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Everything posted by sophist80

  1. A lot of people say i should just shave the head.. I'm thinking of it, but the fact is some people look good with no hair, others (I put myself in this category) come out looking sickly and old. French soccer legend Zidane looks a lot better with a shaved head than he ever did with hair- then again, he's Zidane, and I'm... well, me.
  2. A lot of people say i should just shave the head.. I'm thinking of it, but the fact is some people look good with no hair, others (I put myself in this category) come out looking sickly and old. French soccer legend Zidane looks a lot better with a shaved head than he ever did with hair- then again, he's Zidane, and I'm... well, me.
  3. Toppik works great, but I have an issue with it. I notice everytime i use it, some of the stuff inevitably gets in my eyes and also in my sinuses and gives me breathing problems. Maybe because my hair is long it gets all over the place. I noticed one of the ingredients is Silica which is definitely not good to breathe. Maybe I'll try Dermatch. Also it can't be good to have that stuff blocking the pores on your scalp, can't that inhibit hair growth?
  4. My whole life I got made fun of for a high hairline. Everyone would tell me I'd be bald by 25 and never get any women. This has always been nagging at me. now i'm 26, my hairline is that of a 50 year old. Recently I had my first experience with a girl. It was so nice- that was until I took off my hat and she noticed my receding hairline- she never called me again after that. I guess it's all superficial, but this has brought me to the point of seriously considering the HT- if for nothing else, to add a little more confidence. I went to a consultation today and all he did was prescribe rogaine and propecia. I'm not crazy about taking something that can screw with my hormomes, plus i don't think either of them can do much to restore the hairline itself. The guy i went to was in CT, and I got charged $75 for what i thought was a free consultation. I also considered shaving my head but given I have quite a narrow shaped head, I think it would look pretty bad, like a chemo-patient. Has anyone else gone through this at my age? I'm not sure what to do.
  5. My whole life I got made fun of for a high hairline. Everyone would tell me I'd be bald by 25 and never get any women. This has always been nagging at me. now i'm 26, my hairline is that of a 50 year old. Recently I had my first experience with a girl. It was so nice- that was until I took off my hat and she noticed my receding hairline- she never called me again after that. I guess it's all superficial, but this has brought me to the point of seriously considering the HT- if for nothing else, to add a little more confidence. I went to a consultation today and all he did was prescribe rogaine and propecia. I'm not crazy about taking something that can screw with my hormomes, plus i don't think either of them can do much to restore the hairline itself. The guy i went to was in CT, and I got charged $75 for what i thought was a free consultation. I also considered shaving my head but given I have quite a narrow shaped head, I think it would look pretty bad, like a chemo-patient. Has anyone else gone through this at my age? I'm not sure what to do.
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