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Posts posted by Relaxo

  1. i'm interested in this topic myself as i'm about to buy a house that has a salt-water pool in the backyard....was going to use it as an excuse to start swimming for exercise but if i should stay away for a while in case it harms my HT, maybe i'll just use the pool for the women???

  2. I don't have any bleeding whatsoever....donor scar/staples still hurt but today, as instructed, i began using the pads of my fingers to soothe the scabs on the top of my head. As predicted, the stubble/white stuff comes out but throughout the day, if i rub on my head, the little hairs/grafts? are coming out with the bulb attached to them...no bleeding however...does this mean i'm losing my grafts and need to not even mess with the top of my head when shampooing???? I really hope i'm not losing my grafts b/c of this.

  3. yeah man, i had it done last month and within 2 weeks, night glares from the lights were gone...it did take 2 weeks for the eye bruise/redness to heal..no pain though....and the procedure lasted like 8 minutes...i actually see 20/15 now which is unreal...only thing is...u should have a stable prescription for a while in order to get the best results....i.e. a ......-2.75 or -4 or whatever prescriptionb but one that has not changed in a good year or so....but definetly worth it

  4. yeah man, max we could get with a 1.425 cm strip cut was 3000...average donor density area but i do have coarse hair which apparently will make for illusion of more density. The pain killers are doing well but I only took 2 since I left....maybe I'll take one more before i go to bed. I'll be posting pics soon....i didn't bring a camera so ill get matt or janna to email me the pre/post op pics and i'll post pics monthly....gonna get on rogaine foam in about 2 weeks and continue propecia (only started it 1 month prior to surgery)...i wish i'd have started that sooner.

  5. First of all, I'd like to thank everyone who posts on this forum regularly as doing my research for the past few months helped me make a great decision for HT and let me avoid the hair mills. Dr. Ron Shapiro throughout my surgery today continued to make sure that I had every question answered, kept me comfortable/pain free throughout surgery, and all of the staff was top notch in honesty. I got 3006 grafts and am currently in the hotel feeling the pain but I guess that was expected. The doldrums are about to begin and apparently, that's the worst part of all this as the actual surgery day went by like a breeze. SMG definetly lived up to their reputation

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