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Posts posted by Rockwell

  1. The Boom Headshot was a joke because I was taking a PIC of the top of my head.You muat be a CS player:P I play AA the best game of all.


    Troy- I am going to Dr. Konier in Chicago to have my TP done. It's been a 4 month wait since he only does 1 per day.

  2. From what your photos look like we are similar in the front frolock area.However, your's seems to look like you had more hair loss in the top middle area then I curentley have. I also noticed you had some work done by your sideburns and by looking at that area on my head I think the only focus area will be on the front 1/3 of my forlock.


    What I really wanted was 2500 FU transplanted but he indicated that I might not be needing that much.When he asked me what my goal was I told him I wanted my old James Dean hairline:P



    I will post a pic of my head this week so you can judge it yourself. My girlfriend cant beleve how good your hair looks :P


    Peace dude

  3. I just found out that I was on the NW 4 scale of hairloss. My question is do you think 2000 Follicular Units

    would cover the top forlock without it looking thin? I do have some hair on top but I was told that the chances of shockloss with the hair I curentley had would be lost.The real question is 2000 FU is this alot?

    What does 2000 FU = 2000 hairs inplanted? I should of asked this question but I had alot on my mind at the time I meet the DR.



  4. I just found out that I was on the NW 4 scale of hairloss. My question is do you think 2000 Follicular Units

    would cover the top forlock without it looking thin? I do have some hair on top but I was told that the chances of shockloss with the hair I curentley had would be lost.The real question is 2000 FU is this alot?

    What does 2000 FU = 2000 hairs inplanted? I should of asked this question but I had alot on my mind at the time I meet the DR.



  5. Originally posted by headofhair:

    After 2 sessions, my head is covered with hair and I am very satisfied however, I wish it could be thicker on top.


    In comparison to be being bald it is 10000% better however it is not as thick as it was when i was in my early 20's.


    Has anyone had a hair transplant (or 2 or 3 ..) and the final result has been good coverage and thick hair that completely covers the scalp?


    PS I've posted this on my own forum and others as well as it's a question I've never had answered.



    Dude, you need to stay out of the mirror and stop looking at your hair icon_smile.gif From what I seen b4 and after your hair looks great and it does not look thin at all. You look like a different person with hair and I can only hope I have as much success as you did.Be proud of what you have because it looks great!

  6. First off with my hair loss I am only looking at 2000 / 2500 grafs. Future hairloss is a part of life! Now if I can keep what I have for another 10 years I am a happy man.No I did not see them in person but the questions I see them asking is everything I am going through.


    I have learned a lot from this site and I am greatfull. Now if I did not find this site I think I would be feeling somewhat like you.

  7. All my options have been considered and with the support I been getting on the forms this has only helped me bridge my gap once and for all.It sounds like you got a bad deal on your TP but keep this in mind " anything can be fixed" Your hair cant look that bad dude and if it does get another TP. Some of the PIC's I see on this site of all the hair TP look great and I can only hope mine turns out as good as the rest of the members here. And if for some reason it doesn't I am ready to deal with whatever comes my way.It's a chance you take in order to restore happiness in your life.

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