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Dr. Alan Feller

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Everything posted by Dr. Alan Feller

  1. Bill, These guys know how to use proxy servers to change their IP address, so not seeing the same IP address is not a basis for exoneration. These guys are professional internet shills, and they know how to work the system. What they can't do is defeat the truth, which is exactly what my video demonstrates about the quackary of LLLT. That's why they resort to personal attacks, filibustering, and efforts to discredit me. The more they try, the more they expose themselves for the hacks that they are, and the quackary LLLT truly is. PGP, Not a single doctor nor LLLT industry representative has contacted me. None of the supposed "studies", and I use that term lightly, carries any weight with me. If there aren't hundreds if not thousands of before/after photos demonstrating the efficay of LLLT, then it simply doesn't exist. Besides, those "studies" already assumed as axiomatic that the laser light actually makes it to the follicle AS laser light. ALL LLLT doctors and industry "experts" have bought into that absolutely FALSE premise. And my video clearly demonstrates that they were all WRONG. Now, they are way out on a limb that just got chopped off. Chalie, Try and put aside your nastiness and false accusations. I know it's hard for anonymous LLLT advocates to do this, but give it a try. Your blood pressure will drop by a few points. Since you ARE an LLLT advocate I will ask of you the same thing I have of all LLLT advocates: please post YOUR before/after photos that demonstrate the benefits you've enjoyed from your lasercomb. I have a question for you. Did you know that David Michaels wrote on the hairmax website that: OFTEN the benefits of his product are NOT "DEMONSTRATBLE" (sic) in photographs? Did you know that before you bought yours? As usual I am attacked personally by anonymous LLLT advocates with lots of words, and yet they STILL won't post the ONE thing that will support their cause: their OWN PHOTOS. I think it's pretty obvious to any rational person that LLLT doesn't make any cosmetically signfiicant difference. It's also obvious that since laser light can't get past the skins OPTICAL BARRIOR as laser light, that the very foundation of LLLT theory has been discredited.
  2. I'm sure I do. I'll and put those up next week when I get a break.
  3. If you're looking for a top down shot you can find one as the last picture in the gallery. When I took the photo I made sure to clip up his original hair so that it didn't cover our transplants. This makes analysis much easier. The only hair you see cascading down over his forehead are the transplants we did 18 months ago. Here is a top down shot for Frenchguy without his hair clipped up. The entire front tuft is from the transplants. http://www.fellermedicaldata.com/images/frenchguy/6.jpg
  4. That's really good growth for only 4.5 months. You should stop by the office for some better quality photos when you get the chance though. Thanks for the update
  5. I have a top down shot for Frenchguy. I will post it tomorrow for him.
  6. You got that right. And it goes deeper than that. Look at the serious trouble Hairmax got itself into. http://www.hairrestorationnetwork.com/eve/showthread.php?t=152313 That company is so nervous now that the light is shining brightly on them they even included a statement on their OWN website that OFTEN the regrowth from their product will NOT show up in photographs. Translation: their product OFTEN doesn't work. I predict the heat will be turned up even more on that company. You just keep watching this site for the truth.
  7. Didn't I tell you these laser quacks eat their own? Hmmm, I wonder how FDA inspectors found out about Hairmax's little shell game? I guess we'll never know. What does the future hold for this company and those associated with it? After all, there are alot of people out there who bought the lasercomb based on Lexington's over hyped marketing campaign of "FDA Clearence". Now they have come to find out that what they received may not have been what they thought they had purchased. Didn't any of the doctors on their Medical Advisory Board catch this problem before it went public, or before the FDA was inform...ahem...I mean, found out? I'm no attorney, but I imagine there are alot of people out there who may want refunds at this point.
  8. Thank you for relating your experience Dr. Gabel. We need more outspoken physicans to stand against quackary. The public needs our leadership and guidance to counterbalance the massive hype coming from the LLLT industry. Our list of "good guys" grows every week. Those doctors who join this list have demonstrated a true commitment to their profession and their patients. Each and every one of them could use LLLT in their practice to generate more money from their hair-hungry patients, but instead they restrain themselves and act honerably by rejecting LLLT and all that it stands for. I am pround to say that the doctors on this list are my colleagues. Welcome to the list Dr. Gabel.
  9. Dr. Mohmand, As a Hairmax medical board "advisor" I can certainly understand why you would want this thread stopped. Your free link on Hairmax to thousands of potential patients is threatened. I see you have not been able to convince any of your board member colleagues to make a showing on this thread. Real brave of them. It has recently come clear to me how HT doctors get enticed into joining the Hairmax Medical Advisory Board, and it ain't because LLLT works so well. Doctors attach their names to Hairmax to give it "medical credibility". In return, Hairmax puts up a link to each doctors HT homepage. Since Hairmax spends a fortune on marketing, their website will get a tremendous number of hits. That means the doctors will get significant traffic to their own Hair Transplant websites through Hairmax. Nice deal, huh? This listing is THE compensation many of these doctors receive, including Dr. Mohmand. But it gets better: I just saw a doctor on the Hairmax advisory board who was CLUELESS about hair transplants less than two years ago. This doctor, fresh out of residency, BEGGED me to teach him HT and even had a common friend call me on his behalf to train him. I refused because he didn't have enough time to train before moving out of state. Low and behold I just saw his name on the Hairmax Advisory Board!!! This guy is a freshman HT doctor and HE is a Hairmax Medical Advisor. This SAME doctor emailed me a few months ago saying his business is doing very poorly and that he can't get patients. NOW, all of a sudden he is an HT expert and ADVISOR to Hairmax. YOU PEOPLE OUT THERE BETTER BE VERY CAREFUL WHO YOU PICK FOR YOUR HAIR TRANSPLANT. DON'T BE LAZY. DO YOUR RESEARCH. AT A MINIMUM PLUG THEIR NAME INTO THE SEARCH FEATURE OF THIS SITE AND IF YOU DON'T SEE ATLEAST 50 HITS, FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. IF THEY HAVEN'T BEEN PERFORMING HT FOR ATLEAST 5 YEARS FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. IF THEY HAVEN'T PERFORMED 150 SURGERIES LAST YEAR, FIND ANOTHER DOCTOR. AND IF THEY SELL LLLT, FIND...WELL, YOU KNOW.
  10. The most reliable way to implant between existing native hair is simply by cutting that hair down to stubble length. When viewed under magnfication these stubble length hairs then act as an indicator as to where the follicles are and at what angle they are laying in the skin. That is the technique I used on this patient who just visited me for a 7 month post surgical visit. In the before picture you see plenty of native hair. In the after picture all of the native hair is still there, but there are now thick and healthy transplanted hairs growing next to them.
  11. These will probably work better for you: Make sure to give them plenty of healthy laser light and water.
  12. JDP, Who do you think you're kidding? You are really OMG. Now we know you are fake and a shill. I wonder how many other aliases you've made to spam the internet forums.
  13. Lexington Hairmax Laser Comb has recently stated in the before/after photo section of their website the following disclaimer: NOTE: INCREASES IN HAIR COUNTS ARE OFTEN NOT DEMONSTRATABLE (sic) IN PHOTOS Link to Hairmax site containing above quote http://www.hairmax.com/SuccessStories/BeforeandAfterImages.aspx Well, how convenient. It's certainly a HUGE departure from what Hairmax and other LLLT advocates have claimed and implied up until I and my colleagues started publicizing the absolute dearth of valid and verifiable before/after photos from actual users of LLLT themselves. Obviously they meant to use the word "demonstrable" instead of the non-existent word "demonstratable". But the key point here is that Hairmax is finally ADMITTING on their own website that their product OFTEN does not produce results cosmetically significant enough to even be detected in photographs. So, if you thought you were going to buy a new Hairmax lasercomb or use LLLT to look better in your upcoming birthday photos or your wedding album, think again. Mr. David Michaels (Hairmax boss) is telling you himself, in no uncertain terms, that his product will OFTEN NOT be able to help you. I don't believe LLLT would EVER help you, but at least this is a step in the right direction for them. Do you think they printed this disclaimer on their website easily? Of course not. They are yielding to the pressure I and my colleagues have been exerting on them for the past few years because more and more people are looking for VALID, first-hand photographic evidence on the internet...AND THEY ARE NOT FINDING IT! They had to do something to fend off the increasingly skeptical and vocal public, so they made up what I call "the VAMPIRE defense". In their world, the cosmetic benefits of LLLT are really there, it's just that they can't be picked up on camera. Similar to the story that a vampire might not be visible in a mirror, but he's really there. Both are, of course, fantasy. They must really think very little of the intelligence of their customers and the general public. But they have no problem soaking the public for $500 a pop, eh? When I took up this cause against quackery I quickly understood that the massive lack of cosmetically significant before/after photos was the weakest point in their armor. So each and every time I debated or discussed LLLT on the internet, on the radio, or in my consultation room, I always made sure to focus on the utter failure of the LLLT industry to produce demonstrable results. They are now reacting to this pressure in a desperate attempt to limit the damage the unavoidable truth is doing to their business. With this forced public admission on there part, I believe thousands of hair loss sufferers will be spared from further disappointment and loss of savings from quack remedies.
  14. Lexington Hairmax Laser Comb has recently stated in the before/after photo section of their website the following disclaimer: NOTE: INCREASES IN HAIR COUNTS ARE OFTEN NOT DEMONSTRATABLE (sic) IN PHOTOS Link to Hairmax site containing above quote http://www.hairmax.com/SuccessStories/BeforeandAfterImages.aspx Well, how convenient. It's certainly a HUGE departure from what Hairmax and other LLLT advocates have claimed and implied up until I and my colleagues started publicizing the absolute dearth of valid and verifiable before/after photos from actual users of LLLT themselves. Obviously they meant to use the word "demonstrable" instead of the non-existent word "demonstratable". But the key point here is that Hairmax is finally ADMITTING on their own website that their product OFTEN does not produce results cosmetically significant enough to even be detected in photographs. So, if you thought you were going to buy a new Hairmax lasercomb or use LLLT to look better in your upcoming birthday photos or your wedding album, think again. Mr. David Michaels (Hairmax boss) is telling you himself, in no uncertain terms, that his product will OFTEN NOT be able to help you. I don't believe LLLT would EVER help you, but at least this is a step in the right direction for them. Do you think they printed this disclaimer on their website easily? Of course not. They are yielding to the pressure I and my colleagues have been exerting on them for the past few years because more and more people are looking for VALID, first-hand photographic evidence on the internet...AND THEY ARE NOT FINDING IT! They had to do something to fend off the increasingly skeptical and vocal public, so they made up what I call "the VAMPIRE defense". In their world, the cosmetic benefits of LLLT are really there, it's just that they can't be picked up on camera. Similar to the story that a vampire might not be visible in a mirror, but he's really there. Both are, of course, fantasy. They must really think very little of the intelligence of their customers and the general public. But they have no problem soaking the public for $500 a pop, eh? When I took up this cause against quackery I quickly understood that the massive lack of cosmetically significant before/after photos was the weakest point in their armor. So each and every time I debated or discussed LLLT on the internet, on the radio, or in my consultation room, I always made sure to focus on the utter failure of the LLLT industry to produce demonstrable results. They are now reacting to this pressure in a desperate attempt to limit the damage the unavoidable truth is doing to their business. With this forced public admission on there part, I believe thousands of hair loss sufferers will be spared from further disappointment and loss of savings from quack remedies.
  15. PGP, you crack me up. That photo was hilarious! I'm still laughing. You have excellent internet wit and timing. We need a bit more humor in this LLLT discusion. The LLLT advocates are SO serious. I agree that JDP is passionate and energetic. He is the ONLY LLLT advocate who has gone out of his way to at least try and support his position by showing pictures and doing experiments. I have thanked him for this effort in most of the posts I've made referring to him, even though he has attacked me personally throughout. JDP, again, I appreciate your efforts. But your photos of your own temples demonstrate no difference at all. In fact, the hair behind the area you want us to focus on looks far thinner in the after photos. Trust me my friend, I've been looking at hair everyday for a living and can assure you there is no difference between your before/after photos. None. If they appear different to you, it's just because of lighting, angles, and hair length. I'm glad, however, that we agree that laser combs are useless. That's a step in the right direction and more than I could hope for coming from an ethusiastic LLLLT advocate such as yourself. Ceasar, Thanks for interjecting and trying buddy. Nice to read the voice of reason.
  16. That pretty much confirms that Ducky is a shill. Probably from the LLLT industry. I guess he realized it's hunting season and flew south.
  17. JDP, The bright red spot you are refering to on the other side of the paper towel in your experiment is no longer coherent. It is just a bright spot where the center of the laser struck the towel on the other side. A bright LED held up to the towel will do the exact same thing, or even a standard maglight. Also, Epidermis and Dermis are FAR denser than paper towels. So if coherent light can't make it through a paper towel, how is it going to make it down to the follicle level? It can't. That's the whole point behind my video. Oh, and what you are calling "speckels" of coherent light in the paper towel are really dimples pressed into the towel to increase absorbancy.
  18. JDP, I know you are trying, but you're just not getting it. LLLT skeptics don't blindly accept your the false premise you use to support your flawed theories. Sorry, but we won't let you rig the debate by accepting "photobiostimulation" as a given. LLLT skeptics reject the junk-science of "photobiosimulation". We are not plants! Why is that so hard for a lay public to understand? Even if for argument sake we LLLT skeptics accepted "photobiostimulation" as valid, the benefits demonstrated in terms of better and quicker healing and "energizing" cells does not lend itself to affecting male pattern genetic balding. This was an incredible over-reach on the part of the LLLT industry and I and other skeptics are not buying it. MPB is a function of genetic programming, NOT loss of energy or some mystical "internal trauma" that the magical energy from a laser is going to fix. The cells in the follicle begin to kill themselves through the process of apoptosis which is programmed within the cell and is executed when DHT triggers a receptor on the cell. There is no room here for photobiostimulation in this well established mechanism. All LLLT advocates have are anicdotal evidence and a whole lot of marketing hype. There are over 1,900 views on the thread on HLH and STILL the rest of you LLLT advocates fail to make your case in demonstrable photo presentations-the standard of proof to any rational patient or customer.
  19. Dr Mohmand, Your reference to infrared hair growth quackary does not support your position that red lasers work. In fact, the Infrared hair growth camp is the mortal enemy of the Red Laser camp. I know you want us to believe they are more or less the same thing. But let's see what the Infrared camp thinks of the Red Laser camp in their own words, shall we: This is from the Versacchi corporation. Makers of Hairbeam Infrared brush: Not convinced? Well, here is a video from Hairbeam that trounces Red laser therapy in favor of their Infrared form of quackary: Video: Red lasers trashed by the Infrared camp The most interesting page on the Hairbeam website is the "Before and After Pic" menu selection. I've included the link here: Hairbeam Infrared brush "Before and After Pic" menu selection Don't worry folks. There's nothing wrong with your computer or browser. There ARE NO PHOTOS in the before/after page. Quite a bit of slick text explaining why they don't have photos, but no photos to be sure. They must really think their customers are idiots.
  20. Pictures Ducky, pictures. This site has a belly full of LLLT advocates who proclaim it's efficacy to one degree or another, but refuse to provide photos to back up their claim. Until you do so yourself, I will consider you to be a LLLT shill who is attempting to spam this board like so many other newbies on here as of the past week. By the way, I caught the cute little fact that you called yourself "ducky" in deference to the QUACK nature of LLLT. A freudian slip in the choice of handles perhaps? Shills are so unimaginative.
  21. Thank you Dr. Meshkin. I'll call you friday if you have the time. Jimsosa, Good catch.
  22. I believe it is you LLLT advocates who are lying. Or are at best deluding yourselves. If you think the physics demonstration I gave that rips the heart out of LLLT theory is incorrect or a fraud, why don't you get a physicist to come on here and take your side? You LLLT zealots will never be swayed. The best you can do is whine and throw temper tantrums and then stoop to personal attacks that just demonstrate your desperation and ignorance. You've had plenty of time and opportunity to show us real world before/after photos like those shown for HT on this and other sites and you have failed to do so time and time again. But hey, if you want to keep pumping up this thread and all the other laser threads I participate on then by all means continue to do so. I believe that everytime you do that, another rational person is convinced not to join the likes of people like you and will reject LLLT as quackary.
  23. Dr. Mohmand, I know who sent you that "study" and I already reponded to that LLLT industry shill on another site. Simply put, that device produced non-coherent infrared light, not laser light. So using it to support your LLLT stance is at best non-sequitor and at worst contradictory. If infrared light was the "key" to hair growth, then all we need do is put on a hat as that will reflect the normal infrared radiation emitted from our heads back onto our scalps. Furthermore, if infrared were the way to go then why didn't hairmax boss David Michaels "invent" the Infrared comb instead of the Laser comb? I think the answer is obvious. Visible red laser light is more interesting and would clearly sell better than invisible infrared light. The difference in marketing angles is night and day. So Dr. Mohmand, if you want your patients to get infrared radiation treatments simply hand them a hair dryer. Dr. Meshkin, Thank you for stepping up and offering us your real world experience with LLLT and sharing it with the public who need to see that men and women of science and medicine do not universally accept this "treatment". You are a credit to both and with your permission I will add your name to the list. I would also like the pleasure of speaking with you and will call your office tomorrow to hear more about your experiences with LLLT. Dr. Carman, It's good to see you join us on this thread. It's clear that you are as much bothered by the junk science of LLLT as I am. To physics enthusiasts such as us the flaws in LLLT theory are as obvious as a red barn, but to LLLT advocates there are NO absolutes. Everything is open to interpretation including my simple physics video that shows that laser CAN'T make it to the follicles without collapsing to non-coherent light first. VIDEO: Short version of physics demonstration why LLLT CAN'T work I am proudly adding you to the list above and look foward to speaking with more about this. Thank you for taking a stand as a learned doctor on the side of reason and rational thought. I hope more physicians continue to distinguish themselves as you and the other doctors on our list have.
  24. You look very good Crown Royal, now the waiting game. Best of luck. Dr. F
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