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Everything posted by homa

  1. How dare you!?!? You deleted all of my post... Did you forget that!??!?! :-/
  2. Hey Bill and Pat you are both loser...and you lost your fight to that cut throat panderer pimp Armani! you are losersssssssssss I am going to start a web site very soon ... and I will make it specially for anti Armani purpose... I am sure you can join me there without worrying about your a...!
  3. i started this 2 days ago: i sloved 30grams of ketoconazole2% cream ( it is very cheap hear 50cents!!!! )in ethyl alcohol and i reached solubility of 1%.... i apply it on my verted ( .5 cc ) 3or4 hours before going to bathroom...!!! i will tell you the results....i also started 2 days ago pyrithione zinc 2%!!! anybody know anything about it's effect of hair loss?!
  4. dear blackrain... ketoconazole is hardly soluble in anything... !!! the highest solubility i have ever found was 2.8%!!! solubility in isopropyl alcohol is around 0.4% thats why you can not find any shampoo more than 2% ketoconazole.. it reversed my hair loss very very good....but there is very small thinning in vertex!! it is the 6th month that i use it...
  5. i use generic version 2% ! it reversed my hair loss i think i am a very good responder to it!
  6. Dear bill thank you... my hair is dense...but vertex had very bad thinning! after using keto 2% for 2 months it is very better than before but i want it to be 100%! so i am trying zinc pyrithione 2% SHAMPOO!!! have you ever heard anyone to use it and it stop or atleaset slows balding ?
  7. hello i am using ketoconazole shampoo 2% for almost 6 months ( alone ) with great result...!!! i think i am one of the best responder...! today i bought a Pyrithione Zinc 2% about 1.5$! i didn't notice that it is 2%!!! i thought it is 1%!! now i wonder if it is a good idea to use it or not!? any hair loss benefit?!!??! because i found that in that famous study they used 1% formula ! so i need your opinion!! thank you P.S : any none side effects? long term use side effects?!?! is it more gentle with your scalp and hair?!?!?! anything that i should know before i start using it? i need some more hair on my Vertex... about 50~100 terminal hair is MORE THAN ENOUGH to fully reverse my hair loss and give me a full head of hair...!!
  8. http://hair-restoration-info.com/eve/forums/a/tpc/f/746...861/m/4011011383/p/6 see my posts beginning at the end of the page
  9. hello dr.feller.... do you know anything about DAVID MICHAELS and what he is doing in Arizona or Florida?!?!? it is important for me you can read my posts from page 6 to the end and provide me with good information... ! i am working on it! please hurry up because we are running out of time as i think farrel is going to delete his entire mailbox and that i have ability to retrieve it from cache...and some other things that i know...and time is a very important factor for my work!
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