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Everything posted by JenB

  1. This list gives a real facts and helps to understand the scale of the problem. It may be interesting for both "hairy" and "not much": Hair loss detrimental effects
  2. I agree with Bill. I heard several times, that generic versions sometimes are not as effective as brands.
  3. Hi Dominic, Probably I'm late here, but still I will try to answer. Everyone is different, and finding the most suitable antidepressant is very individual. It is usually trial and error until you get the correct medication. There is a number of people both with successful Lexapro experience and with a negative one. There are several ways how Lexapro differs form other SSRIs: - it is the most selective SSRI - more rapid onset of effect than with other SSRIs - fewer problems with discontinuation than with Paxil - low rates of activating side effects
  4. Hi Dega, Here is the list of risks and benefits of Propecia and Rogaine: http://www.emedexpert.com/classes/hair-loss-medications.shtml
  5. Hi wanthairs, If you want to buy cheep medication, probably you need to seek an overseas online pharmacy. They usually offer medications manufactured in India, or some other counties, so they are not FDA approved. It is not the safest way to get meds, but can help to save some money.
  6. To calculate calories intake you can also use one of the many online tools available, e.g. http://www.healthassist.net/nutrients/
  7. Hi UD I'm sure you know this, but finasteride is not a cure for hair loss. Unfortunately, the drug does nothing with the cause of hair loss. It can be that it is not potent enough to reverse further hair shedding.
  8. I tried herbal remedy that was said to be 100% effective and got no results. Also, I don't want to take propecia or rogaine. I think that most rational measure is hair transplantation, but you need to find a good doctor.
  9. Hi guys, Both Propecia (1 mg tablets) and Proscar (5 mg tablets) are available as generics. There are even several finasteride manufacturers: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsatfda/i...DrugName=FINASTERIDE Peropecia has not been discontinued. As both propecia and proscar has the same active ingredient (finasteride), they produce the same effects. Although 2.5 mg dose of finasteride is not too high. It's not good to take higher dose, if you can have satisfactory results with the lower one.
  10. There is no FDA approved drug under the name "Finpecia" Use this link to check: http://www.accessdata.fda.gov/scripts/cder/drugsatfda/i...rch.Search_Drug_Name
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