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Dread Nought

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Everything posted by Dread Nought

  1. Hello and fine greetings gentlemen. Forgive me, but I have to interject here and say but a few things, with the hopes that perhaps a few of you, who are either angry at the world or miffed over your own plight in life or who may even be enraged at the seemingly "unfairness" of it all may get something out of it. It's a terrible thing to see how some individuals can hate themselves so. I mean it's sad to see it in action, how they lash out at others, how they "point the proverbial finger" at all but themselves (especially at those who have the courage to not only express themselves before gawking eyes of the world, but to also offer up a visual depiction of their daily plight). It saddens me to no end! Because it's morally weak and without justice. It is emotionally devoid of any compassion. Perhaps they do it in order to mask their own sad state of affairs. Maybe they do it in order to protect themselves from having to feel another's pain. But whatever the case, however horrific or sad it may be, we should never belittle or minimize another's pain. For it is within these moments that truly comes to define us as men. MEN! It's not so much about how many rep's you can squat, how many women you can nail, or to what extent you can bash people's heads in at a local barroom brue-ha-ha (though these things too are a part of us). No. It is in these moments when we are down that makes us strong. Because we have the opportunity to come together, to unite in support, and help lift each other up so that we may have another go at it. It is trite and a clich???©, but it really does take a tremendous amount of courage to ask for help. And when we do so, and when we are met with another who cares, it makes us stronger. It makes us all stronger. It makes us men. And when this happens, one cannot help but look back on those who are too afraid to stand up with pity and sorrow. Because they will never become men, and they will never live up to their full potential. And no amount of encouragement from our end will ever help them "come up." I have much respect for anyone who stands before us all, exposed and open. I have been reading this site now for about 8 months, roughly three weeks after my first and only HT back in mid Oct. of last year. So this will mark my first time writing you guys. I cannot tell you how uplifting, supportive and informative all of you have been for me. Hang in there altair! My thoughts and support are with you...
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