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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. In other words after showering you get raised white bumps around the base of certain grafts...correct? The bumps are about the size of a grain of rice or maybe alittle smaller. I am curious about other peoples experiences and whether this is normal or dangerous to the grafts. I am about 11 days post op now and almost all of the scabs have come off. I no longer get the white swelling either but it was pretty pronounced through day 5.
  2. Newbie question here, After washing my hair after my recent transplant many of the transplanted hairs seemed to be surrounded by a white noodle like sheath that was elevated off the level of the skin. Through subsequent washings this white sheath hardened and became yellow and crusty. My question is this. Did everyone experience this when washing the grafted area? Were these white noodle like sheaths elevated grafts? And if so how do I know if important organs like the sebaceous glands werent crusted up on these grafts and then flaked away? Thanks
  3. I am a pretty active person who keeps in good shape but recently about 4 months ago I started to take Propecia and within the last few months my physique has gone through some pretty radical changes. My diet and exercise routine has stayed pretty much the same but I have dropped around 25 pounds in a few months, become very defined (cut) and veiny, and lost almost all body fat. Is this a side effect that anyone else has experienced. Is it changing my hormones in some way to make my body react like this? Thanks
  4. I am a pretty active person who keeps in good shape but recently about 4 months ago I started to take Propecia and within the last few months my physique has gone through some pretty radical changes. My diet and exercise routine has stayed pretty much the same but I have dropped around 25 pounds in a few months, become very defined (cut) and veiny, and lost almost all body fat. Is this a side effect that anyone else has experienced. Is it changing my hormones in some way to make my body react like this? Thanks
  5. Here is the day one picture: Thanks for responding Does it look like they shaved the front of my head with a razor pre-op? What are al those small little hairs. I have no recollection of them mentioning this or even doing it though. WOuld this be standard procedure?
  6. Actually I need to edit that. I just checked the date on those photos again. The after photo is actually only 4 days post op. That is too early to experience shock loss, no? I would figure that four days post op, and no shock loss I should be looking alot fuller with 1600 grafts up front but I dont.
  7. Hello all, I recently had a hairline procedure of around 1600 grafts done with one of this networks recommended doctors. The results by day four however are quite disheartening mainly because it looks like I have a hair dust around my head and one can see clearly through to the scalp. Please look at the before and after photos and let me know if you believe 1600 grafts were truly placed because with the sparse coverage I have now up front and the relatively small area to be covered I have my doubts. You can use the relatively few hairs up front at what used to be my widows peak as a reference to hairline etc. Is this as good as it is going to get? Or will things thicken up? I will be bringing up my concerns regarding this procedure at the end of the week but I wanted your input here first to to see if you all think I am being irrational. Thank you all
  8. Hi all, I am 6 days post op and I have a quick question regarding what I should be seeing on top of my head. I will try to upload a picture if I can get the camera to work. Anyways, alll blood is gone however everytime that I wash (which I do very quickly using a cup of soapy water followed by a rinse over my head) The grafts seem to swell up and become white noodles. Six days post op this still happens when I wash yet an hour or so later the noodles become hard and dry like little small grains of rice all over my head. The hairs are still all present they just have what looks like a dried part o the shaft attached to the bottom. Is this normal? Thank you all.
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