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Posts posted by Aquarius

  1. Bill- As opposed to using a cleche. "With all Due respect" Review this entire thread. Before you blather.

    I realize your loyalty to H&W . But....

    The use of semantics/ retoric on JTrons part is simply put irresponsible .

    Go have some green tea and reavaluate.

    Jotrn is trying to cull someone into neverything he can offer (off line of course) After a wince of a contrary viewpoint was introduce, he became hostile twords a true gentleman (Gorpy).

    Case closed. Unless I really get a rise out of the response.

    Either Joe is desperate or has found prozac , because nothing he has said in his DEFENCE has anything to do with the situation at hand or the salient points put to him by spoon.

    This is a great day.

    Where disclosure (patient education/best intrest) vs. salesmanship (the bottom line/ yellow bricking)is taken to task.

    His dash of narcisim. (I don't do anything wrong)really sealed the deal.

    You fill in the blanks.

    Get some rest before you say anything really stupid. (you are trying to become a lawyer right?). Review the case before coming in for your closing arguments. ; ).

    This isn't traffic court this is the guys life.

    (disclaimer) this is not legal advice but I once banged a paralegal so hard she brought forth a frivolus lawsuit and I won.

  2. It's patient educator. It was out of sheer dedication that he gave his personal # as not to have him fall prey to the misinformation he may have recieved here. A personal cell # is fairly anonymous. I ask the grocer if he has Prince Albert in a can with mine all the time.

    It really does look now like you were just trying to help.

    It's just a matter of who...

  3. That depends on the case. I had it bad after surgery. The Derm I went to advised me to goto an ethical H/T Dr.. He said I was suffering from folliculitis, seboriac derm and severe tellogen effluvium he also shot cortisone into the lumps on my head where my hair was. When I confronted the perp ( First Dr.)about this he responded "did he do a biopsy"

    I am still treating it.

    Planting foreign annuals into your perrenials is extremely risky. Especially if the gardener is on crack. : )

    It doesn't effect the grafts but it kills your existing hair which makes you look like a fool real quick.

  4. Ailene -

    I must appologize for my flip generalization. When Warren eluded to everything sounding so good that a Tony award was in order I popped off. It was just too familiar . Not considering where he went.

    I was so quick to wave a red flag I didn't even spell your name right.

    I am well aware that there are no smoke and mirrors in an ethical clinic with a great Dr. like Dr. Cooley.

    But when you have been burned by actors/ charletans you get a jaunticed view.

    I like the best or worst comment . I am sure that this is a consideration before you guys go forward. On the other hand , as you know , there is much more of the latter. Bad doctors/clinics (overselling/ lying)knowing full well that nothing good will come of surgical intervention (especially theirs) other than a fat paycheck. This is not way back when but here and now.

    - Aquarius

  5. I think Dr. Rassman has started to call mini - micrografts MUGS. Multi unit grafts which is what they are. Clinics of ill repute call them follicular families, vari-grafts, micro disected grafts. Even follicular units.Its B.S.

    If a graft is not trimmed it is a plug. A plug by any other name still looks like crap even mini -micro plugs/grafts.

    There needs to be a more exact definition to differentiate the new work from the old that is being misrepresented.

    My question is. Why there is such deception/resistance? If I knowingly sold an inferior product under false pretences when I knew full well what I was doing. I couldn't sleep at night.

    I would be like a painter mixing some latex paint with led paint and selling you a latex based paint knowing it was harmful.

    Hair transplant semantics. Thats another story..

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