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pushing 40

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Posts posted by pushing 40

  1. To me, he is a perfect transplant candidate. Why: he's 36 so loss pattern and veracity is pretty much easily defined; very young looking face from what I can tell; simply has a higher mature hairline and wants it back where he had it done; not trying to cover huge amounts of bare skull with thin sparse hair. What could be more perfect than that? I think the problem is that much more balder men want to say "why'd you do that? hell I'd die to have what you had BEFORE the transplant". People tend to think if you're not really really bald or balding, you shouldn't do it. I think its the opposite.

  2. When my hair is shorter and combed back, it looks absolutely identical to yours. After several consults with top surgeons all listed on this site, the lowest recommendation I've received is 1800 graphs to keep hairline the same but slightly more dense; the highest is 2900 for maximum density and filling in temples. I also have very good donor density; is that a problem issue with you? Is that why he's recommending such a low number?

  3. JD,

    No, I don't think I'm having any type of this shedding thing as far as I can tell. I've read about it but don't see it happening so far. Had some really awesome sex last night too so still libido or "firmness" problems; hope it stays that way!

  4. I started March 15, so yes we're about the same.


    • I've still had no libido loss at all as far as I can tell. <LI>hot flashes I felt a couple of times have not recurred. <LI>My wife was playing with my hair yesterday and said "oh, these are your new little hairs?". Sure enough, when I looked, i already actually have what appears to be new little hairs growing all amongst the longer older ones in the front 1/3 where my loss is. For now I'm pretending its our imagination and will re-evaluate in a couple more months. <LI>I know some guys would kill to still have as much hair as I have on top and in front but each of us has our own levels of "happy with what we got" and I am not at mine.


    Do you have a blog? I am going to try posting good photos as I go along to get input on here; the more opinions the better (well sometimes anyway icon_wink.gif Maybe your body will work thru the libido loss? and you better hope your girlfriend doesn't see you called her cute instead of hot! icon_eek.gif (now I'm wondering if Pat would fuss at me for posting a nice little pic of my wife in my blog? (just to keep everybody entertained a little!)

  5. Jagdish,

    Yes that is very possible. I actually may have just been ill and didn't realize it. I am pretty physically fit and usually very aware of changes in health so I thought maybe it was a hormonal thing caused by propecia. I really don't know but I will note it if it occurrs again. How are things in India? And thanks for the congrats on the wife. Today is our 6th anniversary! Maybe I should be posting her pics instead of mine!

  6. Been taking it for one month now today. Have not bothered to look at hair much (it has been hard) since I know it takes usually three months or so to be able to notice anything. As far as side effects: believe it not, I think it has increased my libido instead of the opposite. Might be my imagination or the fact I have a really hot chick wife but that's what it feels like. I have also notice one wierd thing: a couple of times I have had what feels like a fever for a couple of hours; kind of like a hot flash. Thought to myself "I might be getting a cold". But then, it goes away and nothing. Realized yesterday it might be the propecia? Has happened twice in last two weeks so I'll keep noting it if it continues. I took pics when starting so I'll continue at the 3 and six month points and then you guys can help me evaluate.

  7. Been taking it for one month now today. Have not bothered to look at hair much (it has been hard) since I know it takes usually three months or so to be able to notice anything. As far as side effects: believe it not, I think it has increased my libido instead of the opposite. Might be my imagination or the fact I have a really hot chick wife but that's what it feels like. I have also notice one wierd thing: a couple of times I have had what feels like a fever for a couple of hours; kind of like a hot flash. Thought to myself "I might be getting a cold". But then, it goes away and nothing. Realized yesterday it might be the propecia? Has happened twice in last two weeks so I'll keep noting it if it continues. I took pics when starting so I'll continue at the 3 and six month points and then you guys can help me evaluate.

  8. Funny you say that! I had to remove my own staples (23 of them) from a wound when I was down in South America. It would have been a 6 hr drive through hell just to get to a nurse. Seriously Domie, you can do it yourself if you are patient and careful. It may hurt a bit, but just sweat it out and make your bro go slowly. I used a pair of needle nose pliers cleaned with alcohol.

  9. that sounds pretty much like me. I have never lost enough at one time for it to be noticable or be able to see it in the drain or comb. It has taken about 15yrs for it to go; very slow! I just think its impossible to notice at that rate. It would be like watching a tree die over 15yrs. It might always seem as if it has always looked exactly as it does at any given moment. The one day you see a photo from a few yrs back, go look in the mirror, and go "holy shit"!

  10. from what I've read, can you even imagine how much money a really great HT surgeon could make over in UK? If they took it really seriously, came to north america for a while for training, and put together a good practice with well trainined staff. Once word got out they were doind the kind of quality work you can get over here, they would be booked for years...why the hell doesn't one of them realize that. He/She could be the absolute shit in the UK.

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