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Posts posted by baldcasanova

  1. I'll tell you what I plan doing. I'm a little pale the way it is so I'm going to buy the self tanner spray and use it as "artificial sun" until the 4 month period is up. I can spray it on my hands and rub it on my face and forhead, an inch or two below my hairline, so I won't look like a ghost. Hey, It's worth a shot!?!



    Check with your doctor first though to make sur that the chemicals won't be detrimental to your new grafts.


    i'm lucky i'm naturally tanned icon_smile.gif

  2. i'd personally say no if the remaining hair is thinning. I dyed my hair and it completely fell out in the crown where it was the weakest. Not sure if its going to grow back. I never should have did that.....



    but if your remaining hair is still strong perhaps it can withstand the shock of the chemicals.



  3. Adam,


    It seems that the level of numbness in my recipient area varies from time to time and with the time of day. I've tended to have some feeling return at night over the past couple of weeks, but, in the morning, it's almost totally without feeling. Also, some of the feeling has returned to near normal in my recipient region closer to my sides and forehead. Also, more hairs seem to be popping up daily.


    I just took a look at your 2 month photos.. is your reddness gone?





  4. that's a good point in regards to Bruce having

    every thing a guy could want,yet still wants

    to get an acceptable amount of hair growing

    on the top of his noggin.For me its much more

    than about my appeal to women.I just want

    the vain aesthetical satisfaction of looking in the mirror

    and being pleased with what i see.Baldness sufferers

    often complain that being bald makes them look older,

    but my biggest whinge is that it makes me look so

    different.As someone once said,"i feel like i'm

    shaving a stranger".


    I agree 100%. Its all about #1 first, if women decide to gravitate after, who are we to stop them?

  5. Thats nice and all, but those guys have a head shape where they can wear a bald head. Their head is smaller and they shave it to the bone so noone can see where the hair leaves off


    I think all of us do not depend on just having hair to be attractive to women. We work on having hobbies, fine tune our interaction skills with people and generally take care of ourselves.


    I'm balding, and one of the few (besides those on the board) who has decided that wearing my hair as it is, is WAYY better than having a shaved head. I can't do it. I can show you pictures of me with a bald head and it doesnt look good. I need to have hair on my head. I'd be a light brown skinned serial killer looking type due to my protruded brow and big head


    I have been wearing this hairstyle for a while. What hairstyle? no hairstyle of course, i have no hair! but at least having hair on the side and wisps on the top. I try to talk to women but not the best luck. Even as nice and responsive as I try to be.


    I think the person who wrote that article has never seen a man with a good ht. 'plugs' are attractive, at least to me. If done right.


    I know a couple of girls at my job who say they like men who are balding. I try to understand what their mentality is on the subject.


    A lady friend of mine thinks we are just 'too much man' and thats why we lose it. I can accept that theory. lol


    in the end its how a man feels about himself first. Same as if we buy ourselves nice clothes, nice car, good food, etc. We want to treat ourselves right. Hair too. If i had a job I despised, I'd have to change it, or else it would make me bitter. Same for the hair. If its broke, fix it.


    I'll have to admit that outside forces made me more aware of my balding than did I notice. But thats how people are. Critical. It sucks and I deplore people who look at me based on my lack of hair and judge me in a way that makes me appear, tired, worn out, totally stressed out or sick. Thats gotta stop. I couldnt imagine having to deal with many more years of this and I commend all of you who have lived with being bald for many years until one day you decided enough was enough and you were going to use your resources that you worked hard for and correct your baldness.



    after all if you dont love yourself, how can you love anyone else?



  6. I have also heard about Bruce Willis and his desire to get an HT. Hopefully he does, and gets a good one, so that he can help further validate the procedure in the general public's eye. I wonder how much he will get done. He needs over 7000 grafts..

  7. after my procedure I had to take some pills for swelling, and you may want to take Vitamin E to aid in speeding up the healing process on your doner area . Thats about it.


    You also may want to start Propecia to slow down your hairloss, but thats up to you. It is recomended however, and comes in tablet form.




  8. i didnt see those results until after I got the procedure and needless to say I was horrified.


    I understand this was 15 years ago, and although now he has his share of successes, those past failures will NEVER go away

  9. "F*ck as much p*ssy as you can now, boy, because it's going to dry up real quick when your hair goes. That's a fact."


    Sorry Hairboy, but thats not quite right. If you take a look at my pictures, Im pretty far along...a NW4 at least.


    Lets just say that hair isnt on the minds of most young ladies ive met. Maybe if you acted like you were interested in more than getting into their pants you could get the same results?


    My best advice to anyone out there that is young and single and suffering from hairloss: confidence is what turns a woman on, not the population of hair on your scalp. There are plenty of neurotic crybabies out there with a full head of hair. Women are tired of being mothers to these assholes. Let them know that you arent ashamed of your condition and youll be amazed at their reaction (or lack thereof). As im writing this right now, there is a very beautiful 23 year old lady in my bed still sleeping. She knows what Ive done (as far as the procedure) and knows I post on this board. Her reply is simply: "I dont even know why you care that much, noone else does."


    Nuff said. Im going to lay back down. Heh heh heh.



    hmmm.. i dont know about that one. Most women do care. You can be as nice as you want, but if you are like me and refuse to shave your head (if I still shaved my head, I'd look like a gangster, and people seem afraid, and now with the scar it being impossible)women do not seem interested.



    when you are going bald, it gets harder to date. You will sometimes run across a woman who doesnt care, but i definetly think that you have to try harder and wont be the one she is in love with first. i used to have admirers, not any more. lol.


    see what hair loss does to confidence??? take a look at my photos. Do you see alyssa milano dating a guy with hair loss like this? Even if I was uber nice and understanding?


  10. i had 630 grafts put in by Straub last year. I was somewhat pleased with the results (although i SERIOUSLY need more work done icon_frown.gif He did, however need to do a scar revision which is healing now, and they left a really long suture in my head that gave me pain and went unnoticed by the techs removing the sutures. I found out as I shaved my head to understand what the heck was hurting in my donor area. Not all sutures dissolve. I was pissed at the docs response too. He gets very nonchalant when you ask him about things that went wrong, although he did do the scar revision for free (as he should), and helped out when I experienced swelling after the HT.


    I guess with all the extra drama I am happy because he didnt mess me up in a noticeable way, and my whole head thinning doesnt include as much recession in the front right now. my crown is a different story.. clearing out everyday


    The doc does do great work but I would like to try out another patient endorsed doctor next time.

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