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Everything posted by vinz6299

  1. Has anyone had fue? If so does anyone have before and after pictures?
  2. Hello Jobi, The two doctors I am considering getting consultations with are Dr. Feller and Dr. True. What are some of the differences between these two? Is one more expensive then another? Does one do Strip better? Does one do Fue better?
  3. Have you guys heard of Feller's Luncheon Fue. It sounds very interesting although I can see that there is definitly a premium price on this method. I have heard everybody say that Propecia helps keep what you have but does it thicken and grow additional or is that rare. I can remember when I was on it a couple of years ago it actually thickened my hair. I regret that I stopped taking it. We shall see what it does for me now. I really hope that cloning hairs comes out sooner then later !!
  4. Hey Guys, I have been on propecia for about 3 months is it pretty standard that you do not see results until about 6 or 7 months? I have heard a lot of good feedback on Dr. Feller. I went to his site and read up on the Fue Technique. Since I only want to really thicken up the frontal hairline do u guys think this is a good way to go. This process seems like a good way to ease into HT's. What is the max that they do with Fue, 1000?
  5. Youngsuccess, The work you had done looks great ! I have a similar hairline but I am def more thin in the front then u were. rp1979, What doctor are u going with? Do u have any pictures of your current hairline? How many grafts do u think u will have done?
  6. Hey Guys, I really appreciate the advice. This really is an informative tool. I will try to get some shots of my hair in the near future. I feel I have very good donor area's but u guys can be the judge of that when i get the pics. I have an older brother who is interested in a tranplant as well. He is 33 and is also thinning. He is prob in better shape then I am considering his age. His hair is also wavy where mine is straight. We joke about it a lot with one another. I tell him he should go first and then once I see how his is I will go. We will prob do it around the same time. I have another brother who is 31 and he is married and has the I don't really give a shit attitude.I really admire him for that. He has more of a receding hairline then we do but he is holding on to what he has. Another question I had is once u get the transplant can u ever shave your head again? I would think it would depend on how short the buzz is. Second, if I do the transplant at 26 and my hair continues to fall out even if i am on Propecia will the transplants look natural? Once again everybody on this site seems to be sincere and I am very thankful for your responses.
  7. hello Youngsuccess, Thanks for the quick reply. Do u have any pics u can send me? I would like to know more about your experience. Did u have to shave your head. How long did u wait until u went back to work. How bad is the donor scar? I worry about the scarring the most.
  8. I am 26 years old and have been having a tough time dealing with my thinning hair. I am thinning towards the front of the hairline.I feel it is time to do something about it. I took propecia at 24 for about 1 year. It did thicken my hair but I stopped taking it. I am now back on it for about 3 months. I heard of a doctor though a friend and I wanted to know if anybody has heard of him? His name is Dr. Karamikian. I consulted bosley at 22 because I was really paranoid they told me to wait until I was at least 25. I feel that if I am going to do anything the time is now.
  9. I am 26 years old and have been having a tough time dealing with my thinning hair. I am thinning towards the front of the hairline.I feel it is time to do something about it. I took propecia at 24 for about 1 year. It did thicken my hair but I stopped taking it. I am now back on it for about 3 months. I heard of a doctor though a friend and I wanted to know if anybody has heard of him? His name is Dr. Karamikian. I consulted bosley at 22 because I was really paranoid they told me to wait until I was at least 25. I feel that if I am going to do anything the time is now.
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