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Posts posted by Mahair

  1. I am a victim of MHRs butchery. Hopefully you will be okay for a little while anyway. I was a n/w 2 and within months i was bald from their doctor. I am now a repair patient. If it doesn't work out report the P@ick to the medical board. Sorry to hear you went to the butcher/ liars of the hair transplant field.

  2. Get me a tissue.The lips moving was part joke part reality. I did not say all hair transplant doctors where bottom of the barrel common opertunists but that most where. This is true.They are taking advantage of people over promising results and disfiguring people on a daily basis. What other specialty does that? As far as lawyers go I had the unfortunate experience of dealing with a number of them too. The bottom line. If it wasn't a home run no risk proposition. Forget it.

    I don't mind being the George Carlin of the hair transplant world but just don't call me dollie .As far as Damo goes he can be all over the moon ,estatic and condoning surgery laser combs and spicy food forever. But obviously ignorance is bliss with him.

    I will be going for my third surgery in three years to attain a normal look. If I thought "ALL" doctors in this field where quacks I wouldn't be doing it.But most are.

    I rest my case.

  3. I once asked an excellent doctor. Why Is a guy like you in a field of Quacks? He said "Its gone down from 90% to 60%. Great averages eh.Pat do you refute the fact that most Hair transplant "doctors" will lie to get someone started ?Damo as far as I'm concerned. See you on your Fifth surgery buddy. Keep your unfounded enthusiasm to yourself. P.S. you still look balding to me.Also Pat Most Hair transplant suergeon are bottom of the barrel doctors that cannot make it in the field they chose other than capitalizing on a persons concern over their hair and promising something they cannot deliver.People trust doctors period. In this field people NEED to know they cannot trust a doctor just because he is one.Whould I have done it with Shapiro? Yes. Would I have been informed of the ramifications? Yes By him.I wasn't a candidate in the first place and am a lifelong repair patient as a result.People need to know.I stand by the statement that "Most" hair transplant doctors are bold faced liars.There are 30- 40 in the coalition and thousands in country.I rest my case. "Most" hair transplant "doctors" are bold faced liars.

  4. MHR grafts come in wirey and sparse. Totally unnatural. Your scalp is a fibrosis mess. It kills all of your existing hair. Then the "doctor" tells you you had unrealistic expectations. After he gave them to you. While you are suffering he will tell you to be objective while your hair is falling out. I've dealt with these criminals and I will give them the same consideration they gave me.

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