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Posts posted by Kkat

  1. Hi people. Ok, firstly, im kind of pre-planning my next couple months and need some suggestions.


    Firstly, head is shaved right now, and will do part 1 of 2 transplants OCT 1 (2500 for front). In November (around 3 o 4, part 2 (1000 in crown).


    I do alot of work (casual dress) thus I will need to wear a hat that will cover staples and top (top until redness goes away).


    What sort of hats can I wear. I work in sports, so ball caps are ok. But, will they cover the back staples.


    After 2 weeks, I assume the staples are ataken out. The with shaved head, I will have to wear a hat until hair covers scar.




    ps. i hate how i look with shaved head thus i want a hat.


    im thinking of the sort of thing the edge from U2 wears (those thin hats).



  2. Well, those are good points. I was just so mentally ready for it and it was such a let down to go there and not have it done. I actually even felt terrible because teh clinic lost the day (they only do 1 a day). The doc said dont worry about it, which made me feel good. He actually told me not to do it and I like that, shows he's ethical. Although, I already new that from my consultations with him.


    But, I must admit, it now throws a bit of a wrench in my plans. My head is completely shaved, and in 3 weeks, I will go for the front (2500 grafts). There will be no way to cover the staples which sux (im not sure if a hat will cover that in the back).


    I am going for the crown hopefully 1 month later, which means a hat for a while (cuz i hate how it will look) and also cuz im not crazy about the shaved look.


    I guess im all upset over stupid reasons. I mean, New Years and Xmas, etc, Ill be in the healing stages. My hair was long enough to sort of mask most of my baldness (curly thick hair on sides and back, thinning on front and crown).


    Anways, im rambling cuz I just need people to talk about this too.



  3. Well, I went in for a HT today, but after getting ready, it was noticed that my head on the back had too much acne on it (from stress i imagine) and thus I will have to wait 3 weeks before getting it done.


    My head is shaved now, and this is gonna be tricky hiding everything. Guess I can't now.


    Anway, just thought Id talk about it, cuz im very distraught here.


    Im on antibiotics now (cipro) to clear the infections, of all dam places on the back of my head. Couldn't belive how many.


    anyone have any words of wisom, im really down right now.



  4. Well, I went in for a HT today, but after getting ready, it was noticed that my head on the back had too much acne on it (from stress i imagine) and thus I will have to wait 3 weeks before getting it done.


    My head is shaved now, and this is gonna be tricky hiding everything. Guess I can't now.


    Anway, just thought Id talk about it, cuz im very distraught here.


    Im on antibiotics now (cipro) to clear the infections, of all dam places on the back of my head. Couldn't belive how many.


    anyone have any words of wisom, im really down right now.



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