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Sir Fivehead

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Posts posted by Sir Fivehead

  1. Originally posted by yourcoach:

    Thank you all for the kind words of support. It means a lot.




    Regarding your question about shaving, there was no debate with Dr. Cooley. I hesitate to try to fully explain what Dr. Cooley explained to me when I expressed the concerns of not shaving that I have read about on the forum for fear of not doing his explanation justice. In simplest terms, he said that shaving saves some time, but does absolutely nothing to impact the results. I know this is contradictory to what others have said. I can say that when I compared his full explanation as to why I would not be sacrificing any aspect of my final result and compared it with the concerns I read on the forum, I felt most comfortable with Dr. Cooley's reasoning. I understand it is possible for someone else hear the same two points of view and come to a different conclusion than I did. If I felt that shaving would have improved my result I would have done it. All things being equal, I preferred not to shave, but would have done it if there was some payoff other than the procedure taking more time. Dr. Cooley not requesting his patient shave was an extremely minor factor in choosing him to be my doctor.




    Dr. Keene feels the same way about shaving. She basically told me that the ONLY person it helps is the doctor. It saves them time, and she feels that since this is a surgery that WE are paying A LOT for to look better, it doesn't make sense to inconvenience the patient any more than she already has to. I mean, who wants to look like Bozo the Clown for any length of time? It's quite a humiliating look. It's the look that we are all trying to avoid! There are several coalition doctors out there that don't require shaving that consistently produce fantastic results.

  2. This is an intersting topic, indeed. I own a Quick Service Restaurant business that is down around 30%...just from August! I had my HT done in late August. Had I had known that things were going to get so shitty so fast, I certainly would have held on to my HT cash. Not to say that I didn't have it. It now just seems somewhat foolish, considering that I spent that money instead of having extra reserves just in case things get much worse...which I'm afraid are going to happen.


    I was also a broker for almost 10 years, Dewayne. I feel for ya! We are in times that very few people..still alive..have ever seen.

  3. I'm not sure what the rules about links are on here, so I won't post one. But, there is a HIARIOUS video called "Head of Skate", if you haven't seen it. It's like a ficticious movie trailer about Sarah Palin and her journey to the White House. Just Google it and check it out. I'm a McCain supporter by the way, and even I thought it was funny. It's almost a little too "dead on"!

  4. I guess I wasn't the only one looking at his hair! I didn't know he had work done, but I certainly had a feeling that his melon had been tampered with. Too bad his doc didn't shove those plugs down deep enough to give him a full frontal lobotomy. It could have saved us all from having to endure his Diahrea-Of-The-Mouth Syndrome.


    My wife just kept saying, "Ughhh! That guy's hair is just disgusting!"

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