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  1. A physician without integrity is one to fear absolutely. Here's just one example of how crossing paths with just such a physician can harm you. The most fearful thing about Dominic A. Brandy, M.D. is his lack of integrity. Even a bad doctor or one without integrity can have satisfactory results from time to time. There is a saying that even a stopped clock is right twice a day. Let's revisit Scott A. from Ohio, a former Brandy patient who was mutilated beyond belief having received a scalplift from Brandy, a 100% safe procedure according to Brandy. Brandy kept him coming back telling him that he could fix whatever he was unhappy with. That unfortunately never happened. Brandy's real reason for continuing to operate on Scott was only to keep him within his fold, to keep him coming back so that Scott wouldn't seek medical attention with some decent and caring physician who just might begin to question Brandy, his methods and yes his madness. In total about 30, yes that's right 30, operations were performed on poor Scott. In a deposition, Brandy claimed that he couldn't be sure just how many surgeries he had performed on Scott. That in itself was unbelievable. Scott's skull, when Brandy was through with it, looked like a marred and scarred bowling ball. Brandy initially attempted to transfer the responsibility for the disastrous result to his victimized patient by proclaiming that apparently the patient had a healing problem. In other words, it was the patient's fault. Absolutely incredible! This is classic Brandy. Wouldn't you think that a prudent physician, sensing that perhaps a healing problem existed would have called in an expert in an appropriate medical specialty for a consultation. Brandy never did. Brandy simply didn't want this story to get out. As he does, Brandy put his interests first and poor Scott's second. Any person with common sense would have to ask, did it honestly take Brandy 30 operations to determine that Scott had a serious healing problem? Was he that lousy of a physician that he couldn't tell after the first operation, the second, or even the fifth one? If he was, then Brandy shouldn't be practicing anything much less medicine. If on the other hand Brandy did know or suspect a serious healing problem existed while continuing to perform more operations on Scott then Brandy is surely someone to fear because he has no integrity. There are many other horror stories from ex-Brandy patients that could further illustrate Brandy's lack of regard for his patients. I'll save them for another time but the point here is why take a chance with a guy like Brandy when there are much better doctors out there with "integrity?"
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