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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. I am having the same loss after two years. Had surgery done by one on the top docs, as recommended by this forum. Looked great about a year afterward. Has started to thin since the two year mark. Doc recomended I double Proscar dose to 1/2 tablet per day about 3 months ago. Hope it reverses cause not real happy with the ordeal that I went thru to have it thin out this much.
  2. Is it possible that the hairs that Andy7 sees growing are the original interspersed hairs on his scalp, and since they are growing, they will not fall out due to shock loss? If the hairs he sees growing are HT hairs, and they are in fact growing, could they still fall out at this point? I guess that means I have one question - if hair is growing (regardless of origin) 3 to 4 weeks after surgery, does that mean it is there to stay?
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