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Posts posted by PLEASE GROW PLEASE

  1. I cant see how one day could possible make any difference since it takes quite awhile for your DHT level to rise again.

    I go Mon Wed Fri at 1mg and have the same DHT levels then 1.25 evryday.

    This was confirmed by blood tests

  2. Bal Im the same way as I had a huge stretched scar.

    Probably 5-8 mm all the way around from Nuhart.

    This was on my first surgery.

    Then it stretched again to 6-9 from a 900 graft case from Chicago fricking Hair

    Then I had 2000 grafts with the old scar removed from SMG and the scar got noticeably thinner but still stretched to about 3-4.

    Then I went back and had only a revision and my scar is now pretty damn thin 1 - 2 1/2mm with the 2 1/2mm being about 1/4 -1/2 inch long on those vulnerable corners

    I recently had fue grafts put into them and Im going for another round to finish the job.

    My girlfriend has a hard time finding the scar now but I want it totally undetectable.


    I also can pinch a nice fold of skin around the entire scar but for some reason guys like us will stretch.

    Ive elected to only do fue now because Im scared of it stretching again.

    If I were you I would ONLY do a revision one scar at a time or fue all of them with a low density each time.

    Ive had a couple of compound fractures with plenty of stitches for deep wounds and most of those scars stretched also.

    How are your body scars?

  3. Now I remember you.

    I made fun of Packer fans and you got mad, well not mad you took exception.

    It clearly once again demonstrates going to an average doc will usually get you average results.

    Thank God you didnt go to a total hack.

    Like I said some months back Im no fan of Gencheff when you got two terrific docs that blow him out the water on two sides of Wisc.

    That being said you at least were not practiced on like I was.

    Hey at least you can wear a foam cheesehead until your next surgery. icon_biggrin.gif

    That seems like a pretty normal occurrence in Wisc.

    Seriously though you are fairly easily fixable but I wouldnt go back to the same doc even if its free..

    If you dont see yourself having the finances to go elsewhere in the next year or two then I would understand why you would go back,but hopefully that wont be the case.

  4. Your not a douchbag LMS . I think your a decent guy

    Im with you on young guys waiting and shaving and even nw7 calling it a day and staying bald but when someone has already had work done and they are not happy we should at least try to lead them to the best clinics out there.

    Does that mean that they will be over the moon, no but they have a much better chance then to pick another crappy clinic.

    Not that the clinic that did his work is crappy but they underestimated what 2100 would do for this guy .

  5. but above all i wish i could do something that could keep others from ending up like judge holden, and aaron, i bet they BOTH hoped for much more, i bet they BOTH went into this HT world thinking they would have much more, and i dont believe its completly their faults for expecting such.......


    That would be cool if this guy was a patient that had never had work done before.

    If it had been I would have said nothing to you mi amigo.

    Problem is he is forced to go on with surgery.

    So yes the best advice IS to keep going .

    At least give him some advice instead ofbringing him down even more.

    Your right I really do need to put up pics. Maybe it will help to see how Nuhart butchered me and SMG saved me

  6. Now thats something we all worry about .

    Im all for virgin patients to just shave their heads but since youve already started theres really no turning back.

    Ive kept the same dht level using 1mg mon wed fri as I did 1.25mg everday in hopes that my body will never get use to it.

    Basically keep your fingers crossed .

    I know it sounds lame but its the only thing we can do.

    You want your front half of the transplant to look as natural as possible in case you dont have enough donor to eventually cover the back.

    With fue after strip I believe a nice % of guys can cover the entire scalp with a thinner coverage on the crown.

  7. LMS Whats your advice then? Stay unhappy .


    His ONLY choice is to get back in the chair if he is not happy.


    This isnt counseling.com my man . People come here for advice .

    He has two choices . He either stays unhappy like you or does something about it like me and a ton of others that were not happy.


    Now if he was a 21 year old nw4 virgin patient then your advice /scare tactics would be called for.


    Ive come to like you whether you care or not but your negativity is getting old.


    Your right about one thing a top clinic will hook him up icon_smile.gif

  8. You say you feel stubble so that a good sign .

    Your hair is wet in the afters so its hard to tell but this is not a bad job .This doesnt seem like a bad job maybe bad judgement in terms of grafts planted.

    Your hair will also thicken up much more then it is now.

    I bet at month 14-16 with it blow dried it will look much better.

  9. Is anyone else amused that Farrel clearly looks at THIS forum? When we mentioned his Wolf results all of a sudden his long dead thread on hairlosshelp got 2 updated pics of his locks. Haha yes indeed.


    Farrel is obsessed by this forum. Plus hes got alot of extra time since his site has plummeted into a cavern of boredom .

    He also wont show a top shot but I will take back what I said earlier about bad work by Wolf.

    I remember seeing the 6 month pics thinking they were the final results.

    I was told by someone who was at a IHRS meeting that in person the work was subpar .

    Very thin and kinky but 1800 wont give much density on a nw 5

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