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Posts posted by Grace

  1. Originally posted by NervousNelly:

    Didn't know if I should leave this one for Bill or not, but what the hell. Folica wanted to take a hiatus from this forum. He is starting to see some results from his HT and figures that he has learned a lot and contributed a lot. He is also a little tired of the debates and wanted to just try to help people and not debate just to argue a personal choice.



    Sorry to be a drama queen as I'm accused of here, but this is a sad day and I understand *COMPLETELY* how:


    This forum has DRIVEN AWAY a respected member like folica who was one of the only *FEW* people who *TRUELY* had PowerRanger's concern at heart in this thread:



    This forum has DRIVEN AWAY a knowledgeable member like Thomas Ortiz. JASON, don't DENY the fact that almost everything you learned about the highly repsected Dr. James Harris was from all the juicy stuff Thomas posted on Hairsite. Please tell Pat that!


    This forum has DRIVEN AWAY a knowledgeable member like Peter MacDonald just because he was affliated with DHI.


    Do you see what you guys are FUCKING doing?!


    The one thing that we have *LEARNED* from the past is that we have *NOT LEARNED* from the past!


    We are all REAL BREATHING PEOPLE HERE and not just "posters" on the screen.


    PAT .... or BILL! SAY SOMETHING!!!



  2. Something is a little iffy here....


    What happened to one of our respected posters, folica?


    Why do I get an error message when trying to view his profile on *every* thread of this forum?!


    And his weblog has disappeared from the face of this planet as well!


    Bill, What's going on here?! If things are being *quietly* deleted I want nothing to do with this forum!



  3. OK Bill I had a bad day yesterday, alright? I'm sorry. Listen Bill, you, out of all people should understand that women can go through mood swings and become emotional especially in an alpha-male dominated community like this one. So if you feel the need to *actively* portray me as a total slut then fine I don't mind icon_wink.gif Why can't you reference some of the other nicer things I called you in my past PowerRanger thread, eh?... such as... MUFASA icon_wink.gif




    (I apologize for not asking permission yet to use your pic. I will seriously stop this if you are offended)


    In a more serious tone Bill, I have a job for you. Have at least 6 respected members of this forum *copy and paste* the following list of agreements enveloped in quotations below and post them on this thread. After that is done, I'll be ready to post some pics by this Sunday. Thanks. -Grace




    I completely understand that:

    1). Grace was *originally* provoked to come to this forum due to a former prospective patient (PowerRanger) and I will at least consider the fact that she has good overall intentions. She truely believes that there are some educational information on this website.

    2). Grace is not recommending Bosley and she is posting pictures solely because members of this community is encouraging her to do so.

    3). Before/After pictures that Grace will be posting will be faceless pictures selected by her doctor and not herself due to legal formalities.

    4). Graft counts, hair counts and single-hair graft incision sizes will be revealed for each photo that Grace posts.

    5). Grace's doctor is not comfortable in revealing himself nor the location of his clinic.

    6). I fully realize that some of the non-coalition recommended doctors of this website and even a few coalition doctors listed here:


    have yet to put *ONE* photo on this forum that recommends them. At the very least, Grace should be respected in doing something many recommended clinics have not.

    7). After viewing the pictures posted by Grace, I will consider listening to the constructive critisms she has to say about this forum as well as try to evaluate the notion that each clinic and doctor should be considered as separate entities.

    8). Most importantly after posting some pictures, Grace will be allowed to go away quietly at anytime without the need to defend her clinic or further explain herself.



  4. Grace,


    Still waiting on the official offer. Smile I applaud you for sticking it out and argueing your points. You could be a great addition to this forum as it sounds like you have a decent knowledge of the HT industry and are one heck of a sleuth. We need a few willing to go toe to toe.


    Sounds like many do want to see some photos from your doc as this is one of the only ways to validate statements of ability. I'm sure that you'll get around to things when you get the chance. Good luck with the condo.




    NervousNelly and folica,


    Posters like you are *dangerously* sucking me into this forum more than I want. But hearing some supportive words from you have convinced me. I want to personally thank you.


    So this is the tentatively plan. I will give an update on things this Sunday so that everyone is crystal clear on my stance. And then the following week I'll post some pics. Sorry for the delay. Reason being is that posting pics of patients on these online forums require some legal formalities and social etiquette.


    In addition, my doctor doesn't know actually that I've become this involved on this forum... oops. Before I get sucked in any further I really need to ask his permission on all this. But some posters have questioned my *PERSONAL* integrity, so if need be I'll seduce the doctor in his office so that I'll be allowed to post some pics.


    Talk to you again soon, NervousNelly and folica. I didn't let you down with PowerRanger, right? And I won't let you down this time either.






    And a general side note to everyone!!! I just have to say that the testosterone level on this thread is getting out of control! You guys are bald enough without the extra DHT!!! icon_wink.gif Some of you are getting a bit too daring with your sexist comments. Please tone it down. I'm not that kinda girl.



  5. I'm sorry. I hope certain *intelligent* people reading this can understand why this forum is quick sand for me. I don't know why I even bother.


    The reason why I say that "I do not recommend Bosley" in my signature is simple: I can never win here NO MATTER what I do, period.


    dakota3 has expressed his concerns about scarring and wanted to see what a real trico donor closure looks like as he stated in this thread:



    I want to help him and educate him so that he can be more knowledgeable and conversant with his plans of attack with Dr. Epstein.


    I feel that I can educate him by letting him see a REAL patient of my *PARTICULAR* clinic with great trico donor scar results.


    Here I am offering dakota3 from the kindness of my heart to let him *see* in person a *REAL* patient of my *PARTICULAR* clinic who has, IMO, great 5 months post-op results, so that dakota3 can be more knowledgeable when discussing his plans of attack with Dr. Epstein.


    Even with this genuine gesture I am brutally attacked by M&M and wanthairs. This forum is filled with posters like M&M and wanthairs. To the quiet readers out there notice how these attacks by M&M and wanthairs are *VERY PERSONAL* in nature. I highly doubt that M&M and wanthairs would be courageous enough to show their faces when they say these personal insults to me.



    To: M&M and wanthairs,


    I am proud of my work and of the *PARTICULAR* clinic I work for. The *PARTICULAR* clinic that I work at was a great place to launch my career in this industry that I love after graduate school. My patients have told me directly how happy they are with our work at my *PARTICULAR* clinic.


    I am very proud of my personal achievements. No one can take that away from me.






    To: dakota3 the offer is still on the table so let me know.



  6. I do *NOT* know Dr. Phillips at all.


    Everyone, please DO NOT put words in my mouth and *use* me to *PURGE* your angers on Bosley.





    I just got back from my vacation and new to this forum and thus just realized about this private message function.


    As stated in my signature I do not recommend Bosley.

    I repeat I do not recommend Bosley.

    I repeat I do not recommend Bosley.


    Bosley clinics operate *autonomously*. I cannot do anything about your money, I am truely deeply sorry about that.


    The only thing I can offer as a *PERSON representing herself*

    I repeat as a *PERSON representing herself*

    is my advice and knowledge from experience.



    you mentioned in a post that you are concerned about the donor trico closure. The best thing to do right now before seeing Dr. Epstein (who will provide you with great care) is to see a real live patient with that type of closure. It is all about education and expectations. Now luckily my cousin who flew to have an HT with my *PARTICULAR* clinic currently lives in Western Massachusetts. If you want I can ask him to see if he is willing to drive to Boston so that you can *CLOSELY* look at his results at 5 months post op. My cousin was given the upper edge (aka Marzola) trico closure and had his recipient transplanted at 40 follicular unit per cm2 with 0.8mm recipient incisions and 2100 grafts.


    You want to get this second round RIGHT with Dr. Epstein so I think it is in your *BEST* interest to see a real live patient with the above sugerical specs so that you can be more conversant when you discuss your plan of attack with Dr. Epstein.


    Please reply publically on this thread if you are interested in seeing a live patient with the above surgerical specs.









    And Bill, do *NOT* make assumptions on things you are unsure of. I do *NOT* work for and do *NOT* know of the doctor in question as dakota3 has verified.



  7. Good evening everyone, since I passively checked this forum today and felt obliged to reply to another thread just now I might as well briefly reply to this. Thank you for your comments. As some of you know I just returned from my vacation this past Sunday and I am swamped at work and at my condo (I'm repainting). I am not trying to "go in hiding". By this Sunday I will reply and address all of your comments.


    You have my word.



  8. Originally posted by Bill:



    Well this post of yours definitely proves one thing...


    You have WAY too much time on your hands!



    ... I guess it's nice to hear that coming from someone with 4000 posts!!


    You know what? I don't have a lot of time in my hands. I have a gift of finding information quickly that's all and I'm quite good with the computer. The thing with you Bill, is that you are always nitpicky and asking for proof, so I needed to research past threads in order to give you proof otherwise I won't have credibility. Sorry.

  9. Please note that this post requires the reader to have a bit of patience to carefully read the links to other threads as well as a certain level of mental capacity. Also please note that it might take awhile for me to reply to all of your comments because I'm very busy with my job. When I have sometime, I will try post again. Realize that I'm disclosing the fact that I'm affliated with a Bosley clinic to abide by forum rules, however what I'm about to write in this post is ENTIRELY my PERSONAL OPINION and and does not represent Bosley. For the time it takes for you to read this post, please think of me a mere 30 year old woman representing herself. This post is more geared towards the fresh new members who quietly read this forum.


    The background story:

    My motive for me to originally post on this forum before going on my vacation was to rectify the *DEFINITIVE* statement given to a prospective patient of mine that ALL Bosley doctors are butchers. In fact, *I am not here to recommend Bosley at all.*


    The truth about this forum as I stated before in my thread to PowerRanger:

    *There are educational information on this website*. However, this forum is dominated by a handful of clinics that hire people to proactively post on the forum. Thus clinics earn a reputation not based on their actual work but visibilty. Patients end up with a deceptive fixated view on a handful of clinics and miss the holistic picture of what the HT industry is really like. This website is *NOT* the golden list of *all* good doctors. If a doctor is good but does not want to pay s/he will not be listed on this website.


    I cannot let the trend continue to happen in this industry where *SO MANY GOOD* doctors work HARD humbly without the "aid" of "cheerleaders". This is 2007 and not 10 years ago. There are many good doctors who can perform microscropic follicular unit transplantation nowadays.


    I *UNDERSTAND* that some employees of clinics are more "geniune" in their intentions on what they post and working in their clinics at a more medical capacity. However, I think it is important to have a centralized list to keep track of *ALL* posters who are employed/paid. Here is the list please correct me if I'm wrong and I'll delete and repost. (all pictures have been taken from public domains at hairtransplanetnetwork and hairtransplantementor..com - hope you guys don't mind since you have nothing to hide, right?):




    Maybe there are more who don't disclose their information.


    It is my opinion that there is a greater chance for *OBJECTIVITY TO BE LOST* when you are paid.


    Before going on my vacation to Bali Indonesia, I took A LOT of time (over 2 full days) to study the past threads of this forum as well used resources from Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, where I received my Bachelor's and Master's degree in the analysis of public opinion, to try to understand what this forum is all about and the protagonists herein.


    My conclusion:


    *BEWARE* of the *DEFINITIVE* statements being made by some posters. Some statements are *OPINIONS* NOT FACTS. This forum is to a certain extent educational but potential patients and readers must *FILTER* some of the information being presented especially those from employed/paid posters. The reason being is that employed/paid posters have subjective tendencies (which they not be fully aware of) to *MANIPULATE* consciously or unconsciously, information IMO in order to *DEFEND* their clinics. I can show *NUMEROUS EXAMPLES* of this in past threads. You know what? Why don't I prove this notion to you all infront of your very eyes. I will show you how *some* information *can* be twisted on this forum.


    Watch how the employed/paid posters will miraclously *POP UP* and "SWOOP IN FOR THE KILL" when I make these *UNDENIABLY TRUE AND FACTUAL* statements:


    Statement 1: Even the doctors who are considered to be "elite" by this forum have unsatisfied patients. Here is one example of a patient who has expressed his unsatisfaction with his results from Dr. Victor Hasson (Please don't remove this link, I'm not posting it for "promotional" purposes):




    Statement 2: Some people have said that SMG is being ran similiar to that of a "hair mill". Take a look at these two threads carefully:


    also read arfy's comment in this thread:




    Statement 3: Dr. Shapiro does not do his own phone consultations and have Matt Zupan, someone with no formal medical training, determine donor hair density. As a results there have been patients who have been *UNSATISFIED* with their donor assessments. Here is one example (please pay close attendtion to B spot's response to Mudpuppy):



    Pat himself was dissappointed with his results so far from his most recent HT with SMG:




    Statement 4: Dr. Victor Hasson has stated in the following thread that he will be disclosing hair counts, but to this day we have yet to see *ONE* patient who was given his/her hair count from H & W. Even the highly respected Moderator, Bill, is too *CHICKEN* to call Dr. Hasson and ask for his own hair count to benefit this forum he represents:




    Statement 5: Shapiro Medical Group website is very outdated with non-current information. Eventhough it was mentioned numerous times that this problem will be rectifed, nothing has happened for years. Take a look for yourselves:





    Please, please, please *don't* interpret the above statements as personal attacks on the doctors. I'm just giving the facts and it's my way to show that the end justifies the means. Doctors especially those in the coalition are very good doctors but there are not gods deserve of worshipping and NOT the *ultimate list* of all good doctors - this is a true fact. In my opinion, doctors who perform microscopic Follicular Unit Transplantation and who can show a dozen of good before/after pics, clean post-op pics as well as allow prospective patients to talk/see other live patients are "great enough".


    Remember what I said in the beginning of this post about the fact that the forums are fixated with a handful of clinics? Well, Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Hasson are very good doctors. However, I feel that in this industry certain doctors (you know who) have been elevated to some sort of Hollywood celebrity status. I feel that some patients just merely go to these doctors just to have bragging rights. Some of these patients don't even talk to doctors over the phone until the day of surgery!


    *ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE* about this forum, from my study of past threads there are several *UNPAID* regular posters who are extremely knowledgable, objective and know when to re-evaluate their stances when appropriate. Those saints IMO are the following people in my order of preference:


    folica -

    The understanding father in Phoenix who has empathy towards young patients (... and I'd love to go on a date with you thanks for asking!)


    NervousNelly -

    The great medical doctor from Michigan with a well-rounded perspective - a true gift to this forum.


    Gorpy -

    The most logical and systematic engineer of Arizona with the best hairline this world has ever seen.


    John_in_NC -

    The nice guy who has a keen eye to spot an unnatural hairline a mile away everytime - Good call on Bill's hairline.


    spoon -

    The quiet guy who speaks out only when it matters the most and move mountains with his solid arguements.


    Aquarius -

    A good "friend" of James. He has good intentions and shows his love to others in his own distinct way.


    Mrjb -

    AKA JOBI, who knows the true meaning of "cheerleader".



    On the same token, in my opinion there are posters who are apart of the "mob" and who like to spew blatent and *cannot be trusted*. I won't name names but you'll see what I mean. I realize that this post will get the *MOB* going so to all the quiet readers out there, please observe carefully how *CHILDISH* some of the members of the mob will be in their use of foul language.


    Do you guys want to hear my interpretation of why the B Spot is now hired by Shapiro Medical (which he might not realize)? Notice how more and more patients these days are deciding between Dr. Hasson or Dr. Shapiro? A good example is the poster, EmuSteve. SMG now more than ever needs a vocal *cheerleader*, someone who has an *IN* in this community to counteract Jotronic.

    SMG's Less agressive session sizes Vs. H&W's More agressive sizes

    SMG's Stick-n-Place Vs. H&W's No Stick-n-Place

    SMG's Sagitals VS. H&W Laterals

    IMO, the passive battle between SMG and H&W lives on.


    You guys should have read what B spot wrote to Jotronic before he edited his post in this thread about the difference in philosophy on session sizes (B spot, what did you and Jotronic talked about over the phone?):



    To summarize, the points I'm trying to make:

    1). There are many great doctors in and outside the coalition who do not have employees posting.

    2). If possible, we should strive to have patients INDENPENDENTLY post results.

    3). Filter information when appropriate particularly from those who have financial incentives.

    4). The HT industry is more political than you all think.

    5). Have some correspondance either via phone or email with the doctor DIRECTLY and not soley from the consultants before booking surgery. It is your head.

    6). Sometimes a reality check is in order.


    Thank you and I would like to extend my *apologies* to those I have offended,

    Grace C, MS




    (Yes, believe or not as you can see from the photo shoot of mine....even I have vanity. For those who dare, why don't you show your faces as well and let's talk face to face. Sometimes I wish these forums were face to face.)

  10. Please note that this post requires the reader to have a bit of patience to carefully read the links to other threads as well as a certain level of mental capacity. Also please note that it might take awhile for me to reply to all of your comments because I'm very busy with my job. When I have sometime, I will try post again. Realize that I'm disclosing the fact that I'm affliated with a Bosley clinic to abide by forum rules, however what I'm about to write in this post is ENTIRELY my PERSONAL OPINION and and does not represent Bosley. For the time it takes for you to read this post, please think of me a mere 30 year old woman representing herself. This post is more geared towards the fresh new members who quietly read this forum.


    The background story:

    My motive for me to originally post on this forum before going on my vacation was to rectify the *DEFINITIVE* statement given to a prospective patient of mine that ALL Bosley doctors are butchers. In fact, *I am not here to recommend Bosley at all.*


    The truth about this forum as I stated before in my thread to PowerRanger:

    *There are educational information on this website*. However, this forum is dominated by a handful of clinics that hire people to proactively post on the forum. Thus clinics earn a reputation not based on their actual work but visibilty. Patients end up with a deceptive fixated view on a handful of clinics and miss the holistic picture of what the HT industry is really like. This website is *NOT* the golden list of *all* good doctors. If a doctor is good but does not want to pay s/he will not be listed on this website.


    I cannot let the trend continue to happen in this industry where *SO MANY GOOD* doctors work HARD humbly without the "aid" of "cheerleaders". This is 2007 and not 10 years ago. There are many good doctors who can perform microscropic follicular unit transplantation nowadays.


    I *UNDERSTAND* that some employees of clinics are more "geniune" in their intentions on what they post and working in their clinics at a more medical capacity. However, I think it is important to have a centralized list to keep track of *ALL* posters who are employed/paid. Here is the list please correct me if I'm wrong and I'll delete and repost. (all pictures have been taken from public domains at hairtransplanetnetwork and hairtransplantementor..com - hope you guys don't mind since you have nothing to hide, right?):




    Maybe there are more who don't disclose their information.


    It is my opinion that there is a greater chance for *OBJECTIVITY TO BE LOST* when you are paid.


    Before going on my vacation to Bali Indonesia, I took A LOT of time (over 2 full days) to study the past threads of this forum as well used resources from Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations, where I received my Bachelor's and Master's degree in the analysis of public opinion, to try to understand what this forum is all about and the protagonists herein.


    My conclusion:


    *BEWARE* of the *DEFINITIVE* statements being made by some posters. Some statements are *OPINIONS* NOT FACTS. This forum is to a certain extent educational but potential patients and readers must *FILTER* some of the information being presented especially those from employed/paid posters. The reason being is that employed/paid posters have subjective tendencies (which they not be fully aware of) to *MANIPULATE* consciously or unconsciously, information IMO in order to *DEFEND* their clinics. I can show *NUMEROUS EXAMPLES* of this in past threads. You know what? Why don't I prove this notion to you all infront of your very eyes. I will show you how *some* information *can* be twisted on this forum.


    Watch how the employed/paid posters will miraclously *POP UP* and "SWOOP IN FOR THE KILL" when I make these *UNDENIABLY TRUE AND FACTUAL* statements:


    Statement 1: Even the doctors who are considered to be "elite" by this forum have unsatisfied patients. Here is one example of a patient who has expressed his unsatisfaction with his results from Dr. Victor Hasson (Please don't remove this link, I'm not posting it for "promotional" purposes):




    Statement 2: Some people have said that SMG is being ran similiar to that of a "hair mill". Take a look at these two threads carefully:


    also read arfy's comment in this thread:




    Statement 3: Dr. Shapiro does not do his own phone consultations and have Matt Zupan, someone with no formal medical training, determine donor hair density. As a results there have been patients who have been *UNSATISFIED* with their donor assessments. Here is one example (please pay close attendtion to B spot's response to Mudpuppy):



    Pat himself was dissappointed with his results so far from his most recent HT with SMG:




    Statement 4: Dr. Victor Hasson has stated in the following thread that he will be disclosing hair counts, but to this day we have yet to see *ONE* patient who was given his/her hair count from H & W. Even the highly respected Moderator, Bill, is too *CHICKEN* to call Dr. Hasson and ask for his own hair count to benefit this forum he represents:




    Statement 5: Shapiro Medical Group website is very outdated with non-current information. Eventhough it was mentioned numerous times that this problem will be rectifed, nothing has happened for years. Take a look for yourselves:





    Please, please, please *don't* interpret the above statements as personal attacks on the doctors. I'm just giving the facts and it's my way to show that the end justifies the means. Doctors especially those in the coalition are very good doctors but there are not gods deserve of worshipping and NOT the *ultimate list* of all good doctors - this is a true fact. In my opinion, doctors who perform microscopic Follicular Unit Transplantation and who can show a dozen of good before/after pics, clean post-op pics as well as allow prospective patients to talk/see other live patients are "great enough".


    Remember what I said in the beginning of this post about the fact that the forums are fixated with a handful of clinics? Well, Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Hasson are very good doctors. However, I feel that in this industry certain doctors (you know who) have been elevated to some sort of Hollywood celebrity status. I feel that some patients just merely go to these doctors just to have bragging rights. Some of these patients don't even talk to doctors over the phone until the day of surgery!


    *ON THE BRIGHTER SIDE* about this forum, from my study of past threads there are several *UNPAID* regular posters who are extremely knowledgable, objective and know when to re-evaluate their stances when appropriate. Those saints IMO are the following people in my order of preference:


    folica -

    The understanding father in Phoenix who has empathy towards young patients (... and I'd love to go on a date with you thanks for asking!)


    NervousNelly -

    The great medical doctor from Michigan with a well-rounded perspective - a true gift to this forum.


    Gorpy -

    The most logical and systematic engineer of Arizona with the best hairline this world has ever seen.


    John_in_NC -

    The nice guy who has a keen eye to spot an unnatural hairline a mile away everytime - Good call on Bill's hairline.


    spoon -

    The quiet guy who speaks out only when it matters the most and move mountains with his solid arguements.


    Aquarius -

    A good "friend" of James. He has good intentions and shows his love to others in his own distinct way.


    Mrjb -

    AKA JOBI, who knows the true meaning of "cheerleader".



    On the same token, in my opinion there are posters who are apart of the "mob" and who like to spew blatent and *cannot be trusted*. I won't name names but you'll see what I mean. I realize that this post will get the *MOB* going so to all the quiet readers out there, please observe carefully how *CHILDISH* some of the members of the mob will be in their use of foul language.


    Do you guys want to hear my interpretation of why the B Spot is now hired by Shapiro Medical (which he might not realize)? Notice how more and more patients these days are deciding between Dr. Hasson or Dr. Shapiro? A good example is the poster, EmuSteve. SMG now more than ever needs a vocal *cheerleader*, someone who has an *IN* in this community to counteract Jotronic.

    SMG's Less agressive session sizes Vs. H&W's More agressive sizes

    SMG's Stick-n-Place Vs. H&W's No Stick-n-Place

    SMG's Sagitals VS. H&W Laterals

    IMO, the passive battle between SMG and H&W lives on.


    You guys should have read what B spot wrote to Jotronic before he edited his post in this thread about the difference in philosophy on session sizes (B spot, what did you and Jotronic talked about over the phone?):



    To summarize, the points I'm trying to make:

    1). There are many great doctors in and outside the coalition who do not have employees posting.

    2). If possible, we should strive to have patients INDENPENDENTLY post results.

    3). Filter information when appropriate particularly from those who have financial incentives.

    4). The HT industry is more political than you all think.

    5). Have some correspondance either via phone or email with the doctor DIRECTLY and not soley from the consultants before booking surgery. It is your head.

    6). Sometimes a reality check is in order.


    Thank you and I would like to extend my *apologies* to those I have offended,

    Grace C, MS




    (Yes, believe or not as you can see from the photo shoot of mine....even I have vanity. For those who dare, why don't you show your faces as well and let's talk face to face. Sometimes I wish these forums were face to face.)


  11. Wow I just got back from my vacation and now this? Congrats, but what is this? I explicitly asked you who you worked for in my thread to PowerRanger and you didn't disclose the information?! How long was this arrangement in the making? Why can you not be a patient advocate without being paid by Shapiro Medical?


    To NervousNelly,

    I have some post-op pics from my clinic. May I please email them to you and if you think that they are good work can you please post them on this forum on our behave? The reason why I want you to post the pictures and not myself is because you have an "IN" in this community. We will pay you 40 US dollars for each picture you decide to post as well as for each good comments you make about our particular Bosley clinic. Thanks.


  12. Good evening. Please read everything.


    Firstly let me call out to PowerRanger since I have left him a voicemail but have not heard back. The poor kid is probably reading this and is confused and scared to death thanks to yall. PowerRanger, if you are reading this please, give me a call and we can work something out concerning your deposit.


    After all, this thread is about him and his well-being. It disgusts the living day lights out of me that some of you are using this as stage for your own personal entertainment: "Oh the Bosley witch has popped up, let's burn her alive ". You guys are no different from the mob at the Jerry Springer show.


    In any case, I apologize that I feel strongly about my position. But there some things that must be put forth. I have taken A LOT of time to study the past threads of this forum. I hope that by doing this coupled with my formal training in the analysis of public opinion at Cornell University School of Industrial and Labor Relations will arm me with the right tools and examples to be able to contradict you all and fight fire with fire.


    The posters that I have some respect for, I will respond to you in the upper portion of my post and at the end of this post I will respond to the scumbags of this forum.



    folica and NervousNelly,


    I have respect for you the most. You speak in a manner that makes me truely believe that you have PowerRanger's concerns at heart. There will a lot of formalities to work out concerning his deposit, but I'll work with him to demonstrate that we are not the soul-less sharks this forum has hyped us to be.


    I would like to address some of your concerns: We do not often operate on young patients like PowerRanger and most of our patients are in their 40s and 50s. In deciding weather a young patient is a good candiate we look at the following criteria:

    1) has definitely decided against the 'shaved head' look


    2) has significant frontal hairline recession that makes them look significantly older than their age.


    3) lack of significant thinning throughout the rest of the scalp


    4) commitment to keeping their hair through medical treatment


    I don't want to violate patient confidentiality agreement but I'll say what I can. You never met PowerRanger, but I have and I believe a young patient similar to him is a mature 21 year old that who can make an informed decision about his life. Someone like him has built himself from the ground up single-handedly to where he is today without any aid from parents. Believe me he has worked hard, in fact too hard for his goals. Some one like him is deciding where to go to college, whether to join the military, who to marry....all of which have life changing consequences. Likewise I think he can weigh the pros and cons of doing a conservative follicular unit transplant procedure. I remember very vividly what he said to me during consultation:


    "Ms Grace, I have been saving up over a year and half so I can become handsome enough so that I can get a girl as beautiful as you so that I can finally be happy. Thank you thank you thank you for helping me".


    (PowerRanger loves saying thank you to people as you noticed from his posts). Anyways, those words were the saddest and at the same time the most uplifting thing I have ever heard. I am confident that our clinic can carefully provide the 700-1000 grafts that he needs so that he doesn't have to spend more of his hard-earned money to get on a plane like all you suggested to go to one of the coalition doctors. Money and personal situation are a factor to some people. I just believe PowerRanger can happier sooner rather than later.


    There are doctors that I respect that refuses to treat patients under 25 for example Dr. Alexander, who I have the utmost respect for. So I think this is an area of legitimate disagreement.


    Folica, you have chosen a great ethical doctor of the highest order. One that doesn't hire a consultant to routinely manipulate info in this forum. He is not "hyped" up, but he is one of the best in the world. Don't let anyone like Bezane tell you different.


    NervousNelly, I hope that you will change your mind that not everyone needs a BMW and all the "standard options" that comes with it. Seriously, in this industry, we have elevated certain doctors to some sort of celebrity status. Some people feel that they have bragging rights if they went to this doctor or that doctor. There is one advice I would like to give to you when you have your procedure with Dr. Shapiro whom I respect. And that is: make Dr. Shapiro HIMSELF assess your donor density. Don't let anyone else M do this. I wish you well.








    Next in line: Bill! the Mufasa of the Pride. I have some respect for you too. Firstly what did you mean when you said this (thanks for the offer btw):



    P.S. If you'd like to stay away from feeling like you are being ambushed by a mob, feel free to Private Message me and we can continue this discussion in private.




    I did not realize you speak on behave of everyone else on this forum. Are you now the unofficial moderator of this forum? Because I've seen numerous examples where I can provide links if you wish where to TELL people WHAT to post and NOT to post!


    Correct me if I'm wrong, but your virtues is that you noblely welcome every new member to this forum. I think that is great. Everyone thinks you are a nice guy and I think that you are too. A VERY VERY nice guy that this forum needs. However, you're not the most TECHNICAL guy out there. You have NEVER READ one single scientific published study, you have NEVER GONE to any conferences, you have been a patient but have NEVER witness a surgery in process. Sorry to single you out, but actually this is true for most posters here who only get diluted over-hyped second-hand info. I truely feel you are a GENUINELY VERY NICE GUY and have a great new mane of hair and an EXTREMELY HOT bod that I'd glad throw myself at icon_wink.gif (but you are taken, your wife is a lucky girl). HOWEVER I'll say it again that you are NOT the most technical of people as exemplied by this thread:



    So don't argue with me about the Laser comb and things like that when you HAVE NOT READ ANY OF THE PUBLISHED SCIENTIFIC STUDIES!!!!!!! IF YOU WANT TO DISCUSS THE FINE PRINTS OF THE STUDIES LET'S DO THAT! But Don't just definitively say that a FDA product is a "SCAM" and "there is no proof that it works" because that is VERY INACCURATE. If there is something SPECIFICS in the study that you disagree, let's hear at what page of the study and at what paragraph!!!!


    In addition, I've seen threads where you advised a 40+ guy to stop taking finasteride and advise your friend hairfree to stop using minoxidil. IMO these are all bad advice and if you want a link to where you stated this I can provide them, I just don't want to clutter this thread with so many links. I digress, I think you are a nice, generally helpful guy and I find your muscular physique extremely hot icon_wink.gif








    Who's next?! Oh Yes, the B Spot. (Should I call you B spot or J?)


    Firsts of all who are you? Who do you work for and what is your agenda? You seem to be TOO technicially conversant to be just "another poster". Why did you finally decided to "pop up" again. Is it your intent to help PowerRanger or to just roll your eyes at him? You made an esoteric joke to him in your first post, days ago and now that the Bosley lady has arrived things are getting exciting so you decide to chime in again?! Why did you not "warn" PowerRanger if you really cared for his well-being? An yet you publically state that it is your call of duty to SAVE people from the "chain mills" in this thread:



    So I ask you again. WHat are your intentions and what do you think PowerRanger should do?


    Now, I will answer your questions and address your concerns in a more serious tone.



    Grace, your operating from a "I am sure I am right" position.


    You are entitled to your OPINION.


    Is your position with Bosley your only experience with the hairloss/hair transplantation industry?

    Yes, may I ask if you have EVER worked in the HT industry or gone to any of the conferences?


    If so, it would be a fair statement to say that your biased in your views.

    Ofcourse, similar to you having no problems giving SMG free advertisement with your signature as well being the head cheerleader for recommending Dr. Shapiro and Dr. Rose even though the former doesn't do his own phone consultations and the latter doesn't even have a SINGLE before/after photo in his NEW website. I still however have the highest respect for those two doctors.


    While this is not the most terrible attitude to possess, you must realize that limiting yourself in such a manner grossly undermines your ability to accept the reality inherent in a corporate approach to hair transplantation.

    I disagree, Bosley has a vast network of good doctors and a lot of resources. Please elaborate your point.


    You must understand that artistry and skill is what separates the truly elite from those who do solid or good work. There is no formula or amount of practice that will change this.

    Well if you cannot systematically quantify artistry how do we come to an agreement to who is elite and who is not? You know what? You don't have to be Michael-Angelo to design a good hairline. It takes less than 20 minutes, IMO. How long did Dr. Shapiro spent designing your hairline?



    What size incisions do you use? (1,2,3, 4 hair grafts)

    0.8mm for single hair grafts, which I understand is not the smallest, but in my opinion, very adequate. I'm sure there are coalition doctors that uses similar size incisions for single hair as well.


    What type of incisions do you use/promote?


    Sagital incisions everywhere except in the mid-scalp section where we employ lateral for 3-hairs and 4-hairs graft to capitalize on the "fanning-out" effect - Do you understand what I mean? I can elaborate further if this is unclear.


    Do you use custom cut blades, or needles to make recipient sites?

    Doctor make all the incisions as well as places a lot of the grafts.


    What density per square cm do you transplant at on a regular basis?

    35 to 40/cm2


    For an average patient (white male donor density of 80-90 fu's cm/2) do you use longer thinner strips to reach your graft counts, or do you stay "between the ears" and go as wide as necessary (up to 2.5cm)?

    Max strip is 30cm by 1.5cm. It is our belief that going "beyond" the ears is highly risky.


    What type of closure do you use?

    Sutures or Staples?

    Dissolvable sutures. From experience, patients like this the best. Past patients who received staples all complain of the pain when removing staples.


    How many patients do you perform surgery on per day?

    2, 3 max



    Do you use all microscopic dissection, or do your docs/techs look at some grafts and think they are ok as is?

    Microscopic slivering and dissection. My respect to Dr. Limmmer who is the inventor of this technique.


    What do you charge per graft? What is your full pricing schedule?

    3.75 dollars per graft for all session sizes.


    In your current office, what is the length of time your doctors have been practicing and how long have the techs been employed?

    7 years. 1 tech 5 years. the rest of the techs 2.5 - 3 years.


    Are your docs members of the ISHRS

    Yes and member of ABHRS as well.


    Obviously, I would like to see some photographic evidence (ie interoperative high resolution photos) along with any response you give.

    I mentioned before in another post in this thread that good doctors are very busy keeping there clinic running smoothly. Posting pictures and hiring consultants to post them on online mob-ish forums are not the highest priority. In addition, there is more legal formalities and social etiquette than you think to just post pictures of a patient online. It's not that easy unless the patient actively offers. Furthermore, we don't want to advertise here. The motive for me to originally post here was to rectify any inaccurate "don't-even-consider-any-Bosley-clinc" info/mentality given to a prospective patient. Last thing: what is this with the double standard? There are plently of coalition and recommended doctors who have yet to put one photo on this forum that recommends them!


    I am interesting in your response. I happen to know someone who recently worked in a Bosley office and he shared some of the protocol with me, so your assertion that Bosley is superior or equal to the doctors in the Coalition is a bit hard to swallow.

    OK fine I'll give you the coaltion doctors. But how about your recommended doctors on the recommended list?



    Hope I answered your questions. It is nice to talk to someone who is technically conversant unlike others here and who actually "appear" to know what they are talking about. My Thanks.








    dakota3 -

    I am sorry for your situation. I will report that clinic that you mentioned to our central office to start an investigation. Keep in mind that poor growth could be due to your physiology and not doctor's skill and that there are risks to any surgery. Coalition doctors have been removed due to poor result. I've seen patient complains about poor growth with doctors who are still in the coalition as well. Here is an example:








    Lastly, TO THE SCUMBAGS of this forum who took my bait and proved to this forum how childish you are. But let me play along one last time and see if you take the bait again. To:


    youngsuccess: You are so ugly yo mama had to feed you with a sling shot when you were a kid.... wait you still are! Care for a b-job?


    NoBuzz4Now: I saw your photos and you look like a half man half toad with a really REALLY (I repeat really) small wrinkled up wiwi. In my professional opinion that old repair is going to be EXTREMELY hard to fix. Congrats.


    thanatopsis_awry: Have a nice life filling your post with verbose SAT words. You have a long way to go, my boy. I'll tell Peter to tell Dr. D to teach you a lesson you'll never forget. One last thing: UCONN SUCKS!!! It is normal for someone like you to have an inferiority complex.



  13. Oh dear.... I never knew I was so popular. You all act like a mob. Anyways, since you guys want to come a long for the ride? Let's go.




    Your answers, NervousNelly -


    1). Yes, I am salaried but not commissioned similar to other consultants of doctors listed on this website.


    2). Yes, on par with many of the recommended doctors performing single-strip, microscopic follicular unit transplantation.


    3). We do not do a lot of sessions above 2500 because that is not approach that we like to take. We have a more conversative philosophy similar to a lot of clinics recommended on this website. I do not have pictures of 2500+ session sizes. Lots of patients, especially young patients, like PowerRanger, do not need a 2500+ session. I am surprised that you didn't know that being a doctor and all yourself.


    4). No, we operate autonomously.


    5). The amount we ask of the deposit is at our discretion. It is no one else's business kinda like how some of your coalition clinic charge a whopping $5 per graft. This information about our deposit is known in advanced.


    6). We have very skilled 3 techs, and one more will be joining our practice shortly. Our doctor places close to half of the grafts and the hairline unlike some of the doctors recommended on this website.


    7). I don't know what this questions has to do with anything. But yes, if my husband for example needed a hair transplant I would recommend him.


    8). Like any independent clinic that your site promotes, profit is essential. I sense that you do not know how it is like to run a business.


    9). I know what you are trying to do here by cunningly cornering me with this questions. I know how to conduct myself with humility so yes, there are more "skilled" doctors who are more "hyped". As I said before, not everyone needs a BMW when a robust honda civic is adequate.


    10). Yes I do.




    nobuzz4me -


    If you have any questions or concerns, ask them. Stop with the insinuation those smiley faces. I implore you to look at the dates at which those procedures with bad outcome were done - a long time ago. As stated doctors who perform bad results are remove just like how it's done in this website. The doctors that I've worked for have been very good.




    Youngsuccess -


    I demand that you apologize to me and retract that bimbo comment at once or else I won't hold back on the ammunitions. Why don't you tell the world who did your HT? Why are you even still here dwelling on this forum? Are you dissatisfied with the results? That's it isn't it? If it isn't why don't you put your mane to good use and go get laid for once in your life.




    Aquarius -


    Yes, indeed, PowerRanger has seen, readed and signed the consent form. I serve as Administrator for a particular Bosley clinic. I am not a doctor and my advice is not to be takened as such. However I stand by my statement about the laser therapy and copper peptides. Lastly, I could take serious offense to your last comment to me. I sense that you are nothing but a foul-mouth wanker.




    thanatopsis_awry -


    I don't take your belittling comments lightly. You sound like the 21 year that you are. You are still young and very ignorant about the industry. Let me give you a little homework: This site has promoted the term "Ultra-Refined" follicular unit transplantation. Go up and call up let's say 10 clinics on the recommended list and see if they even know the term. In addition to address your concerns about our advanced laser therapy, please note that even minoxidil nor finasterides works on everyone either but it doesn't mean it wil not work on some. The scientific proof that laser therapy works on some patients is documented on the FDA website, if you are electronically-challenged to look that up, PM me and I'll find the direct link for you, ok? How did your SAT go? Got into Yale's Divinity School yet or did you only UConn accepted you...




    Rhodemn -


    I want you to take a deep look in the mirror to see who is the ignorant one.


    Very few people get paid? Ok let's see from my research in just a few hours I found..... Jotronic, Spex, Tha Joe, TheHairlosscure, Janna, Ailene, Jessica4Limmer, hairtechnician, do you want me to go on? There are probably a lot more that don't disclose the info as you think.


    You should be aware that the media overly hype everything up.


    As stated we do not do megasession of 3000+ often. I want to restate that the majority of people of don't need this. I'm also suspect that everyone posting in this forum are all NW7+ like you.


    Minoxidil and finasteride, both are FDA approved do not work for everyone similar to the laser therapy will not work for everyone. Here is the proof that it works on some patients: http://www.fda.gov/cdrh/pdf6/K060305.pdf


    AS for the copper peptides, if you don't know what SOD stand for then you are not conversant in this so I advise you do more research or ask any respected HT doctor the benefit of copper peptides for post op.


    As for the desposit of PowerRange, you don't understand either how it is like to operate a business. Even this website is a business. You have no empathy at all. Ok, I'll talk to my supervisor about this. Consider as a favor to demonstrate we are not soul-less sharks as you hype us to be.


    I just turned 30 last week - the big 3 O, if you must know. I have a background in Human Resources and Public relations and have been working in the HT industry for over 5 years. I am not a doctor and never claimed to be. As for my education, I am a graduate of the Industrial and Labor Relations School at Cornell - heard of it?




    Bill -


    First, I don't plan regularly post on here like the other consultants of other clinics. I have better and more important things to do. For some consultants that's what they do all day long manipulating all sorts of info on the forums. I'm not going to stoop down that low.


    You know what? I'm not saying that the clinics listed on this website are bad. It's just the forum has a mob mentality like: "oh I never heard of this surgery, he better post some immediate post op otherwise he's work is probably not up to par". You got to understand that good doctors are busy trying very hard to keep their business running smoothly.


    Also check the dates as to when the procedure of the "disasters stories" were performed. Most of them were a long time ago when older techniques are used. One or two bad clinics is not representative work of all the clincs under the Bosley umbrella.


    As for the youtube video. You know what?, the one thing that most people forget to stress is that if the patient is happy, that's what counts.


    As for the lasercomb, I bet you haven't read the scientific studies. I bet you don't even know who were the authors and all you go by is just layman word of mouth. I'm sorry but there are a few of your coalition doctors that even recommend laser therapy.


    Never said copper peptides regrow. I standby my previous statment that SOD (hope you know what that stands for) copper peptides have been proven to help the healing process, period.


    I'm not hear to change your mind about think. If you don't know what you are talking like you haven't seen the work of the clinic, shut up and don't say anything.


    btw your new mane sure looks hot on you. May I ask if you're still single? icon_wink.gif




    Ok yall, I might have missed addressing a few points because I have so many of you to address. I don't plan on continuing to post here on a regular basis since I have better things to do and I'm also going on a vacation in a day. So I have only one more day left for now to continue to challenge you all. I stand by on all of my points I made in my original post and I also want to point out that a lot of you rely on diluted or overhyped second-hand information and make extremely unedcuated and definitive statements. Some of you will be too ignorant to undestand this and this medium is not the most optimal for show and tell.



  14. Good afternoon,


    This thread at this particular forum was brought to my attention yesterday by a prospective patient. I hope that that patient is reading this because I would like to boldly speak out and say:


    Fact: Lots of people are getting paid to post here.


    Fact: If a doctor is good but do not want to pay, he will not be listed on this website.


    Fact: The numerous pictures and patient testimonies on the Bosley website are REAL.


    Fact: Bosley routinely remove doctors from our list of doctors if they fail to give quality and consistent results similar to the recommended doctors of this website.


    Fact: A lot of the bad stigma about Bosley that has been highly publicized are from procedures done years ago with older technique that was only available at the time. There are risks as in any surgery.


    Fact: Laser therapy is the third treatment in the history of the FDA to be approved to treat hairloss.


    Fact: Copper Peptides are proven to be beneficial in aiding the healing process post op.


    Fact: I know for a fact that my posting privileges and post will be removed because I'm stirring up "trouble".



    There are educational information on this website. However, this forums is dominated by a handful of clinics that hire people to proactively post on the forum. Thus clinics earn a reputation not based on their actual work but visibilty. Patients end up with a deceptive fixated view on a handful of clinics and miss the holistic picture of what the HT industry is really like. In my opinion, some of you are unnecessaryingly and disgustingly scaring, confusing and giving out inaccurate information to prospective patients.


    I feel I am extremely knowledgable of what goes on in the HT industry so go head, bring out your arguments in an articulate backed-up manner. But be careful with what you say because I will quote you back and take the pleasure to discredit each and everyone of you who dare to come forth.




    youngsuccess, I see you called me a bimbo. Well..... two can play that game, little boy.





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