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Everything posted by rahalpatient

  1. Hi everyone, Could you visit my photo album to see my HT progress. Thanks http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=147016
  2. Hi everyone, I can't believe it has been a year since my HT. I would like to share with you some of my progression pictures. Please feel free to ask any question and let me know if you need more pictures. Regards
  3. Dr. Rahal was honest with me from the beginning and decided not to be aggressive on my 1st HT by covering some of the bald areas at middle and the back of my head in order not to cause unnecessary shockloss. The 1st HT is mainly to shape my hairline and to cover the spots where I lost most of my hair. As for the shockloss on the existing HT, Dr. Rahal said it could happen during the next few months but eventually thing will get back to normal within the first year after the operation. From what I read from other patients, it seems that the results of shockloss vary from person to person. That is why it's hard to predict the results by now but it's a risk I'm willing to take. Based on the baldness in my family, I think I need more HT in the future to cover the other areas and that is why Dr. Rahal used only 2775 grafts for now so I can have more for the future (If needed).
  4. Hi everyone, This my first post at this forum. I would like to share with you my HT experience. I read a lot about HT before deciding to go for it. While surfing this and other forums, I came across posts about Dr. Rahal. Then, a month ago, I decided to consult him about my hair loss and the possibility of HT. He advised me to go for 2500 grafts considering both my existing hair line and my age (29) saying that he shouldn't be aggressive with the 1st HT and leave more for further HT in the future. My first impression on him was great with his honesty and friendly approach. I had my operation on the 16th of November. To be honest, I couldn't sleep the day before the operation since I was very nervous about all aspects and results of the operation. Then, on the day of the operation, Dr. Rahal and his crew made my experience very enjoyable. The whole operation lasted for almost 9 hours. I ended up having 2775 grafts instead of 2500. I didn't feel any pain during the operation except the 1st time I had the freezing injections. Also, in the last half an hour of the operation, I started to feel a lot of pain mixed with headache and nausea but later it disappeared after having a pain-killer (Tylenol #3) and nice dinner at home. After finishing the operation around 6:30 pm, Dr. Rahal drove me back to my house (very kind of him). The first day was very painful especially at the back of the head but after having what Dr. Rahal prescribed for the pain [Percocet (5 mg) + Stemeteil (10 mg)], I slept with much less pain. As for the swelling, I took a very drastic approach of laying on the bed at 45 degree and DO NOTHING AT ALL as well as applying cold pads on my forehead. This really helped and the swelling is moving toward the sides of my head instead of the front. I will keep you all updated about my situation and please ask me if you have any questions. I hope I can benefit someone the same way this forum and other forums helped me. Attached are some of my before and after pictures.
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