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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hello everyone, Just thought I'd get advice from anyone who would offer. I just turned 30 and I am definitely significantly thinning. I have been for quite some time but more so in the last 4 years. The fact that each individual hair on my head was thick and wavy worked to my advantage for the past years that it covered any loss in the actual number of follicles. I know I'm headed there because my dad does the comb-over thing. My thinning is all over along with receding temples and it's getting harder and harder to hide the scalp. I always had thick hair, although not that thick anymore, but always been able to hide the scalp even though there were fewer hairs because each hair was nice and thick, especially after I would shower and the hair was conditioned and healthy. I loved how it was wavy and shiny and I would get it cut by professionals the right way. But now it's harder and harder to cover the scalp. I can still barely pull it off but I'm so self-conscious about it that I spend more time in the mirror trying to fix my hair so that no section of my head shows scalp and it's harder to do even with my wavy hair. Dermatologists have told me that it's still in the relatively early stages and treatments would be more effective at this early stage. I dread windy days too because it feels so loose. And I can't really use gel because any product besides a wax would make it look wet and thin. After a shower, it really shows how much balder I am. And yes, I am more self-conscious around the ladies. My question is what would be best for me at this stage? Dermatologists recommended the propecia route, but the problem is I have always been adamant about not taking any internal drugs. I have always been afraid of putting anything unnatural into my body and always feared side effects (short-term and long-term: what if research unveiled damaging effects long term that we don't know yet, I don't care if it is over-the-counter?. My first question is what about the effectiveness of just using rogaine foam by itself? How effective are the claimed natural treatments such as procerin or provillus? Dermatologist told me the only known effective treatment is minoxodil (prop. and rogaine) and everything else is bullsh**. I currently use Neutrogena T/Sal for shampoo as I have a dandruff problem too. Also, if I fail to wash my hair for say a couple of days and oil build up occurs, when I wash my hair next I notice more hair falls out. Am I causing my own hair loss when I do that? Is the hair weaker when the hair or scalp is oily or dirty? People have told me no and it just seems that way because the hair that would have fallen out before was stuck there because of the oil. Any advice would be great, especially advice on the rogaine question. Thanks. J
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