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Everything posted by ripperx

  1. ok thanks ill try those suggestions! And I see your a fan of GSP. Greg Jackson: "I don't care Georges, hit him with it!"
  2. Hey guys. I'm 23 and my hair is thinning. My hairline has also receded a bit. Now....my hair is at the point where it is thinning but you can't see my scalp at all yet. It use to be very thick. So here is my question guys. When my hair was thick I was able to wet it and then gel it and it would look great. However, if I try that now, my scalp shows and looks really bad. So my question is...if i wanted to get that wet gel look could Dermmatch be used? If so how would I go about applying it? Say I get out of the shower and then dry my hair. Apply dermmatch. Then wet it a bit and then apply gel? Thanks
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