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Quasi Convexity

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Everything posted by Quasi Convexity

  1. Thank you very much for your thoughtful responses. I had my first meeting with Dr. Reed yesterday and I have to say that everything I had read about him in these forums rang true - he was very considerate, thoughtful, honest and came across as being extremely reliable. However after taking a lot of factors (medication, money, expected results) into consideration, I have decided to opt out of having a HT and stay happy the way I am for now. Thanks to everyone who weighed in with their comments.
  2. Hi, This is my first post on this forum and I wanted to start by thanking all those who do such a wonderful job in maintaining this forum and in making it so informative. I am a 30 year old male thinking about a hair transplant - after reading a lot of the posts here, I have scheduled an initial consultation with Dr. Bill Reed at La Jolla (I live in the LA area). Can you please give me some advice on what I can expect during this first visit, and what issues I need to make sure are covered during our first discussion? Thanks a lot!
  3. Hi, This is my first post on this forum and I wanted to start by thanking all those who do such a wonderful job in maintaining this forum and in making it so informative. I am a 30 year old male thinking about a hair transplant - after reading a lot of the posts here, I have scheduled an initial consultation with Dr. Bill Reed at La Jolla (I live in the LA area). Can you please give me some advice on what I can expect during this first visit, and what issues I need to make sure are covered during our first discussion? Thanks a lot!
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