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Everything posted by keepitshorter

  1. Oh, and actually, I could never grow a thick beard like most men can. I do not consider my caliber of beard hair to be as thick as a lot of men's. That being said I think I got a good result especially considering mine is not as thick. Someone with a capability of growing a thicker beard may even get better results.
  2. Thanks brother. Of coarse it's still not as if I had never started losing it to begin with, but it sure is a lot better than if I had done nothing. It's a lot of waiting and agony while going thru it, but I'm a lot happier than if I done nothing at all.
  3. Hi thanks for your comments. I have not experienced any pitting or scarring, and the grafts were taken along the bottom of my chin line and neck area.
  4. Maxxy: Those other photos were taken with a camera phone and I noticed that for some reason there was a redish tint that is not evident in person. I got a digital camera of much better quality and just took the neck area photos I have added which shows the nice healing. I used beard hair because as opposed to leg and arm hair I understand beard hair is much better quality. I don't really see where I have any noticeable scarring whatsoever in my beard area, and as far as the hairs, I never let my beard grow out as long as the beard hair on my head is now. All I can say about mine is that my beard hair is seeming to grow as long as my other hair, but it did take a time.
  5. These photos were taken at 12 month mark from my last procedure with Dr. Umar in which he placed 3000 Beard Hair grafts in my crown area and the top center part of my head. I was not experienced with BHT but rather only scalp hair transplants. I will have to admit I got a little concerned at the 6th month mark because I didn't think my results were coming along as I had hoped at that point. Dr. Umar told me that I could not access the full results of the procedure at the 6 month mark, and that it would take up to a year before we could determine the success of the procedure--especially because we were dealing with non-head hair. Being fairly experienced with hair tranplantation I knew that it took a lot of patience. I now know that it takes even much more patience when dealing with non-head hair. I have also learned that you cannot always look at other people's photos and try to gauge what your results should be at a certain time frame. The photos were taken in extremely bright light. Also remember that this procedure was a Beard Hair Graft procedure which are singles as opposed to scalp hairs grafts. This cannot be compared to a 3000 head hair procedure. I am very satisfied with my results especially considering that, in my opinion, my beard hair is not the caliber of many men's in regards to thickness. Here you can see some 12 month videos that I took under very bright lights and combing my hair vigorously in all directions. http://s865.photobucket.com/albums/ab212/y5555/ I plan to have another procedure with Dr. Umar sometime this year.
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