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Everything posted by hairmanredsox

  1. Dr. DiStefano will give medical answers to all these questions that have been asked below next week. You will understand the procedure when he is done sharing his knowledge. This procedure has been done by Dr. Patrick Frechet for the past 15 years with 100% success and amazing results in the crown area. I understand the reservation the people on the forum may have since Dr. DiStefano is the only Dr. in the USA performing this procedure. The reason he is the only one in this country is that Frechet personally trained him for a long period of time on this very skilled procedure. A surgeon in France has no reservation teching a Dr. in the USA his skill b/c they have no direct competition with each other. Dr. Distefano was an ER surgeon for years and has the skills and capability to achive Frechet like results with this procedure. We have 65 happy Total Crown Renewal Patients that Dr. Distefano has worked on and we will ask these patients to start to share photo's and stories. I will tell you that I have never seen a procedure gives some much natural looking density in the crown area vs's a hair transplant in all my life. Any patient who comes in for a consult and wants to speak with Total Crown Renewal Patients, we hand them a long list of people to speak with and they feel very comfortable moving forward after that. Please try to be open minded untill you have all the facts before passing judgment and giving uniformed advice. I am a patient and employee of Dr. Distfano and my advice is not that of a Medical Dr.
  2. To see Dr. DiStefano's results (promotional link removed)
  3. I have been working with Dr. Mark DiStefano for the past 4 years. I started out as a HTP patient with him 8 years ago. One of his " Total Crown Renewal patients brought this to my attention, I thought I should share some facts with the community. The Total Crown Renewal is the exact same procedure that Dr. Patrick Frechet from Paris France has been performing for over a decade. Frechet's is called the "Frechet Triple Flap". Dr. DiStefano trained with Dr. Frechet and has been performing this procedure with fantastic results for the past 3 years. If you read this article by Frechet, you will see that this is the best wat to treat baldness in the crown area. http://www.docteurfrechet.com/tissuegain.html When the Total Crown Renewal is complete, it moves the equivalent of 15,000 hairs to the crown. This allows the full donor area to then be used for any transplant that is needed in the front 2/3rds of the scalp. Achieving density in the crown with a HTP is not feasible due to the short supply of donor hair. Dr. DiStefano has over 50 patients that you can speak with and or meet with to show the incredible results of this procedure. Just because he is the only Dr. in the country performing this, does not mean people should be knocking it due to lack of information. Dr. DiStefano is: Graduate of Georgetown Medical School Board Certified M.D. Diplomate ABHRS American Board Of Hair Restoration Surgery. Member of the Iternational Society of Hair Restorations (ISHRS). Member of the European Society of Hair Resotration (ESHRS). Consultant for Harvard Medical International for Hair Transplant Traning. Member of the Board of Plastics for UMASS Medical Center Only Dr. in the U.S.A offering and successfully completing the "Total Crown Renewal Procedure" Over 5,000 Hair Transplant Procedures permformed . Experienced Surgery Team - Over 63 years of combined experience.
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