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Everything posted by marcus6838

  1. I guesss what scares me is that there can be lost grafts without bleeding if they are single grafts. The one I lost was a larger one (3 or 4). That's why there was so much bleeding. On the single hair grafts, the bulbs are much thinner, thus, less or no bleeding. I think I might have picked 1 or 2 in the front and dislodged them. I saw the thin bulb. I know. I'M AN IDIOT! But they were driving me nuts! HOwever, after the major bleeding incident, I was much more careful. Thanks for your response.
  2. I was six days post H/T, driving home from work, talking on my cell. The scabs (one in particular) were driving me crazy. So I picked. Very bad move! As I dislodged the scab (which I practically did not feel because of the shock loss) all of the sudden I felt a warm ooze down my face. I quickly hung up and realized that blood was pooring all over me. My shirt was drenched (this is while I'm doing 85 in the left lane). I was lucky enough to have had a role of paper towels in the car. I quickly tore of a couple of sheets and applied it with pressure to my scalp. Within a couple of minutes the paper towels were completely soaked with blood. After a couple of more minutes the bleeding stopped. Blood was everywhere. I did not expect this from a harmless pick. After all this I still had the bulb lodged in my finger nail. It was nasty and pretty thick! Moral of the story - DON'T PICK!!!!
  3. I was six days post H/T, driving home from work, talking on my cell. The scabs (one in particular) were driving me crazy. So I picked. Very bad move! As I dislodged the scab (which I practically did not feel because of the shock loss) all of the sudden I felt a warm ooze down my face. I quickly hung up and realized that blood was pooring all over me. My shirt was drenched (this is while I'm doing 85 in the left lane). I was lucky enough to have had a role of paper towels in the car. I quickly tore of a couple of sheets and applied it with pressure to my scalp. Within a couple of minutes the paper towels were completely soaked with blood. After a couple of more minutes the bleeding stopped. Blood was everywhere. I did not expect this from a harmless pick. After all this I still had the bulb lodged in my finger nail. It was nasty and pretty thick! Moral of the story - DON'T PICK!!!!
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