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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Has anybody ever used this and is it reputable? I think its a product from the USA and its 12.5% minoxidil.
  2. Sound for that. I have a lot of research to do on the type of procedure and the dangers of shock loss and accelerated loss around it. How do I search for your photos though mate?
  3. Yeah I reckon I'd wind-up going to America to have it done judging by what I've read. I'll contact "Spex" to get some more information, cheers. Though I'm not looking to add density just to restore my natural hairline.
  4. Cheers man but I guess that's what I'm asking. Is it too soon for anything to be done ? Though with due respect I know its more than normal what I've been experiencing. Everytime I eat there are hairs all over the food, if I put my hands through my hair a dozen come out. There was over 150 in the shower alone the other day. I am aware it may seem early for this but Im in a uk band and I don't want to become the token hat/bandana wearer. Obviously my idea is to have work done filling in both temples and the natural curve to the front, if possible, before the recession becomes apparent to people. The plan then would be to continue with propecia and minoxidil thereafter and maybe have fill in work further down the line. I've uploaded another picture which might help people form an opinion. I don't have an aversion to strip surgery; again I just don't know if it would be the same problem whereby it accelerates the hair loss around it.
  5. I read a previous topic on DHI's type of FEU and having recently had a consultation with them thought I'd post this. In a nutshell the consultant was honest and told me that it was too soon to be looking at this type of method as the transplanted hair would draw blood to it from the existing hairs behind it and that this would just increase the loss of the remaining hair; obviously resulting in quicker overall hair loss. Dont know if anybody has heard this said before or is it just common sense? And does strip surgery result in the same side effects? He told me to wait 5 years. Obviously this was not what I wanted to hear as it means my pulling fit birds will continue to plummet at a rate exponentially to the height my forehead is growing. Prior to the consultation they did explain to me in a telephone conversation that their instruments were of a smaller diameter to those everybody else uses which means they grow at more life like angles than everybodyelses and can be spaced closer. Not sure if all of this is true just what I got told. Below are quotes direct fom the website: "GUARANTEE Remember the D.H.I. procedure does not involve the processes commonly known as "strip extraction" or "hair plugs". There is no cutting and/or removal of any skin from your scalp or the implantation of "hair plugs" that give an unnatural appearance and results in no stitches or unsightly scarring. At our DHI clinics, you will always be welcome to observe 'live' hair transplant sessions and we will arrange for you to meet and speak with satisfied DHI clients to help remove any doubts you may have about starting with your hair restoration treatment. Before you consider another hair restoration company, ask yourself these questions: Do they offer a 100% written guarantee, not only for their results but also the naturalness of the resulting hair? DHI guarantees the growth of all hairs placed during the D.H.I. procedure. We offer to count the hairs 12 and 18 months following the procedure in the recipient area. We agree to replace any hairs that have not grown by then free of charge CLONING Hair follicle cloning is an exciting concept that is still in the early development stage. Other possible future innovations may include automatic devices in the unit implantation process. Research is being conducted on the genetic code of the hair follicle and we are proud to have the leading scientist of this research project on our board : Prof. Jung-Chul Kim of the Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Korea. Dr Yung Chul Kim, one of the world's most authoritative figures in the research of human DNA, hair follicle cloning and hair multiplication visits DHI in November for the collaboration of various research projects. We are pleased to announce that our longstanding and much respected colleague Dr Jung Chul Kim (PhD) of Seoul University will be with us again in early November. For many years we have worked closely with Dr Kim and followed his hair multiplication and follicle cloning research projects carefully. We will be able to update you his projects and results very soon and we look forward to sharing some of his unique scientific insights with you. Dr Kim and the DHI research and development scientific team will present a number of fascinating findings at lecture sessions throughout November" That might be of interest. I'm 30, vain and I think I'm Norwood 2 with dense hair. I've never had any work done although I tried Propecia and Minoxidil about 14 months ago and my hair-loss stopped, although this was not the first time I had experienced it as I suffered it after a brain tumour 9 years prior. Unfortunately I made the schoolboy error of stopping both treatments after six months because the hair loss had stopped. Six months after stopping, the hair loss was back and mother nature wanted her revenge. I'm losing at least 200 a day now and I can barely see hair in my rear view mirror. I have purchased some Minoxidil and generic finastrede since then and have been using these for about 10 days. I've not experienced any noticeable benefit to these as yet but they are now as popular in my house as a whisky and ice. I'd appreciate some advice and opinions on my options of any surgery. For some reason I can only attach one photo and cant figure out URL links to things in my hard-drive.
  6. I read a previous topic on DHI's type of FEU and having recently had a consultation with them thought I'd post this. In a nutshell the consultant was honest and told me that it was too soon to be looking at this type of method as the transplanted hair would draw blood to it from the existing hairs behind it and that this would just increase the loss of the remaining hair; obviously resulting in quicker overall hair loss. Dont know if anybody has heard this said before or is it just common sense? And does strip surgery result in the same side effects? He told me to wait 5 years. Obviously this was not what I wanted to hear as it means my pulling fit birds will continue to plummet at a rate exponentially to the height my forehead is growing. Prior to the consultation they did explain to me in a telephone conversation that their instruments were of a smaller diameter to those everybody else uses which means they grow at more life like angles than everybodyelses and can be spaced closer. Not sure if all of this is true just what I got told. Below are quotes direct fom the website: "GUARANTEE Remember the D.H.I. procedure does not involve the processes commonly known as "strip extraction" or "hair plugs". There is no cutting and/or removal of any skin from your scalp or the implantation of "hair plugs" that give an unnatural appearance and results in no stitches or unsightly scarring. At our DHI clinics, you will always be welcome to observe 'live' hair transplant sessions and we will arrange for you to meet and speak with satisfied DHI clients to help remove any doubts you may have about starting with your hair restoration treatment. Before you consider another hair restoration company, ask yourself these questions: Do they offer a 100% written guarantee, not only for their results but also the naturalness of the resulting hair? DHI guarantees the growth of all hairs placed during the D.H.I. procedure. We offer to count the hairs 12 and 18 months following the procedure in the recipient area. We agree to replace any hairs that have not grown by then free of charge CLONING Hair follicle cloning is an exciting concept that is still in the early development stage. Other possible future innovations may include automatic devices in the unit implantation process. Research is being conducted on the genetic code of the hair follicle and we are proud to have the leading scientist of this research project on our board : Prof. Jung-Chul Kim of the Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Kyungpook National University, Korea. Dr Yung Chul Kim, one of the world's most authoritative figures in the research of human DNA, hair follicle cloning and hair multiplication visits DHI in November for the collaboration of various research projects. We are pleased to announce that our longstanding and much respected colleague Dr Jung Chul Kim (PhD) of Seoul University will be with us again in early November. For many years we have worked closely with Dr Kim and followed his hair multiplication and follicle cloning research projects carefully. We will be able to update you his projects and results very soon and we look forward to sharing some of his unique scientific insights with you. Dr Kim and the DHI research and development scientific team will present a number of fascinating findings at lecture sessions throughout November" That might be of interest. I'm 30, vain and I think I'm Norwood 2 with dense hair. I've never had any work done although I tried Propecia and Minoxidil about 14 months ago and my hair-loss stopped, although this was not the first time I had experienced it as I suffered it after a brain tumour 9 years prior. Unfortunately I made the schoolboy error of stopping both treatments after six months because the hair loss had stopped. Six months after stopping, the hair loss was back and mother nature wanted her revenge. I'm losing at least 200 a day now and I can barely see hair in my rear view mirror. I have purchased some Minoxidil and generic finastrede since then and have been using these for about 10 days. I've not experienced any noticeable benefit to these as yet but they are now as popular in my house as a whisky and ice. I'd appreciate some advice and opinions on my options of any surgery. For some reason I can only attach one photo and cant figure out URL links to things in my hard-drive.
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