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Everything posted by DaiVernon

  1. here's another five month pic. Note:there is gel in my hair
  2. You look great, Joe. Im five months post op with Dr. Feller. Like you Joe, I'm extremely satisfied with Dr. Feller's work. His staff is equally amazing. Here is a five month shot taken today. I had just a tad bit more hair than you when I started. Note: there is a bit of gel in my hair
  3. and another Note: The shaved area in the back is where im currantly having some fue work done
  4. the full effect [This message was edited by DaiVernon on December 09, 2003 at 03:41 PM.]
  5. Here's another. That visible bald spot in the back is where Im currantly having work done, so it was ahsved for the procedure.
  6. i had 2100 grafts placed in the front by Dr. Feller in July. Comments are welcome. Keep in mind I had about 200 whispy hairs up front before my transplant. I'll try and post some Pre-transplant photos soon Note: There is gel in my hair. [This message was edited by DaiVernon on December 08, 2003 at 02:11 PM.] [This message was edited by DaiVernon on December 08, 2003 at 03:05 PM.]
  7. i had 2100 grafts placed in the front by Dr. Feller in July. Comments are welcome. Keep in mind I had about 200 whispy hairs up front before my transplant. I'll try and post some Pre-transplant photos soon Note: There is gel in my hair. [This message was edited by DaiVernon on December 08, 2003 at 02:11 PM.] [This message was edited by DaiVernon on December 08, 2003 at 03:05 PM.]
  8. L-Lysine is an amino acid suppliment that promotes, among other things, healthy hair. I've heard that used in conjunction with Rogaine or Propecia, that it strenghens the benefits of these drugs. I'd like to hop on Propecia myself, and probably will very soon.
  9. I'm real excited. You must take month to month photos of yourself in order to gage progress. I thought I had made little progress until I compared these pics. I couldn't believe my eyes. Recently, I'm noticing a PART down the middle beginning to form. I haven't anything close to a part in years. Dr. Feller and his staff really hooked me up! People say the the most dramatic changes come during my next two upcoming months (4 thru 6). I cannot wait. What work did you have done, ts808? Also, are you using Rogaine? You should be. I also take 2000 mg of l-lysine, daily [This message was edited by DaiVernon on November 24, 2003 at 09:33 AM.]
  10. as a contrast...here I am at three months...look how much grew in only one month!
  11. here is a shot at four months...keep in mind I had about 200 hairs on the front third of my head before Dr. Feller. Sorry about the zit! ugh!
  12. yes I do have pics..will post them soon [This message was edited by DaiVernon on November 23, 2003 at 12:16 PM.]
  13. I can also vouch for Doctor Feller's work. He placed 2100 grafts back in july. No one suspects a transplant...it looks so natural...and I'm only 4 months post op.
  14. I am 4 months post op with Dr. Feller. Both him and his staff perfomed a great job on me. 2100 grafts were placed in the front and top of my head. My growth to date has been exceptional, and my scar healed perfectly. Make an appointment and ask your questions. Dr. Feller is a good guy who really cares about his work.
  15. Hi there, I cannnot recommended Dr. Feller highly enough. Back in July, Dr' Feller and his staff placed 2100 grafts in the front portion of my head. The procedure was absolutely pain free, my redness went away in a couple of weeks, and the scar healed perfectly. I'm very happy to report that at only four months, my growth has been amazing. The hairline is filling in, and is undetectable and natural. I have pics over at Hair loss Help if you would like to take a look. I was very nervous going in. Dr. Feller eased my worries and proved himself to be an honorable doctor. I intend on going back for work on the crown in the near future. You're in good hands. Good luck
  16. I had 2100 grafts placed in the front portion of my head back in july (that is four months ago). Dr. Feller and his staff were great. The procedure was painless and the healing time was remarkable. Within three weeks most if not all of the redness was gone. AT four months, I'm happy to report excellent growth, of course the best is yet to come, but I'm amazed at how much I've gotten so far. Dr. Feller is a no nonsense guy who tells it like it is. The hairline he created for me is indetectable. Highly recommended!
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