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Everything posted by rawdog

  1. No it was not a HT scar. It is a large scar and there are a couple spots mainly side of head where the scar stretched, but besides that I think it healed like it should. I had a consult with a pretty reputable HT doc and he said except for the side of my head, I should expect the same type of strip scar.( I think some top docs could do a better job, but that is what HE said) But, because of the placement and length( on top of head) scar is noticable when hair is combed back or wet. So the hair transplants were the gameplan, to help conceal.
  2. I'm planning on getting a HT to cover a large scar ( runs from ear to ear over top) along with filling in front hairline.( Norwood 2-3 on meds, 34 yrs old) Is there any benefit for me to get fue if I already have a scar on my head, and wouldn't be able to shave it anyway? In other words is it worth it to pay double the price to avoid a second scar if the outcome is not proven to have a better result, and would this affect any future HT's?
  3. Hey guys, I don't mean to beat this topic to death,I know it's been covered alot in the past, but I need a little more detail. I've posted pics and although I'm thinking of the future loss, right now I'm focused on what I need, and that's a hairline. I appreciate the time people take to advice and give opinion, but what i don't get all the time is WHY they like the hairlines of the doctors recommended. Some have posted Hasson, Rahal, Shapiro, Alexander, and others, but what are the reasons besides I just prefer the look. Is it, more natural, the shape of the hairline, the density given the # of graphs, etc. When you go to HLH everyone says Armani is King, and I see why when I go to his website, but maybe I'm new to looking at HT's(I also think so the guys on that website maybe younger folks) I'm sorry if I'm asking redundant questions, I'm just on the fence about who to go with. thanks again--Raw
  4. Hey guys, I don't mean to beat this topic to death,I know it's been covered alot in the past, but I need a little more detail. I've posted pics and although I'm thinking of the future loss, right now I'm focused on what I need, and that's a hairline. I appreciate the time people take to advice and give opinion, but what i don't get all the time is WHY they like the hairlines of the doctors recommended. Some have posted Hasson, Rahal, Shapiro, Alexander, and others, but what are the reasons besides I just prefer the look. Is it, more natural, the shape of the hairline, the density given the # of graphs, etc. When you go to HLH everyone says Armani is King, and I see why when I go to his website, but maybe I'm new to looking at HT's(I also think so the guys on that website maybe younger folks) I'm sorry if I'm asking redundant questions, I'm just on the fence about who to go with. thanks again--Raw
  5. Demolished huh Bushy...and that's my good side, Ouch. JK... Yes, to answer your question, I've been taking finasteride for 7+yrs and have a script for Dutasteride waiting. ( My primary doc is pretty cool about it) I also have used Nizoral 2% for several yrs and alternate between Head and shoulders, and nioxin every other day. As far as Dr. Hasson, from what I've seen of reviews, when I think of traveling to do this thing, he is the one that I feel most comfortable with. But, I can't help but feel as though my hairline is going to end up in the same place and I guess I want more( or lower ... what about Shapiro vs. Hasson.?
  6. I did know that NN. and that is one of the main reasons I contacted him. By the way, I appreciate your reasoning and open minded advise when given. It seems some people have written off one of the top doctors in the field, before even looking at the facts of an individual/patient ( in fact I STILL can't find better pics of hairlines built by other doctors on websites, than on Armani's) Point aside, I received a recommendation from Rahal today of 2500 grafts to rebuild front and fill in scar.He's also much cheaper than both armani and H@W. I'm still thinking though, and I wanna say thanks to all for comments and advise. Much appreciated...---Raw
  7. I added a few more photos I don't know if it shows anything different. I'm going to fill in the scar on top of my head. ( whether it's fue or strip) If I go strip which is cheaper I might as well do the hairline. I would love to bring it down a bit and thicken it up, also bring up the temple recession. I understand Dr. Hasson is probably the most respected and maybe experienced, but the BEST hairline is what I want. I believe that it's not ethical for someone to lower the hairline of a young man just starting to lose, then set him up for failure, because of lack of donar hair. But, If this is the best doctor for me,( 34, slowed loss, receding hairline, but thick behind) is it wrong and selfish to go to him? Or is the worry that he might yank 3500-4000 grafts once I get in the chair? Also, Rahal seems to have a similiar hairline approach, is he as good as Armani? Some photos on his website look like Armani's but ethics not questioned. Are these patients older with slowed hairloss? Thanks again--Rob
  8. Just got the virtual feedback from Dr. Hasson and he recommended 2000-2500 grafts for hairline revision and filling scar. The rep I spoke to on the phone said to be prepared financially for 3000 grafts, just to be safe, but it would probably be less. So this would put Armani and Hasson's graft quotes about the same. I'm still waiting for feedback from Rahal. If I were debating between the best hairline result and hypothetically all grafts being the same who would be best out of Armani, Hasson, and Rahal? Also, who has the best feedback for donor closure scar? thanks again- -Rob
  9. Thanks for all the suggestions and comments, i appreciate them greatly! I'm still waiting on a reply from H&W, and I will check with some other recommended docs on the site. I realize I am lucky I jumped on propecia early and don't want to sound too vein in my wanting to lower my hairline. Believe me, I saw my older brother go through HUGE hairloss in his twentys, and I know it was really hard on him at the time. But, I see some of those Armani hairlines and WOW they look great! Again, thanks for the help, browsing through the site has given me a lot to think about. I'll keep posting.--Rawdog
  10. thanks for the response. I posted my pictures in the other category. here is the link Hair pics
  11. First just want to say great site. I have MPB which I slowed to a halt using propecia over the last 7 yrs, i'm 34 now. I have a thick head of hair, except for the front which has receded to leave a tall forehead.( I will post pictures later) I also have a large scar on the top of my head which I would like to fill in( only noticable when wet or combed back. I like the pictures on Armani's website and I know what people think of his ethical practices. Although, I sent pictures and he recommended 2500 for hairline and 300 for scar. Does this seem reasonable considering my age and the amount of grafts? Would this leave enough donar hair for possible grafts in the future? I also saw Jae Pak at NHI, 30 miles away, said he could put 3-400 in scar using FUE, and recomended to leave front alone for now. (Although he would fill it in if I wanted, and also use strip method, but I would be trading a scar for a scar) One last thing, If I were to do a fue treatment on the scar only now, would this affect a strip procedure later on? IS it better to do strip before FUE? thanks in advance---rob
  12. First just want to say great site. I have MPB which I slowed to a halt using propecia over the last 7 yrs, i'm 34 now. I have a thick head of hair, except for the front which has receded to leave a tall forehead.( I will post pictures later) I also have a large scar on the top of my head which I would like to fill in( only noticable when wet or combed back. I like the pictures on Armani's website and I know what people think of his ethical practices. Although, I sent pictures and he recommended 2500 for hairline and 300 for scar. Does this seem reasonable considering my age and the amount of grafts? Would this leave enough donar hair for possible grafts in the future? I also saw Jae Pak at NHI, 30 miles away, said he could put 3-400 in scar using FUE, and recomended to leave front alone for now. (Although he would fill it in if I wanted, and also use strip method, but I would be trading a scar for a scar) One last thing, If I were to do a fue treatment on the scar only now, would this affect a strip procedure later on? IS it better to do strip before FUE? thanks in advance---rob
  13. Posted May 24, 2007 08:13 PM First just want to say great site. I have MPB which I slowed to a halt using propecia over the last 7 yrs, i'm 34 now. I have a thick head of hair, except for the front which has receded to leave a tall forehead.I also have a large scar on the top of my head which I would like to fill in( only noticable when wet or combed back. I like the pictures on Armani's website and I know what people think of his ethical practices. Although, I sent pictures and he recommended 2500 for hairline and 300 for scar. Does this seem reasonable considering my age and the amount of grafts? Would this leave enough donar hair for possible grafts in the future? I also saw Jae Pak at NHI, 30 miles away, said he could put 3-400 in scar using FUE, and recomended to leave front alone for now. (Although he would fill it in if I wanted, and also use strip method, but I would be trading a scar for a scar) One last thing, If I were to do a fue treatment on the scar only now, would this affect a strip procedure later on? IS it better to do strip before FUE? thanks in advance---rob (I attached album in Hair Q&A section)
  14. Posted May 24, 2007 08:13 PM First just want to say great site. I have MPB which I slowed to a halt using propecia over the last 7 yrs, i'm 34 now. I have a thick head of hair, except for the front which has receded to leave a tall forehead.I also have a large scar on the top of my head which I would like to fill in( only noticable when wet or combed back. I like the pictures on Armani's website and I know what people think of his ethical practices. Although, I sent pictures and he recommended 2500 for hairline and 300 for scar. Does this seem reasonable considering my age and the amount of grafts? Would this leave enough donar hair for possible grafts in the future? I also saw Jae Pak at NHI, 30 miles away, said he could put 3-400 in scar using FUE, and recomended to leave front alone for now. (Although he would fill it in if I wanted, and also use strip method, but I would be trading a scar for a scar) One last thing, If I were to do a fue treatment on the scar only now, would this affect a strip procedure later on? IS it better to do strip before FUE? thanks in advance---rob (I attached album in Hair Q&A section)
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