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Posts posted by imissthebarber

  1. I was just wondering how uniformly propecia works across the scalp. I know that it has a reputation for being most effective in the crown area. Is it possible that it could actively cause regrowth in the crown whilst hairs are still being lost elsewhere?


    I have been using it for about six months and I think it has improved the crown but have noticed some hairs coming out. I realise there could be many other explanations but just want to hear other people's experiences.

  2. I was just wondering how uniformly propecia works across the scalp. I know that it has a reputation for being most effective in the crown area. Is it possible that it could actively cause regrowth in the crown whilst hairs are still being lost elsewhere?


    I have been using it for about six months and I think it has improved the crown but have noticed some hairs coming out. I realise there could be many other explanations but just want to hear other people's experiences.

  3. Concerned that once having the procedure done; I am committed to getting more done in the future as hair loss progresses. I would not have a choice in the matter.


    HT docs are aware of this. You could have a no committment consultation and discuss this concern with them. Express your concerns esp since propecia has proved not to work for you. They could indicate what could be done now and what donor hair would be left in reserve. You could always leave the crown and the temples and just focus on the frontal core and the top of the scalp. This could make a big difference. Good luck whatever you decide.

  4. A lot of the discussion about how soon can I go back is dependent on comfort levels. If someone put a gun to our head we could have all gone back to normal activities pretty quickly! My advice is take off as much time as you can so that you are closer to looking "normal" when you do go back. Although there are certain factors which effect redness and shockloss it is impossible to predict accurately how much you will suffer from either or both.

  5. Dude - first of all don't panic. It's important to know you aren't alone, we're all in this with you.


    Plenty of guys "lost it all up top" and still have great looking results. Jotronic and Bobman are the first two names that spring to mind but there are plenty of other examples on this site in the weblogs section.

  6. Farjo will be your best bet in the UK.


    Plenty of people will tell you though that they would be willing to travel and will make their choice of the doc they want then travel to them. You'll have to live with the results for a long time and travelling is over in a few days.


    If you really don't want to cross the pond Devroye and Feriduni both in Belgium appear to do good work.

  7. If I were to use any concealer, it would be toppik as it is easier to apply and wash out and from what I have seen looks totally natural.


    I agree that Toppik/nanogen are a lot easier and quicker to apply and wash out. However I found trying to conceal the scar post-op that dermmatch was better because it changes the colour of the scalp to match the hair so it is much harder to see the scar.

  8. Interesting question. I agree with many of the points made in response


    1. Concealers can make a big difference in thinning or thin areas but not on totally bald areas.

    2. There may be improvements especially with cloning in the future but it is wiser to regard this as a bonus if it happens not something inevitable as lost my swagger illustrated.

    3. Propecia can definitely delay further loss for the vast majority of people.


    I would like to add as well that I found it helpful to visualise the different sections of the scalp. Doing this enables you to think through which ones are required for a cosmetic improvement now. It also allows you to think which ones would have to have donors in reserve to cover any further loss as in the missing temples described by lost my swagger.


    This is a graft calculator provided by the site which is the type of thing I mean. I actually made some rough measurements myself and did the calculations on a piece of paper but the effect was similar. The only thing I would say is that the calculator here may not fully help you to appreciate how the sides could go from a NW6 to a NW7. I would say the model is closer to a 6.

    Graft Calculator

  9. I haven't noticed anyone speaking of prices dropping. I think with a lot of the top docs there is a waiting period to see them so somewhat of a small drop in demand may not be a problem for them.


    I think any fall in demand for a HT is something that would lag behind an economic downturn as many people may have planned and saved towards doing it for quite a while. People potentially at the start of that process now are more likely to have second thoughts than those who were well on the way before the downturn.

  10. I have been wondering about this as well, but from the best I can tell they would start around the same time. Most of the transplanted hairs fall out and any non-transplanted hairs that fall out are all caused by the shock of the procedure. Each follicle, transplanted or not, then has to go through the waiting stage of telogen before the growth stage of anagen starts again.

  11. Depending on your degree of hair loss and expectations on the final outcome many people are of the view that more than one surgery will be necessary. However, you should expect a very substantial improvement from a first surgery. My advice would be don't let travel get in the way (sure most people on here would agree) and do some online consultations with some doctors on this site to get an idea of what could be acheived in a 2nd surgery. Don't forget that there is limited donor supply and you need to plan for future hair loss.


    Good luck.

  12. If I remember correctly the instructions warn people not to get it on the hands or other parts of the body as it could promote growth in those areas... on that basis I agree with the others that it could work on other parts on the scalp!

  13. I agree that this is a great and very informative site promoting and screening quality doctors. However I also agree that this is a very major decision which is something that should not be rushed. I guess there is no harm in having a consultation as this could help you to understand what to expect. A period of due diligence after that on your part is essential so that you understand what the process involves. Also it will allow you time to process various emotions around the issue which could take time to surface such as are you really happy to have a big scar on the back of your head? Will you tell people about the op and if not how will you deal with the necessary secrecy and how will you explain any changes in your appearance to people that notice?

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