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Lucky Locs

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Everything posted by Lucky Locs

  1. Thanks Bill for that link...very helpful indeed! I'm gonna print that one out! My inquiry though was questions to ask for the online consult- I dont want to come across as a rube, or too knowledgeable- that way i feel i can get a fair assessment back from the HT docs. Oh, and how many pix and which pix do i send for the online consult? Thanks- I'm going to return to my chili rellano burrito now (did that get Gorpy's attention?) <grin>
  2. Thanks 40- i looked at a lot of threds on the boards, but couldn't find anything of that nature. It would be a great help to me and us other newbies!
  3. Out of respect to the many fine HT docs in this coalition, I'm having a bit of difficulty determining which type of questions would be appropiate to ask on the forum here without setting up an unintentional adversarial "he's better than she is" discussion. I've PM'ed pat some of these type questions and am waiting to here his answwrs to those questions and whether they would be proper to post on the forum. A couple of questions that should be okay though are: One of the docs I;m HIGHLY considering based on some input here doesn't have a website- hence no way one can view photos or anything else about his work or practice- how would y'all proceed with that? Some people do not have the funds to travel around North America to do in-person consults. If a potential client had a list of 6 docs around the country, but financially can only see 3, what is the best way to give the other three a "fair shake" of me possibly being their patient? What is the protocol on the forum here with contacting other members who have had an HT to meet in person? (there are3 members here i would really love to talk to, based on thier posts and geographical area!) Is it standard for all of the coalition doctors to make available (based on scheduling, of course) other HT patients that a potential new client can meet? Thanks!
  4. Out of respect to the many fine HT docs in this coalition, I'm having a bit of difficulty determining which type of questions would be appropiate to ask on the forum here without setting up an unintentional adversarial "he's better than she is" discussion. I've PM'ed pat some of these type questions and am waiting to here his answwrs to those questions and whether they would be proper to post on the forum. A couple of questions that should be okay though are: One of the docs I;m HIGHLY considering based on some input here doesn't have a website- hence no way one can view photos or anything else about his work or practice- how would y'all proceed with that? Some people do not have the funds to travel around North America to do in-person consults. If a potential client had a list of 6 docs around the country, but financially can only see 3, what is the best way to give the other three a "fair shake" of me possibly being their patient? What is the protocol on the forum here with contacting other members who have had an HT to meet in person? (there are3 members here i would really love to talk to, based on thier posts and geographical area!) Is it standard for all of the coalition doctors to make available (based on scheduling, of course) other HT patients that a potential new client can meet? Thanks!
  5. As I am ready to start sending off emails and pix for online consults- I was wandering if the forum vets here had some ideas for a generalized set of questions that one should ask in that initial email- perhaps with the forum's input, we can develop a standard set of questions to ask the HT's, so when we get out consults back, we can review for differences and consistencies before further consults, Whatcha all think? Good idea?
  6. As I am ready to start sending off emails and pix for online consults- I was wandering if the forum vets here had some ideas for a generalized set of questions that one should ask in that initial email- perhaps with the forum's input, we can develop a standard set of questions to ask the HT's, so when we get out consults back, we can review for differences and consistencies before further consults, Whatcha all think? Good idea?
  7. whoops- the photo remark was meant for Gorpy...
  8. Folica- thanks for the input- this is what i'm seeking out here on the forum, knowing full well that these opinions are opinions, and not medical advice, as your tag line says... Could you elaborate moer on what you mean by a "tricky" hairline? NN- you should've seen the 1st set of pix i was gonna post- my friend and I figured out how to reduce pixel size so we could actually post the pix on the forum and not be poster-sized! perhaps you could PM me with some photo taking tips? I'd be morethan happy to trade some Mexican restaurant tips in the bay area i return... Bill, did u get my last PM from last nite with the (hopefully) more helpful pic? to other forum members- please feel free to check in with your thoughts, wisdom, nuggets of advice, etc. on my pix here in this thread- as i am now ready to contact docs, i want to be fully armed with as much info as possible! Thanks!
  9. Thanks NN- I've actually done the bulk of my research already- have been lurking on this site for a while now (enough to now that May was an "interesting" month on this board!), and am now trying to fine tune, and get some general feedback and stray qestions out of the way- i figured it was time to post the pix and get veteran board member opinions, so when i start emailing this week, i can have some idea of what to expect in the replies back. Based on my pix guys, am i an NW3? would a guesstimate of about 2000 grafts for a mature hairline be right? and will that mature hairline fill in the widows peaks? Adding another pic of top of head ( i think this was the shot Bill was looking for)
  10. OK...by the time Bill and i finish, he will have the whole roll of film! I sent him a left profile shot via PM, now i will attempt the overhead shot... I am also eagerly awaiting other members evaluations as well (especially B spot and umm..the Density guy?)The thread Nervous Nelly started today was also of great interest to me (ie, sparse donor area). Is this the "money shot" you were looking for Bill?
  11. ok- i can tell you so far in my peretty lengthy (though not as much as some of u vets on here!) research, I've only come across one doc (not a coalition member) who requested that- hence why I found it odd to say the least... your guess is a good one, as i would understand that- as i said, it was odd only one doc has asked for that...found it a bit fishy.
  12. Yay! a reply! at least i know i can post- now to figure out the PM thing (did u recevie mine Fal? if you replied, how would i find it?) I've actually narrowed my HT docs list down thanks to all the helpful info here- now its moved on to an Olympic scoring system with how i will pick my doc... top- down...hmm i think i understand..all pix u will see were taken today 7/16/07. Is this pic better for analysis?
  13. good to know- though i have an odd question regarding the labs: Why is an HIV test asked for if I'm getting an HT?
  14. Hi- I've been reading this site for a bit now- all i can say is WOW- great insight, fantastic info, stimulating fu's errrr...i mean information! With all the new info I've aquired here, my head is about ready to explode (save the donor area!) I've got loads of questions and comments on many of the different threads here- along with worries and concerns ( not good for the remaining fu's- those fu's should concern thmeselves with the potential shockloss!). It seems one of the proper ways to "introduce" themselves here is stats/pics..so here goes: 42 WM, family history almost unknown, very fine hair, possibly coarse, always have worn it "buzz cuttish" short (# 2 razor, have the salt n pepper on the sides. Looking to fix via HT: I have always hated my widow's peaks..I have a very high forehead, and it has only gotten worse over the years..while taking pix for this site, i came across a rude surprise: my vrown is almost bare (what kind friends i have for not mentioning it to me!)..the crown i can wait on or even live with- it's the front area that i want to improve. I hope this opening post of mine was a good intro and not too winded- like our hiar wishes, i tend to pack a lot of density into my posts! Hopefully the pic will attach properly- I ththinkink I'm a NW 3- but am not sure, hence why I'm looking to get feedback from this forum. Thanks for your comments Lucky
  15. Hi- I've been reading this site for a bit now- all i can say is WOW- great insight, fantastic info, stimulating fu's errrr...i mean information! With all the new info I've aquired here, my head is about ready to explode (save the donor area!) I've got loads of questions and comments on many of the different threads here- along with worries and concerns ( not good for the remaining fu's- those fu's should concern thmeselves with the potential shockloss!). It seems one of the proper ways to "introduce" themselves here is stats/pics..so here goes: 42 WM, family history almost unknown, very fine hair, possibly coarse, always have worn it "buzz cuttish" short (# 2 razor, have the salt n pepper on the sides. Looking to fix via HT: I have always hated my widow's peaks..I have a very high forehead, and it has only gotten worse over the years..while taking pix for this site, i came across a rude surprise: my vrown is almost bare (what kind friends i have for not mentioning it to me!)..the crown i can wait on or even live with- it's the front area that i want to improve. I hope this opening post of mine was a good intro and not too winded- like our hiar wishes, i tend to pack a lot of density into my posts! Hopefully the pic will attach properly- I ththinkink I'm a NW 3- but am not sure, hence why I'm looking to get feedback from this forum. Thanks for your comments Lucky
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