means taking too much donar hair as the 1000 grafts took a whole strip from the back - can they do more? I've asked you guys also on the private message forum, but wasn't sure what I was doing there or how I got there, so have posted here too - you were very helpful to me when I first had surgery and I of course would welcome your advice xx lol Brummie girl xx
  3. Hi, there, me again, Brummy girl, HT on 10th March, and still a little pink and itchy, some hairs determined to stay, but I know it needs to fall out before signs of growing will start. I have a question though, how long should I have to wait before I can dye my hair, being a natural brunnet with grey highlights (Joke) I usually colour my hair about 3 times a year, obviously I haven't had it done for over 2 months now and you can really tell - its bad enough that I have a bald patch right at the front now which I try desperately to hide, but grey !!!! Any advice as always is welcome,
  4. Hi, there, me again, Brummy girl, HT on 10th March, and still a little pink and itchy, some hairs determined to stay, but I know it needs to fall out before signs of growing will start. I have a question though, how long should I have to wait before I can dye my hair, being a natural brunnet with grey highlights (Joke) I usually colour my hair about 3 times a year, obviously I haven't had it done for over 2 months now and you can really tell - its bad enough that I have a bald patch right at the front now which I try desperately to hide, but grey !!!! Any advice as always is welcome,
  5. Thank you all for your kind advice, does feel awful at the mo, specially being back at work and feeling like everyone is lookin at my head & thinkin blimey she's losing her hair - shame !! (no-one know's thank god)so hopefully soon these will be feelings of the past. Spex, I tried Aloe Vera, but it set like concrete on my head and as I have some fair length hairs of my own,(not many now) I frightened the kidz ! they said I looked like him off the telly with the 3 strands covering the whole head (ha) so I'm now trying Emu Oil (which I read about on the forum) its very greasy but doesn't set ! so I'll let you all know how I get on with it. Can't wait to get MY first hair cut Bill, bet its a pleasure now to go to the hairdressers, its been a nightmare for me for years, especially being a woman, there's always a young professional with full head of hair asking how I'd like the front backcombed to cover the baldness!!, and giving you that 'oh my god what am I going to do with this' look - thanks but just cut my bloody hair please!! (only think this by the way, I'm not usually rude) and thanks Chucky, (might have guessed you'd use the old northern twang)p.s. son in law not too keen on becoming a West Brom Fan (ha) Thanks to you too PGP - I will be patient, but its very hard - had to grab for the mouse and the hair dryer today in an effort to look human, first day back at work !! You all take care, love talking to you, feels like a little family all of my own, even if one of them is a Sunderland fan !!
  6. Bill, how can I thank you - I was getting scared to shampoo any more thinking that by being too cautious, I was now being too rough - I really appreciate the time you take to reply to not only me, but everyone on this forum who comes across a dilema !! I still have quite a few tiny hairs (from the graphs) I'm assuming these will fall out over the next few weeks - mind you, I swear I've less hair at the front now than I had before, very difficult to cover up ! Your advice as always, much appreciated, I'll sit back and wait then now, soon to look like a hairy monster (bring it on !!).... well a thinner version You take care, and keep up the good work, I'm sure everyone appreciates your experiences lol Brummie Girl xx
  7. Hi Bill, hope your well, I'm at day 15 now, and having read all your info on scabs etc., have been shampooing like there's no tomorrow - however, now I'm scared, coz in the bath are what looks like grains of rice with a hair going through it and popping out at both ends ! have I been too rough?? I was concerned that I still had a scabby head after 14 days (not pretty) so read and read and realised I was probably one of those who were too scared to shampoo early so left it quite late and just poured water over my head, now I think the crusts are taking away the grafts - have I been too cautious and now I'm paying the price?? please help, the comments and experience from all you HT experts are worth more to me than any doctors opinion once HT has been performed I await your expert advice (nervousely)xx Brummy girl
  8. Hi Bill, hope your well, I'm at day 15 now, and having read all your info on scabs etc., have been shampooing like there's no tomorrow - however, now I'm scared, coz in the bath are what looks like grains of rice with a hair going through it and popping out at both ends ! have I been too rough?? I was concerned that I still had a scabby head after 14 days (not pretty) so read and read and realised I was probably one of those who were too scared to shampoo early so left it quite late and just poured water over my head, now I think the crusts are taking away the grafts - have I been too cautious and now I'm paying the price?? please help, the comments and experience from all you HT experts are worth more to me than any doctors opinion once HT has been performed I await your expert advice (nervousely)xx Brummy girl
  9. Thanks Chucky, much appreciated - Sunderland supporter ay?? - my son-in-law is a Jordie I think that's up the toons !! (not that that means anything to me!) I won't tell him though tee hee xx
  10. Wow, thanks for this. suddenly realise your not alone don't you !! - Hairthere - thanks for the product list, I will defo try some of them and let you know. Chucky, sorry I don't have the luxury of a digital camera so no photo's I'm afraid, which is a shame as I won't be able to see what it used to be like (although I'll never forget) the link you left me was brilliant, lots of questions answered for me on there regarding the redness etc., Details of surgery though, I had strip procedure and they could only get 1000 from it as my hair is already very fine - surgery was not as bad as I thought it was going to be (terrified actually) just felt like a plank of wood had been hammered to the back of my head. Had my stitches out today, bit sore but nothing unbearable - have trouble sleeping though, can't seem to find a comfy spot even with a neck cushion like you suggested. Just to say though Dr Rogers and his team made me feel welcome and they were quite chatty, seems that they don't get many women having the procedure, Dr Rogers said about 1 per month - I don't see many women on here either so I appreciate you guys takin the time to answer my questions - don't suppose any of you use a hairdryer??? still not sure how long I can leave it before I'll have it in my hand !! thanks you lot - luv Brummie girl !!
  11. Although I'm a new member to the forum, I've been reading the comments for months - I'm now on day 7 of my HT, a lady with her mothers hair line (thanks mom) had my surgery in Stratford with Dr Rogers, I don't see many comments here regarding him, but so far so good -I would like to ask a question though, I need desperatly to go back to work, I work in an office so a hat is out of the question - could anyone tell me how long the redness goes from the scalp? having my stitches out on Wednesday so hopefully I'll be shampooing properly (without the aid of the jug !!) I also need to know when I can start using my hairdryer, there's no way I could go to work looking the way I do at the moment, frontal area very scabby and red, not easy to hide without major mousse !! thanks for listening, should have joined long ago and got a few experienced answers before jumping in but I just couldn't wait any longer xx
  12. Although I'm a new member to the forum, I've been reading the comments for months - I'm now on day 7 of my HT, a lady with her mothers hair line (thanks mom) had my surgery in Stratford with Dr Rogers, I don't see many comments here regarding him, but so far so good -I would like to ask a question though, I need desperatly to go back to work, I work in an office so a hat is out of the question - could anyone tell me how long the redness goes from the scalp? having my stitches out on Wednesday so hopefully I'll be shampooing properly (without the aid of the jug !!) I also need to know when I can start using my hairdryer, there's no way I could go to work looking the way I do at the moment, frontal area very scabby and red, not easy to hide without major mousse !! thanks for listening, should have joined long ago and got a few experienced answers before jumping in but I just couldn't wait any longer xx
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