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Posts posted by MikeTheDane

  1. THanks anthony


    Btw, I saw no less than 3 people in the airport who have had HT's. The first was a flight attendant on my way over. He looked like he had gotten the grafts to the crown, but instead decided to shave down.


    The second was a fullblown NW7 in the airport on my way home, who had plugs to his hairline and temples, something that looked like he had it done 10-20 years ago. I wonder why he didn't buzz it off, because it looked atrocious.


    The 3rd was a young man on the plane who looked like he has his first half of the scalp grafted, but the result was scarse, wiry and he had a big fat smiley.


    I've never seen so many HT's gone wrong in such a short time.

  2. My plane left for pakistan early in the morning. My visa was ready the day before my departure, but since the trip to the embassy was expensive, and the airport only minutes away, I stayed a day in Copenhagen having a good time, FINALLY went to see Avatar and so on. Since I had no time to sleep, I pulled an allnighter and decided to sleep in the plane. Well, bad idea. Not only did I have 2 stopovers, all 3 flights had terrified babies crying their hearts out the entire 13 hours of flight. After an hour of waiting in the Benazir Bhutto airport customs, I was finally let through and escorted to my hotel at 4 AM after not having slept for 48 hours, passed out and woke up at 5 PM.




    15 months after my procedure with Dr. Devroye, I was very happy with the result. My frontal 3rd, and the mid section pretty much look like a full head of hair except when wet. That's the perfect illusion of density.


    My hairline however, was lacking. I say this as someone with realistic expectations, and having seen many hairline photos I knew I hadn't achieved the norm of a good hairline.


    I decided to go to pakistan to have a procedure with dr. Mohmand. Due to shortage of funds, I couldn't have afforded another round with Dr. D. Not implying that Mohmand is an inferior surgeon, just that since he was the only one I could afford (and would be able to afford for years) was enough motivational factor for me to spend 25 hours travelling each way.


    Initially, the plan was to densify the hairline for around 1500 grafts, and if possible fill in my slightly thinning crown. Unfortunately, although I had okay laxity, due to my scar it wasn't possible to get enough grafts to restore both. There was also the issue of permanent shockloss to the crown, so it was no-go.


    Ultimately, 1429 grafts were harvested to the hairline and temporal peaks. Judging the density from the stubbles and the existing hair, I feel confident that this is it, but only time will tell and I shall pass no judgement yet. After all, this is the most important part.




    My way home left something to be desired. Perhaps it was the fact that I had only slept 2 hours before my HT, followed by 4 hours of (non-consecutive) sleep on the night after my HT, and finally another 40 hours of insomnia thanks to a harem of dreadful babies; or the fact that I managed to catch explosive diarrhea the minute I set foot in the aircraft forcing me to hit the loo twice an hour for the entire flight (much to peoples dismay as I had a window seat); or that I had to reassure the flight attendants that an emergency landing was not nessesary.


    At any rate, Humayun Mohmand and his staff are very friendly and professional. So in terms of being taken care of, I can only give a 10 / 10. I'll admit it felt a bit awkward to being the only guest in a hotel with atleast 6 employees, your own resturant, iron gate, fence around the building, outside guards - but after befriending the staff I kinda got used to it.


    No pics yet as my camera is broken, but I'll updating the first time I see a significant improvement..

  3. This thread is golden.


    A surgeon who believes his work is divine intervention


    And a shill trying to sell a product by how fast it can plant the grafts.


    Dear sir, would you like a choi implanter with your steak?

  4. Originally posted by hdude46:

    This thread is a perfect example of why some people on the internet don't know anything and that u need to talk to a physician. FUE does not deplete a big % of the donor for FUT. This is not the first time MTD has made some ridiculous claim and stated it as fact. The fact is fue allows for hairs that otherwise cannot be harvested from a strip procedure to be harvested.


    Secondly, proscar works very well for most people. I have seen and heard from from a lot of people who have been on the drug since its inception in 1997 that have lost little to no remaining hair. Even if its effectiveness does wane with time, generally it still dramatically slows hair loss than w/o it. Most physicians swear by it. Moreover, your genetic may not even have a nw6 pattern mapped out for you. In 20-30 yrs, Im pretty sure there will be better hair loss treatments other than propecia and rogaine on the market.


    Talk to a doctor and he can lay out a good plan out for you. Too many people here think they are experts about this stuff when in reality they don't know what they are talking about. good luck man.


    You know, I generally don't respond to adhominem.


    If you're going to bring past arguements into a new thread, atleast make me(and everyone else) the courtesy of being specific, otherwise you're just lashing out.


    When you use FUE before you use strip, you're using some of the grafts that otherwise would be used for strip. While it is true that FUE allows for usage of grafts possibly not accessible by strip, it's my belief that only holds true if the stripdonor has been depleted.


    The reasons can be several. You may not be able to get more strip due to laxity issues, even though some donor is still available. Fue can then be used to target these remaining areas, but if you had started with fue you had no way of knowing what this 'leftover' donor area would be, and instead harvest grafts inside the strip donor area. Naturally, this gives the patient less grafts per square inch leading to lesser yields.


    While the endyield might be the same, the latter approach is a big more risky.


    What happens if you get a big scar from your strip and require a lot of FUE work to repair it, but you have little FUE donor left? Or maybe you have some bald spots that needs to be filled in?


    So, to recap: When you start with strip and finish with FUE, you know exactly where you can harvest fue from. When you start with fue and finish with strip, you immediately target deplete some of the grafts being used for strip.


    So unless you have already decided you prefer the short buzzed look, or you're 40+ and no more than NW3, or have a good chance of ending up as a NW7, I think FUE should be used as a 'back up plan' Atleast this is my conviction, and if you feel differently I suggest that you argue your point rather than lashing out.


    I'll admit it might have been a bit polar of me to say big % though.

  5. I don't think it's a good idea to use non-permanent hair. You have no idea of knowing how long it's going to last. It could be as little as two years, or as much as 10. Also, when the hair falls off you will have tiny scars on your scalp that were otherwise hidden by hairs.


    My advice is to shave down and get on propecia and rogaine for 6-8 months. If you have no further loss or maybe even improvements you may consider a HT. Meanwhile educate yourself continuously.


    When you FUE, you deplete a big % of the donor for FUT. Also, I've never seen anyone receive more than 3000 grafts from fue alone, while I have seen 10000+ from FUT. Just some food for thought, if you continue to bald and require a 2nd op, you can't continue forever to use FUE.


    In my book, fue is for >40 and <NW3

  6. I too have had to get gyno removed after puperty.


    Just a fair warning though, you may need more than one procedure. Even though your chest look flat now, once the healing (and subsequently, scarring) you may experience recession.


    You won't know the final result until 6-10 months.

  7. Originally posted by labrat69:

    I see guys that are heading to NW4 in their mid 20s getting HTs on these forums and I think that they must be crazy. They look great now, but what about 5 to 10 years from now ?



    Well, only a small amount of the population turn into NW7's even if they bald early, and a good portion of NW6's can achieve good results.


    That being said though, is it crazy to believe that shaving down, showing your scar to the world, isn't that big of a deal?


    I've seen people with large scars after brainsurgery that looked alot worse, but somehow it was considered 'cool' because of story behind it. It was 'survival' not 'vanity'. That leads me to believe that it's not really the scar we care about, but rather why we got it. In which case, it's more of an inward journey.

  8. Originally posted by BeHappy:
    There are numerous NW6 patients I see on the blogs who have had HT surgery, and to me they look worse off than just being bald. They have this horribly thin, see-through hair on top and it's obvious that it is not natural. And you can still clearly see the entire bald head, and the patchy hair makes it look like they have a disease. And they are also stuck with not being able to shave down again due to the scar in the back -- a horrible place to be IMO, because 99.9% of women surveyed MUCH prefer a clean shaved head look rather than the combover balding look with that stupid monk fringe of hair !! That look is about as bad as being a 500 lb. beached whale !!!


    That is exactly the situation I'm in. I had a HT when I was NW 5 and ended up being NW 7, so now I have this huge balding area with some thin hair all over which can't cover any of it. The only option I have is to do a horrible combover that doesn't actually cover any area. I occasionally get comments from people telling me to just shave it all off, but I can't do that because I'm desperately trying to cover the scars by growing my hair longer than I'd like to. It's an extremely depressing situation to be in. And that is what is called a successful HT because the hair that moved did grow. I of course disagree. I feel it's all about whether the new look is actually better TO ME. Not whether x number of grafts grew and not just if it looks OK from certain angles or in certain light either.


    I'm sorry to hear that. The big question I would like to know is: Were you on propecia from your NW5-->NW7 period?


    If i were you, I would look into methods to reduce the visibility of the scar, and just shave down.


    To me, A scar is alot more attractive than a weird cover-up.

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