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Everything posted by Marko16

  1. Hello everyone, I have been lurking on the list for the past 4 - 5 months, and have enjoyed reading everyones posts. Before I go into my questions, I would like to thank each and every member of the forum for their contributions. My hair loss started when I was 25, and has really bothered me ever since. After reading through peoples HT experiences (the blogs are awesome), I feel like I actually have a chance to address my hair loss by undergoing a HT prcoedure with one of the coalition doctors. My hair loss is somewhere between a norwood 3V and a 4, as you can see from the attached picture. I am currently on propecia and minoxodil, and have switched my shampoo to Nioxin and Nizoral. After much thought, I finally decided to move forward with a HT procedure in December, and have narrowed down my doctors to Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minnesota (remote) and Dr. Griffin in Atlanta (local). Pat's clinic visits seem to indicate that both physicians do EXCEPTIONAL work, and I am having an extremely difficult time choosing which doctor to use (I have consulted with both clinics, and have read everything that is available under the forum "find" button). When I consulted with Dr. Griffin, he mentioned placing 1200 grafts in the temporal area of my head, and adding another 300 or so to the crown. Dr. Shapiro's office thought 1500 - 2000 graphs in the temporal area would be a good start, and then gave me the option to add 500 or so to the crown if I wanted to add some additional coverage. The prices of both physcians are relatively similar, though Ron seems to have a TON more patients active in the forums (I met one of Dr. Griffins patients, and his results look good. Thanks geoman for meeting me!). If folks were in my shoes, which physician would you choose and why? I am split 50/50 on this, though am leaning towards Ron Shapiro since there is a lot more feedback on the procedures he performs. Has anyone had any issues with traveling to get their HT procedures done? Does anyone happen to know how they calculate total donor density? Should I wait to see if propecia helps stop my hair loss prior to getting a HT procedures done? Did most folks use a conservative approach with their first HT procedure? This is the most stressful and difficult decision I have ever made, and I don't want to make any mistakes. Doing my research, - Ryan BTW: Thanks everyone who replied to my private messages!
  2. Hello everyone, I have been lurking on the list for the past 4 - 5 months, and have enjoyed reading everyones posts. Before I go into my questions, I would like to thank each and every member of the forum for their contributions. My hair loss started when I was 25, and has really bothered me ever since. After reading through peoples HT experiences (the blogs are awesome), I feel like I actually have a chance to address my hair loss by undergoing a HT prcoedure with one of the coalition doctors. My hair loss is somewhere between a norwood 3V and a 4, as you can see from the attached picture. I am currently on propecia and minoxodil, and have switched my shampoo to Nioxin and Nizoral. After much thought, I finally decided to move forward with a HT procedure in December, and have narrowed down my doctors to Dr. Ron Shapiro in Minnesota (remote) and Dr. Griffin in Atlanta (local). Pat's clinic visits seem to indicate that both physicians do EXCEPTIONAL work, and I am having an extremely difficult time choosing which doctor to use (I have consulted with both clinics, and have read everything that is available under the forum "find" button). When I consulted with Dr. Griffin, he mentioned placing 1200 grafts in the temporal area of my head, and adding another 300 or so to the crown. Dr. Shapiro's office thought 1500 - 2000 graphs in the temporal area would be a good start, and then gave me the option to add 500 or so to the crown if I wanted to add some additional coverage. The prices of both physcians are relatively similar, though Ron seems to have a TON more patients active in the forums (I met one of Dr. Griffins patients, and his results look good. Thanks geoman for meeting me!). If folks were in my shoes, which physician would you choose and why? I am split 50/50 on this, though am leaning towards Ron Shapiro since there is a lot more feedback on the procedures he performs. Has anyone had any issues with traveling to get their HT procedures done? Does anyone happen to know how they calculate total donor density? Should I wait to see if propecia helps stop my hair loss prior to getting a HT procedures done? Did most folks use a conservative approach with their first HT procedure? This is the most stressful and difficult decision I have ever made, and I don't want to make any mistakes. Doing my research, - Ryan BTW: Thanks everyone who replied to my private messages!
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