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Posts posted by omy

  1. The donor harvesting looks like it could be covered up with the patients hair while healing . Pretty nice being able to go around without having the whole donor shaved down . A big plus if you have to be back at work soon after the procedure .

    Can you harvest from the same areas if the remaining donor hair density is real thick ? Nice results in the recipient area as well .Looks totally natural .

  2. Hi Gunnar, I would say that the right side has gotten a little better not so much on the left side . It is still pretty red and I need to keep the hair long to hide it . I feel the hairs above the scar are a little like stubble . My instincts tell me that the right side will turn out better . I have had some stretchback . The healing takes time so I will wait and see what the next few months bring .

  3. Good luck with the revision . Keep us posted . If you get a chance can you describe what the acell procedure is like . Is it a liquid injection or a powder etc ... On your scar the smaller strip had the double layer sutures or did the main one have them ? Dr Cooley has some of the best looking results .(yours included) and he is a stand up guy I think you will have a excellent result .

  4. I have experienced a lot of irritation from Kirkland Minoxidil . I diluted it with some alcohol and the itch subsided a great deal . I think it is the Propylene glycol % . I used to use regular minox from Dr Lee and the Propylene glycol% was lower and did nor itch too much .


    I just purchased some spectral dnc minoxidil creme . It is light brown and dries quick . I notice no itching .It is pricey but it should last a long time at once a day applications .


    Has anyone ever tried this stuff ?

  5. I am experiencing donor shock loss as well . I noticed it the first week post op and now at around 2 months I have about a 1 inch gap at the donor . My hair is almost 3" long but you can still see bare skin through it in the back . I am pretty confident it will grow back . I never had it before . Lots of hairs dropping in the sink .

    I feel once the redness lessens it wont be as visible .

  6. It depends on the size of the punch used . If it is between 1-1.5 mm it will heal sooner and the redness will fade over a month or two . It also depends on an individuals healing characteristics . Bigger punch = more trauma=longer healing . For punching out some unsightly 3 hair grafts I would think the redness would fade in about a month or two on my own scalp .

  7. 1982UK It looks like you are growing very well . I like your results at this stage for the number of grafts and the area covered . I think it will still improve over the months to come . Honestly if you said this was a 12 months post op result I would still be happy . You have a lot of new hair for 3500 grafts at 7 months .


    I read the section on quality control on the Dr's site and was very impressed with his statments regarding staffing . This is a reality in all of the medical field . Staffing more than the number of techs needed is really thoughtful and proactive on his part . Fatigue and people calling in sick can affect how people work .I have never read that type of quality control description before . Good job .

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