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Everything posted by skoom

  1. I just bumped into this thread whilst looking up posts about Dr. P as I am considering an HT by him at some stage. Sorry to be rude but what's has been the progress J-man? Any updates or solutions to the problem? Hope all is well.
  2. Just spent a bit more time on the site to read about other members' experience and opinion... it appears that most have 3 HTs before they are happy with the outcome ( i was hoping for one only to be honest....) But it seems to depend on goals and expections, hair characteristics, future loss and time in general.....*big sigh* I've tried to look for complications/adverse outcome and only come across recent debacle in September with member MM and Dr. Rose which is of an interesting read. Any other general complications/adverse outcomes? I'm sure the surgeon will explain and answer questions but that's not until next month! I've started on finasteride, topical minoxidil (all generics and not the common brand names as i believe it is the active ingredient that matters and i save a lot of money...like lots of money) will get ketoconazole shampoo next time i visit the pharmacy. Just hard to not reflect and bash myself in the head in not starting finasteride earlier... will it work i don't know...but most of my hair is now gone. (sorry guys just having a philosophical whinge)... Although it's late...could it ever be too late? Bill from that simple picture above do you think i'm a 5A or a 6? Feel more comfortable to know where i stand. Finally will shaving my head affect my appointment with the surgeon? I guess it would be good if he can assess my hair characteristics...(i would hope to think that i have medium to coarse wavy hair that is thick and abundant.... but i'm no expert) What if i posted a photo here? possibly a bad quality image. Losing hair is so sad... Thanks for reading and advice. Cheers
  3. Thanks for all ur input. I have commenced on finasteride and will wait a few months before judging efficacy. I was taking oral minoxidil under the advise of a previous hair loss advisor. The side effect can be hair gain which i guess is the aim. I have also commenced on 5% topical minoxidil. I guess the battle has just begun... Thanks for all your input and advice.
  4. Hey Bill, Thanks for your advice and input. I am quite touched by your story and feel that i can reflect on so many aspects, and a few details and events were quite similar. I first noted hair loss aged 19 but had a full full head of hair. I was quoted to be like some of those characters in Dragon Ball Z if anyone is familiar with them. I went through denial and failed therapies, resulting in poor compliance and further hair loss. The main reason I have become so proactive about this problem is that I've been hiding the last 6 months.... don't go out, fear going to work , don't talk to people anymore....every reflection from glass or mirrors I see I would check and make sure i'm 'covered' up.... but my NW5A is so severe I can't cover up. So i'm booked for a hair transplant check, continue topical and oral minoxidil (any issues?) and picking up my script for finasteride tomorrow. (proscar 1.25mg daily)I don't want to be covering up anymore. I appreciate the advice to seek for a surgeon overseas, but I don't know if it is suitable to travel. Also I believe it might be easier to establish continuity of care with surgeon/unit locally in Australia. They convincingly advertise that they are trained overseas with cutting edge techniques.... whether or not its true i'll wait for the consultation. Cost is always an issue but I am prepared for it. If HT is done good, the rewards seem priceless. I was wondering about the following and wonder if you can share with me: Over what time period did you have 3 HT? Why three different surgeons? Suitability for HT for me? Because I may lose even more hair and HT won't cover up the bald bits? Do people still use topical minoxidil after HT? As i believe its benefits are limited after prolonged use. It seems lifelong finasteride daily is everyone's management plan. Can anyone advise on whether or not shaving my head will impact my residual hair follicles? I heard a theory that i need to protect them from rain hail and shine...hence leave my remaining hair. Myth? I've tried to put in a pic. Any comments? further info... Black thick wavy hair from donor sites.. Oriental descent
  5. Dear Friends, I'm a 26 year old in Australia suffering hair loss. I have finally decided to come out of the dark and do something about it. I have decided on a plan, but any further advice is much appreciated. brief summary: -26M, first hair loss aged 19 -Norwood Class 5A or 6 -Never seen a physician before, but tried some hair regrowth therapy two years back but failing miserably hence gave up. -currently on oral minoxidil, not on topical minoxidil or finasteride (ever). Plan: booked for a consultation with a reputatable hair transplant institution in Sydney, but not until mid January. THis would be my first MEDICAL assessment. I feel that a hair transplant may change my life! will commence on finasteride and topical minoxidil, to prevent further loss. shave my head? i currently look like the picture on the norwood scale and very depressedd read everything about hair transplant from hairtransplantnetwork and a few other sites. try to arrange other appointments to get a second opinion and feel for surgeon. awaiting a book online about hair loss called How to Beat Hair Loss = Dr. B White Questions: will shaving my head now compromise a hair transplant? I assume no. Did people find they were less depressed if they shaved their heads? I currently just cover with the side hairs and hold in place with massive hair spraying. What is a reasonable cost? I've seen quotes from 5k to 15k.... (aussie dollars) Am I paying for expensive commercials? does hair spray damage hair follicles? any other suggestions?
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