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Everything posted by kev2009

  1. ok thanks for the advice who knows with todays technology there sure to come up with something soon maybe they even know the answer but as this is a billon dollar industry we will never have the answers
  2. don't mean to sound thick but was does that mean?
  3. im glad i found out that company was fraudulent before i went and got the dam book but atleast the other advice is free so who know's it might work
  4. well it doesn't cost anything i suppose trying won't hurt anyone
  5. well I went through a very traumatic time in my life and that's when this happend?
  6. I really do hope it works i guess will have to wait and see i'll keep you updated
  7. yes i am a legimate i'm just trying to help
  8. I will and hope that everyone doesn't start to say i smell funny haha
  9. found this video on youtube who know's it might just work http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=whFFLfBRq10&feature=related
  10. apparently puting your own urine on your head works you need to do this every morning?? http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=whFFLfBRq10&feature=related i think i might try it haha
  11. also found a video saying olive oil and coconut oil mixed together then heated then wrap your head in a warm towel works?
  12. thanks where can i get propecia and how long does it take i looked on youtube saw this and think it may work http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=0Y2KkO9ILOw
  13. thanks for the reply is there anyway to get the hair to grow back found this link on youtube http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=9GeN6l0uyII
  14. right i am loosing parts of my hair in the middle of my head and don't really know what to do whether to just shave it all off or keep getting the same bloody hair cut all the time does anyone know the tip that the ebook gives? the free tip is rub olive in your hair before you go to sleep i will try this and see what happens (promotional link removed)
  15. right i am loosing parts of my hair in the middle of my head and don't really know what to do whether to just shave it all off or keep getting the same bloody hair cut all the time does anyone know the tip that the ebook gives? the free tip is rub olive in your hair before you go to sleep i will try this and see what happens (promotional link removed)
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