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  1. Ok, so I'm beginning my battle against the thinning on my crown and would like to tackle it with "the big 3." (Rogaine, Propecia, and Rivitol) I'd like to be as frugal as possible. I purchased "Equate Hair Regrowth Treatment Extra Strength" (5% Minoxidil) from Wal-Mart today. A three month supply ran me about $19. Now, this is quite a bit cheaper than Rogaine but still advertises the same percentage of the active ingredient. Does anyone have any experience with these generic products or possibly an opinion of them? Can anyone give me a reason to spring for the name brand Rogaine? Additionally, anyone have a convincing benefit to the foam? I applied the minox for the first time tonight and it seemed like the coverage area wasn't that great. Also, I was checking into Propecia. Any opinions of or experience with generic Finasteride?
  2. Thank you to everyone for your help! I think I'll try the generic Rogaine (I'll price them out at both Wal Mart and Walgreens...definitely going 5%) and shampoo combination first. (currently pricing out Nizoral and Revita) I think I'll start a regiment and stay on it for at least six months before reconsidering any kind of medication. (Propecia) I'm also planning on getting some of that Dermmatch to have on hand along with the Topik just in case. I'll post when I start my new regiment and make updates when appropriate. If I had more of a need for a camera I'd buy one and take pictures. A few questions: Where is a good place to buy Nizoral or Revita? I've read that hair is protein-based. Could a protein supplement help? Edit: After reading a bit more, I think I'll go with the Revita. A few here have stated that Nizoral leaves their hair feeling "dried out" or "brittle." Double-Edit: Ordered both the Revita and Dermmatch from Folica.com. (same place I found the Topik) Will go shopping for the Rogaine tomorrow. Here's to optimism!
  3. I think I've actually seen that Nizoral in stores! It's technically an anti dandruff shampoo, right? Is there any advantage that Revita has over it? It looks as though it's twice as expensive! And on the topic of price, does anyone know about the generic brand of Rogaine that I mentioned in my original post? As for dutasteride, I was looking into Avodart and, again, was put off by the whole sexual side effects thing. It's just...scary! Especially after reading about some cases where the person stopped taking the medication and was struggling with erectile dysfunction well after. Hey, if I'm fast becoming a pain in anyone's ass just let me know! Oh, and thanks for your warm welcome, Bill. You seem like a big deal around these parts and I appreciate the sagely advice from both yourself and thanatopsis!
  4. Thanks for the reply! I have read concerns that the Rogaine foam does not work as well as the regular formula. (though the application is more convenient) Also, as stated before I'm currently very timid about taking medications. Would the Rogaine suffice on its own? Also, does anyone know the difference between the Folicure shampoo I'm currently using and Nizoral/Revita? (ooohh...something new to research )
  5. Hi everyone! I'm a 23 year old male who has not noticed any hair loss problems until very recently. To be honest, my hair has always been a bit...strange. It has always seemed to have different consistencies in different parts of my scalp, (soft near the temples, coarse on top) has a range of colors running through it, (dark to light brown, blonde, red) and has always seemed to fall flat in the rear-crown. (a bit thin but no skin showing) I chalked it all up to me being an ethnic mutt. The truth is I have always struggled with managing my hair from grade school all the way through now and have tried many different cuts, colors, and styling products. I really dislike the shape of my head and have never liked having the "buzzed" look, even though I often settled on it out of convenience. My hair in front isn't a concern for me. I've always had a sort of strange hairline that tapers in quite a bit at the temples. I like to think of it as distinguishing. However, I noticed a definite thinning in my crown area about two to three months ago. It all started when I noticed my hair falling out rapidly in the shower (mostly clinging to a bar of soap/wash cloth) and lots of hair clinging to my hands and face after styling it. Admittedly, I switched back to a product I was using years prior that's referred to as hair glue. It pulls quite a bit more than a standard gel when styling with your hands. Unfortunately, my hair can get very out of control and I need something a bit strong if I want it even semi-straight. At any rate, I took a look in a hand held mirror one day as I was shaving the back of my neck and I noticed that I could see my scalp through my hair on my crown. I went to my computer ASAP and searched for solutions. I also decided to discontinue the use of the hair glue immediately. I came across a lot of positive reviews for a system called "Folicure" during my research. I ordered the vials, shampoo, conditioner, and gel. Admittedly, I haven't really used the gel, (it doesn't really hold anything) but I used the rest of the products as recommended and have seen a near-stoppage of my "shedding." I see a hair here and there but nothing out of the ordinary like I was experiencing prior to use. However, I have yet to see any sort of gains in my crown. I just got a hair cut and I can really notice a circle of thin hair on my crown when it's wet or when I comb it back. My hair is currently right around an inch in length and I'm wearing it sort of messy with a paste-like product called "surf hair." I find myself having to tinker in the mirror to make sure that any "holes" are hidden in my crown and it's a real pain in the ass. Truthfully, I'm a little self-conscious about it, but nobody has pointed it out yet so I think I'm still okay. Tonight I ordered a concealer called "Topik" to try to ease my concerns. I've read about "Dermmatch," but decided against it after I read reports that it looks noticeably like glossy paint under certain lighting conditions. (was this a good choice on my part?) I want to be proactive in this, so I'm searching for a more permanent solution. Being a 23 year old, single male having his fun I really don't want to mess with my sex drive so I don't want to take any of the medications that effect libido. I don't need an increase (trust me ) and a decrease/elimination would be crushing! I've read that if you take Rogaine you need to take it continuously or you could use any results. If true, I suppose I would be ok with this solution. I feel that I'm disciplined enough that I can apply it in the morning and at night. I've also heard that there is a generic version available at Wal-Mart that works just as well. In addition, I've heard that when you initially start the program "shedding" occurs. Being someone with hair that is generally thick and wavy, would there be a noticeable contrast during early use? It sure would be discouraging. Or would a concealer hide any effects anyway? Are there any alternatives to consider? I'd really like to nip this thing in the butt before it becomes too much of a problem. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated, and I wish you all the best on your own endeavors! ...oh, and sorry about being long-winded. And I'd post pictures but all I have is a grainy web cam.
  6. Hi everyone! I'm a 23 year old male who has not noticed any hair loss problems until very recently. To be honest, my hair has always been a bit...strange. It has always seemed to have different consistencies in different parts of my scalp, (soft near the temples, coarse on top) has a range of colors running through it, (dark to light brown, blonde, red) and has always seemed to fall flat in the rear-crown. (a bit thin but no skin showing) I chalked it all up to me being an ethnic mutt. The truth is I have always struggled with managing my hair from grade school all the way through now and have tried many different cuts, colors, and styling products. I really dislike the shape of my head and have never liked having the "buzzed" look, even though I often settled on it out of convenience. My hair in front isn't a concern for me. I've always had a sort of strange hairline that tapers in quite a bit at the temples. I like to think of it as distinguishing. However, I noticed a definite thinning in my crown area about two to three months ago. It all started when I noticed my hair falling out rapidly in the shower (mostly clinging to a bar of soap/wash cloth) and lots of hair clinging to my hands and face after styling it. Admittedly, I switched back to a product I was using years prior that's referred to as hair glue. It pulls quite a bit more than a standard gel when styling with your hands. Unfortunately, my hair can get very out of control and I need something a bit strong if I want it even semi-straight. At any rate, I took a look in a hand held mirror one day as I was shaving the back of my neck and I noticed that I could see my scalp through my hair on my crown. I went to my computer ASAP and searched for solutions. I also decided to discontinue the use of the hair glue immediately. I came across a lot of positive reviews for a system called "Folicure" during my research. I ordered the vials, shampoo, conditioner, and gel. Admittedly, I haven't really used the gel, (it doesn't really hold anything) but I used the rest of the products as recommended and have seen a near-stoppage of my "shedding." I see a hair here and there but nothing out of the ordinary like I was experiencing prior to use. However, I have yet to see any sort of gains in my crown. I just got a hair cut and I can really notice a circle of thin hair on my crown when it's wet or when I comb it back. My hair is currently right around an inch in length and I'm wearing it sort of messy with a paste-like product called "surf hair." I find myself having to tinker in the mirror to make sure that any "holes" are hidden in my crown and it's a real pain in the ass. Truthfully, I'm a little self-conscious about it, but nobody has pointed it out yet so I think I'm still okay. Tonight I ordered a concealer called "Topik" to try to ease my concerns. I've read about "Dermmatch," but decided against it after I read reports that it looks noticeably like glossy paint under certain lighting conditions. (was this a good choice on my part?) I want to be proactive in this, so I'm searching for a more permanent solution. Being a 23 year old, single male having his fun I really don't want to mess with my sex drive so I don't want to take any of the medications that effect libido. I don't need an increase (trust me ) and a decrease/elimination would be crushing! I've read that if you take Rogaine you need to take it continuously or you could use any results. If true, I suppose I would be ok with this solution. I feel that I'm disciplined enough that I can apply it in the morning and at night. I've also heard that there is a generic version available at Wal-Mart that works just as well. In addition, I've heard that when you initially start the program "shedding" occurs. Being someone with hair that is generally thick and wavy, would there be a noticeable contrast during early use? It sure would be discouraging. Or would a concealer hide any effects anyway? Are there any alternatives to consider? I'd really like to nip this thing in the butt before it becomes too much of a problem. Any and all advice would be greatly appreciated, and I wish you all the best on your own endeavors! ...oh, and sorry about being long-winded. And I'd post pictures but all I have is a grainy web cam.
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