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Everything posted by pinda

  1. Hi, Just wondering has anyone got HT done by Humayun Mohmand in Pakistan and can you please share experince. Is he good? please advise. thankyou
  2. Hi, Just wondering has anyone got HT done by Humayun Mohmand in Pakistan and can you please share experince. Is he good? please advise. thankyou
  3. hey spex, did you get 100% results with FUE first time with feller? Does FUE give the same result as strip or better let me know.. would you reccomend FUE. I am looking into it .. I dont really want to get the strip, it luks ordinary n scary lolz! thanx cheif
  4. hey champ, thanks for ur reply's, it was really helpful.. Lol one last question... I know if get FUHT strip donor, the hair doesn't come back! What if you get the other one done FUE where they take single hair out of the donor area in a pattern, will hair re-grow there again or is it gone for ever too? Thanks for the reply..
  5. Say for FUT strip extraction, need 2000 grafts how big the strip will be taken out from the back of the head over 10 centimeters etc. ? will the hair grow again where the strip was taken from. Thanks 4 replying.. help is appreciated
  6. thanx for the reply. What is the best method used for HT? taking a long strip of hair or FUSE extracted one by one in a random pattern?
  7. Hi, Can some one please describe what is the difference between FUHT and FUSE ? What is the best method used for HT? taking a long strip of hair or FUSE extracted one by one in a random pattern? I got the info from http://www.fusehair.com/FUHT%20versus%20FUSE.htm Please help. Thankyou for you reply
  8. Hi, Can some one please describe what is the difference between FUHT and FUSE ? What is the best method used for HT? taking a long strip of hair or FUSE extracted one by one in a random pattern? Please help. Thankyou for you reply
  9. hi, thanks for you reply was helpful. Taking propeica, does it cause any side effects? thanks
  10. Hi, Does HT affect other hairs on the scalp to fall? Please advise Also is Propecia good to take, what side effects does it have? I heard once you stop taking your new hair will fall out and you will have a high hair fallout rate again. Thankyou for you reply's
  11. Hi, Does HT affect other hairs on the scalp to fall? Please advise Also is Propecia good to take, what side effects does it have? I heard once you stop taking your new hair will fall out and you will have a high hair fallout rate again. Thankyou for you reply's
  12. Hi, new here. Thinking about Hair Transplant. Any best HT surgeons in India to see? Dr arvid any good? What about in australia too? thankyou for your reply
  13. Hi, new here. Thinking about Hair Transplant. Any best HT surgeons in India to see? Dr arvid any good? What about in australia too? thankyou for your reply
  14. Hi, I am new here. Can some explain me the meaning of these two FUSE n FUT? Which technology is the latest for hair transplant? What is the exact word for the latest HT procedure? Help would be appreciated. Thanks
  15. Hi, I am new here. Can some explain me the meaning of these two FUSE n FUT? Which technology is the latest for hair transplant? What is the exact word for the latest HT procedure? Help would be appreciated. Thanks
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