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Everything posted by Saleen0296

  1. No I understand about the increased shedding. The differenc is that I have been using rogaine for 10 years and I did experience the increased shedding when I started 10 years ago. My problem is I just switched to the foam and now I am experiencing the shedding. Is that normal if I have been using the lotion for 10 years already? Understand my question? Thanks in advance
  2. I have been taking lotion rogaine 5% for over 10 years and I currently switched to foam around 2 months ago. All of a sudden I have had an increase in hair shedding. Everytime I shower now I have around 25 hairs falling out and all day I feel the hair shedding onto my face and I see them on the shoudlers. My hairloss is much more noticable now. Is this due to the increased potency of the foam? I am really concerned about this. I am also having some hairloss on the side of the head which I know is not the typical alopecia androgenica. Maybe the foam is distributing to the sides of the head? Please advice since it is getting more and more noticable. Thank you
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