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  1. It must be the lighting. But I see black hair on both. It can also be that my hair is much more thicker now then a year ago. And Scottish, thanks for the link, I'll defintely check it out. So far I've been using head and shoulders for a couple days and noticing less dandruff already. I just hope it improves in stabilizing my hair.
  2. Polytar AF shampoo? I will defintely try that out. Also I just bought a jar of Maxi Hair vitamins yesterday and began using them. 2 per day. If lack of vitamins are the case, this should help. I also have pictures from about three months ago that show my hair from the same angle. It clearly looks better than the picture I posted a couple days ago. I will defintely post that up as soon as I can.
  3. I would also like to note that my Internet is down. I am currently in the process of fixing it. I had to type all that on my phone.
  4. Most importantly I want to start by saying this; I didn't create this topic to tarnish Dr. Meshkin at all. That is absolutely not the case. He is a fantastic doctor and among the best that I know of. He was recommended to me by 2 others who had surgery with amazing results. This topic was not created to tarnish any reputation. I already stated that I want to go in for another procedure when the time is right, and I do plan to continue my process with Dr. Meshkin because he did tell me that I would need to come back for round two. I made this topic to hear everyone's opinion and to see if any similar thing has occured to them. All your opinions are very much appreciated. As for getting a transplant at such a young age, I do not regret it at all. My hair did look improved and thicker, but the fact remains that currently my hair looks exactly like the pictures which I posted. I took those pictures the same day I made this topic. During September I remember my hair being a bit thicker. But the reason why I created this topic was because my hair started looking worst and worst within the last month. I didn't change anything. I was and still am using propecia and rogaine as Dr. Meshkin requested me to do. The ONLY thing that changed was I started noticing more dandruff in my hair. I just started using head and shoulders as my primary shampoo. And again, please understand why this topic is created. This is about my hair. The only intention I have is to gain advice to regrow and stabilize my hair. At such a young age it's not only painful but confusing as to why my hair continues to bald after a transplant. Dr. Meshkin is a fantastic doctor. I have gone through consultations with other doctors and clinics such as Hair Club and Bosley in the past, but Dr. Meshkin has been the most helpful. Also, Dr. Meshkin I defintely would like to come in for an evaluation. I just noticed your email.
  5. I see... So can it be that I didn't get enough grafts or it was spread apart too much? From everything. Also, what exactly does the term "carpet bombing" mean? Would it be just allocating grafts very close together in one area of the scalp? And lastly before I head to work, what's your thought on dandruff? Can it screw with the stabilizing of hair growth? All of your comments are very appreciated. This is helping a lot. Thanks once more.
  6. Aaron, thanks for the input. Thanatopsis, yes, the grafts were spread across the scalp and he Dr. Meshkin did say that I would have to return for round two. He didn't really do much to the crown area as much as the other areas. Here, check this out... This was taken a couple hours after surgey... Yes, I do believe it was FUE. I can do a #2 on the back and the scar doesn't even show. I am not 100% sure what a strip is to be honest. I have to also say, shaving my head is not something I want to do. I know some people here will recommend that, but I am not for that, at least not yet. I would also like to show you one more picture.... This was about 3 months after surgery.... So you can see after surgery my hair got worst. Right after that picture I started using propecia and rogain again... Also, ONE very important question as well... Does dandruff affect hair loss? Lately I've been having a lot of it. Can that possibly be a cause? Does it affect stabilizing my hair loss?
  7. Ouch... So that just ruined my day. I'm pretty sure most of you know what I am going through...but thanks for being honest, I appreciate it. Also, yes, I have been using Propecia and Rogain Foam for the past 8 months or so. As requested, here are more pics. Sorry the quality isn't great, but hopefully it should do. Here's a week before my surgery last year in November. And these two are from today, yes, I am well aware that they look even worst... I am very nervous right now because I don't want to go through my 20's or even 30's without hair. I spent around $5,000 for the transplant and from the looks of it no real results have come out.
  8. Also, here's another photo. And like I said, this is 1 year after my 2,000 graft surgery... So things are...incomplete.
  9. Hello everyone. I recently passed my one year mark of surgery with Dr. Meshkin. I did 2,000 grafts back in November 2008 and to be honest, my hair is still balding. It looks better than what it used to be like last year, but I just want to know when is it a good time to go for my 2nd procedure. My crown is basically almost bald and I am losing hair in front as well... I'll attach a couple photos to show you as well. These photos are currently what my hair looks like right now after 1 year of surgery. The thing is, I am 23 years old, and I still am not sure how much more my hair will shed, but I really want to keep my hair especially at this age. Should I also go for more grafts this time? Maybe 3 or 4 thousand? Your input is very appreciated. Thanks in advance.
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