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Posts posted by Bleachcola12

  1. Hey fingers,


    Yes, I feel very comfortable with Dr. Rahal and went with him, Hasson and Wong was my other choice but since Dr. Rahal is cheaper and offers a bigger travel discount. I have read he also picks his patients up at the airport sometimes and even drives them back to the hotel after surgery, he really is a classy human being, and a very skilled doctor.


    My estimate was about 2500 graphs but I am going with 2200, basically because 1200 bucks is A TON to me right now since I will be entering grad school etc and I dont think 300 graphs is going to make THAT much of a difference. And if I do get 2500 graphs I can pay that after the surgery as Adrian his assistant has told me, so no big deal. Looking forward to monitoring your progress! September is sooooooooooooooooooooooooo far away : (

  2. Fingers,


    I know man, my HT with Dr. Rahal is so far away, I just need a little bit more money and Ill be set, 2k away surgery date in september. Your HT is going to look awesome man! Thats a lot of work!...


    16 inch, I know man I know, its a ton of money but sometimes you just gotta do what you gotta do. If its affecting you that much, look at other areas in your life you can make sacrifices. Perhaps its driving a car as Bill said for 10-13 years, maybe its saving money on food for 10 years. Instead of going to eat steak, stay home and make eggs or tacos or something.

  3. Originally posted by chill:

    btw any of u guys try strip, is it recommended?

    because my hairs thinning in the front so maybe this would be the preffered choice?



    If ur thinning in the front and will not take medication NO GOOD DOCTOR will perform surgery on you. Even if you were to go on medication no doc would perform surgery on you. Your too young

  4. Originally posted by Fingers Crossed:

    WB...i would say the social shut down is probably the hardest part of the whole sacrificing process, depending on how close you are with your friends. Every day I ask myself if I made the right decision or not because I could have used all of that money towards graduate school next fall. However, I had full trust in the doctor that I chose and I believe that I truly did make the right choice. Good luck with your decision making.





    When my hair loss started in 2006 I became very distant with my friends, I was not social at all. (I was 22) I really didnt research hair transplantation till about 6 months after losing my hair, i figured that a transplant would cost ATLEAST 25k, luckily for us it is not that much. Social wise is where you take the biggest hit imo, more than money etc.. And when your recluse and have trouble living your life, I think hair transplantation becomes a good option. I am consulting with Mattj who is a consultant for Dr. Rahal and I am hoping to book a date in october or november, a big weight I feel has been lifted off of my shoulders

  5. Originally posted by wb280:

    my procedure is in may but i am pondering over this question


    i mean, all of us here prob would not ve regretted spending every bit of the money if the procedure went really well. m i safe to assume i m speakin on behalf of most of us?


    how abt the anxiety? from the decision to go under the knife, the actual procedure, the waiting, agony if things will turn out well, the social shut down for a mth or so etc... i reckon this is wat i feel i will be sacrificing...


    I hear you WB,


    Pulling out that much money for a HT feels like a punch in the stomach, however if it is something you desire then I think you should go for it. TO YOUTHFULNESS!!!

  6. Bobby,


    I have not heard anything about Dr. Ashok. If no one else has any reviews. My best advice would be to wait if you cannot afford the HT right now. I know its not what you wanted to hear, but its better to wait a little bit and get it done by a solid surgeon, then to pay for one thats going to mess you up.



  7. Allan,


    An Email I got from Dr. Path


    The regular cost is 100 Baht/graft. (Exchange rate is 1 USD = 32.5 Baht) But bear in mind that the exchange rate fluctuates daily. Scaling discount for large number of grafts ,85 baht per graft for over 1000 grafts


    The above cost include:-


    - Doctor fee;


    - All medication;


    - All follow up in the immediate postoperative period including hair wash, wound care, change of dressing or removal of stitches if needed.

  8. Originally posted by balody:

    i once turned up at a party that was just coming to an end to pick up a couple of pals.


    i walked in and surveyed the room looking for them to no avail when this fat woman in her 50,s made a beeline for me,grabbed my waist and proceeded to drunkenly dance with me.


    i was in my mid twenties,probably a norwood 4,but wearing my trusty baseball cap.


    anyway while holding me tight and showing off to her equally drunk friends with loud comments like "i've got a young one!" and "hands off girls,this ones mine!"she suddenly shouts "take off the hat!"and with lightening speed snatches my cap from my head.


    she then stops dancing and stares at me through squinting drunken eyes and said something like "oh dear darling...you'd better put it back on again".


    now, i'm sure no-one(but her)batted an eyelid at this red faced lad trying desperately to get his cap back on,but in my head the stylus scratched across the vinyl,the lights went on and everybody stopped partying!


    well,i finally found my friends and stayed for a few drinks,but as we were leaving we heard a commotion on the otherside of the house.


    turns out fatty had fallen down the stairs and was laying at the bottom with her dress up around her waist,showing an array of unsightly stretch marks!oh sweet karma!


    i had totally forgotten about this untill i read dalews story. icon_biggrin.gif


    lol, thats awesome!

  9. I came across Dr. sam Lam's results post op and I asked what blade he uses, he responded..


    i use all types of blades depending on what i am trying to achieve. anything from needles of 21G, 20G, 19G, 18G, 16G for smaller to larger grafts, respectively. for multiple follicular unit grafts, i can us 1 mm, 1.2 mm round punches, sometimes 1.5 mm rounds punches.


    I know about the 1 mm, 1.2 mm punches which are plugs correct? But I didnt know what the "G" meant. Any ideas?

  10. Originally posted by B+ve:



    I can completely relate to what you are going through.I am 22 and my confidence has taken a beating because of hairloss.The ego inside me has completely dissapeared.In just a couple of months time the feeling that when u are walking down the street and nobody even notices u suddenly vanishes is really upsetting.I just feel invisible to the girls all of a sudden.My long time gf dumped me some moths back back because i was losing hair.For some people the hair really reflects on the face n i was probably 1 amongst them.My hair made me look good and now it makes me look ugly.All of a sudden my wavy thick hair started miniaturising very badly and it was like a head full of of really ugly looking shapeless curly hair.My hairline started receding.This is when i avoided meeting my gf for weeks making some excuse.And the day i finally did she came towards me from some distance with all smiles but when she took a good look at me i could notice the smile suddenly vanished and she look surprised.She told me that i was looking weird.i could clearly see that she was feeling embarrassed to introduce me to her batchmates as her bf.The following day she dumped me.I dont really blame her for anything,She was extremely goodlooking and she did deserve some1 who looked really good.In your early tweenties its not all about the person from within,looks do matter!!,so i dont really blame her.I just felt like a loser alltogeter.It was not because of my breakup, it was because i felt life was changing.It was not the same.The worst part being there is no history of hairloss in my family.I dont know why this is happening to me


    I have been on the big there i.e finastride,minoxidil and nizoral for 4 months and it has been working excellently well for my crown.It has even reversed my miniaturised hair to a great extent.I will be considering a hair transplant in the future.


    Hang in there man.There are meds which are working and a possible hair transplent in the future to restore your hair.Just hope for the best.Think positive.B+v2 icon_smile.gif




    I guarantee you a girl that breaks up with you primarily from hair loss will be divorced later on in life, this is a guarantee my friend. I feel like girls that are that shallow are trash, and that would still be my opinion if I wasnt suffering from hairloss, don't sweat it, there are plenty of great girls out there that arent extremely superficial.



  11. Originally posted by TheEmperor:

    Are you happier than you were with your overall look before the HT ? How has H & W responded, and does Dr. Wong consider your surgery to be less successful than he expected it to be ?


    I am happier overall with my look than before the HT, but it did not quite match my expectations in a couple of ways. There is the general realization that Im not as close to where I expected to be, and that donor hair is finite.


    I am not the kind of person that looks good shaved; if I was, I would not have considered this.


    I am scheduled for a second procedure in the near future.


    Everyone has very good input here,




    Wouldnt it be great if we looked a lot better with a shaved look than with hair? Thatd be like a dream come true

  12. I am entering law school in the fall so a ht isnt really an option for me for a while UNLESS i take out loans. It just seems like a dream process for me that will never happen. Atleast not for a long time, I was tempted to put off school and teach for a year or 2 and hurry up and do the ht, but unfortunately it didnt go that way. Dr. Rahal, you wanna do a surgery for free?

  13. AZ,


    I am in the exact position you are. And when you said, "When I look at my passport photo or license it shows me with no hairloss..." I have a licesne picture taken in 2005 where there is no hairloss, and everytime i look at it it kinda gets me down. The only advice I can really offer is what I do is simply keep grinding. Keep chasing after your dreams. You have to go to work or class and you cant find your hat because its time to go already, what do you do? GO, just keep grinding and keep going. This loss will be temporary and then you will get the HT. So remember my friend, this hairloss is not forever! I would say your a couple of years from a transplant. So just wait! 2 years isnt a long time

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