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Posts posted by finallyfree

  1. Originally posted by Mahair:

    I have plenty of entegrity buddy. As a plaintiffs lawyer yours is questionable. Yes I was butchered. In the meantime I educated myself on hair transplants. I also realized there is a similarity. Wanna hear it? How do you know when a hair transplant surgeon or a lawyer is lying to you? Their lips move.


    Given your arguments, its difficult to disagree.

    Till now, that is before the advent of BHT, hair transplants were not even a cure.

    I think as BHT becomes more mainstream you will see the better doctors gaining the upper hand.

    Till then, its 2000 graft sessions followed by advise to the patient to have realistic expectations. icon_frown.gif

  2. Originally posted by hrthr:

    I am already having alot of shock loss and concerned about it. I used Rogain for about a week 10 days post op, but it really seemed to be making my hair very thin and wispy, so I discontinued.


    Any words of encouragement?

    Do not stop Minoxidil.

    Transient hair shedding at the start of Rogaine is a known phenomenon.

  3. Options-

    - you can have hair placed around the plugs,

    - you can have then excised and the wounds sutured close,

    - you can have the plugs excised and the wounds donor sealed with skin grafts,

    - you can have the grafts thinned by fue.


    A lot will depend on the direction of the hair in the plugs.

    Do you have any pictures of your head. That will help you get better advise.

    What do you expect to acheive and what is your donor supply like?

    How is your body hair growth?

  4. Originally posted by dhuge67:

    I think with my scalp donor, chest, and back hair, along with even leg hair...I could have more hair than Billy Joe Armstrong.


    I'm a freak! haha




    Body hair is an additional resource that helps acheive fuller restorations.

    Its only downside being that not everyone has good body hair that can be used. But, if your body hair grows >1 inch long, you should go for a small test session of bht with your next HT.

    Transplant that test session hair in an area where you can observe them. That way, when the time comes, you will know how your body hair looks like on scalp.

  5. Originally posted by spoon:

    Body hair and bank account. Let's not forget that transplantation is not free. Besides which BHT is highly unproven.



    As to FF's comment about not "settling" for thin coverage, well why not?


    First off, BHT is not unproven.

    Its just that its too much work and not many doctors are trained in it.


    Second, I am not against you or anyone else "settling" for thin coverage.

    I am against people being "forced to settle" for thin coverage thinking that more is not possible.

    There is a big difference between the two.

    You can have an option to choose between a Mercedes and Volkswagon.

    But to have only Volkswagon offered because Mercedes is costly is wrong argument.


    No one is going to spend a dime more than what they can afford to on their hair transplant.

    But they must know that there are options available.

  6. Joe,

    There are many sites documenting progress. But they are all strip HTs.

    Scientist's is the first blog that extensively documents a BHT. I think bennstu was referring to BHT documentation.


    BTW, how is your bht coming along? I remember you had a few chest grafts transplanted.

  7. Originally posted by UGLY MAN 4 LIFE:

    Thanks for the replies guys.


    I guess what I was trying to get at was can you essentially look 'non-balding when dry' in all weather if you are a high level NW and continue the HT process to its completion?


    P.S. - I know there are often problems completely filling in the crown for NW6's, so excluding that, is it possible??


    Also non-balding to me means most people won't recognise you as having MPB, that doesn't necessarily mean you will have the thickest hair in the world (so some may even say it's thin, but won't link it to MPB is what I'm trying to get at).



    Given sufficient number of grafts you can pull it off- the non balding look in dry hair, I mean.

    Transplant at 45-60 FUs a sq cm over all the bald area and you can pull off any hair style.

    But for that a NW6 will need a lot of grafts.

    Say if the area is just 200 sq cms, at 50 FUs per cm that becomes 10,000 grafts.


    Without good, robust bodyhair being used in conjunction with scalp donor, that figure can not be reached.


    That brings us to the obvious question. What is your body hair like?

  8. Originally posted by dhuge67:

    Is it usual to have no evidence of a hair transplant, as in a bald scalp, in the area where transplanted FUs were placed? While some hairs remain, tons of scabs fell off leaving no trace of hair or hole behind them.


    I'm just not sure if this is to be expected? Lots of hairs have stayed but the majority went down with the scabs.


    That is normal and to be expected. Nothing to worry about.

  9. Jodie,

    Hair transplants, maybe a few years later, will be able to help you.

    Not right now.

    Let the doctors refine body hair transplants further. That will be the time that you should consider any work. Not now.

    Reason? - A real natural Hairline requires finer hair. Not just the terminal hair that scalp HTs are going to give you.

    No matter what everyone says, an HT hairline can be spotted. I have checked the websites of many clinics. You are not the average balding guy who is going to be happy with some hair coverage.

    Tread very carefully.

  10. Hairbank,

    I do not want to make you nervous. You are in good hands.

    I am happy to see that you have a plan for future hair loss, if and when that occurs.

    Many people jump into hair transplants without proper planning. They think they will not lose any more hair. As long as you do not fall in that "happy" trap, everything will be fine.

    Good luck.

  11. Costs vary widely. Moreover, some doctors charge extra for repair.

    Best course of action will be to post some pictures or send pictures of your situation to doctors. Many of them offer online consultations and will give you the cost estimate if you clearly state your requirements

  12. Originally posted by hairbank:



    I've had 1200 in the front/top area already and while I'd like it thicker it gives me decent coverage..........the first assessment of my donor hair was that I'd have no problem with supply but I guess you never know.


    If I only get 3000 this time in the crown, I'm thinking I'll at the least have another 2000-3000 for top/front/temple fill it. My hope is Dr. Wong hits a home run and gets 5000+ and does some front/temple work in addition to the crown.


    Any thoughts on this?


    Have you lost all the crown hair that you are likely to?

    Do you seriously think 2000-3000 will be sufficient for the top/front and temples?


    Supposing you lose more hair in the crown OR lose all the front and top (except the 1200 that you got transplanted). Do you have aplan for that eventuality?


    I am not trying to put you down.

    Its just that we do not realize the really big numbers that are required once the norwoods start climbing? To use 3000 in crown (which may require more work later), and to put further 2000 in temples and hairline will be cutting it too fine, IMO.

    This was my crown before my last transplant.


    This is my crown at 4 and a half months out after transplant.



    Now I know that I may progress in my hairloss and I should be prepared for the worst eventuality of progressing to NW 7.

    Thats something I urge everyone planning their transplants to consider.

  13. First of all, meet a good dermatologist.

    You are too young to be meddling in medicines and combinations thereof without expert guidance.

    How much hair loss do you have? It may be very minimal (something like coming of age temple recessions), or you may have just a temporary telogen effluvium. If you get on medicines right now and notice improved hair growth 6 months down you will never be able to figure out whether it was your changed habits (regular hours, no pot, less stress, balanced diet, vitamins) or finasteride or some herbal that did it.

  14. Originally posted by dhuge67:

    Is it okay (being post op 9 days) to rub the recipient area (without fingertips) at medium "harndness" to try and get off some of the scabbing. Some of the very dry ones fell off and like almost like little flies...haha....is it okay to do that? There is some white dead skin, and hardened scabs, but some wont come off unless I rub a bit.


    Is this normal?

    A medium hardness rub is best at this time.

    Do not pick on the difficult to remove scabs. They will be easier to handle in a couple of days.

  15. Post some pictures. That is the best way to get good advise.

    I know many doctors concentrate on framing the face and leaving the crown.

    That is due to the donor limitation. With the advent of body hair transplants, however, it is possible to go for more real restorations.

    What is your body hair like?

    Alternatively, you can plan to go for less number of grafts thinly transplanted in all areas and then cutting the hair to #2/3. It will give an illusion of coverage.

    Just a few ideas.

  16. Originally posted by GuitarPlayer:

    Ok... I'll start. Here are some things that I would consider to be "Red Flags."


    1. If a doctor is still doing micro and minigrafting.


    2. If a doctor fails to show a prospective patient an adequete number of before and after pictures.


    3. If a doctor lowballs the patient with the number of grafts in order to "get them in the chair."


    4. If a doctor tells a prospective patient that he or she will never need another procedure.


    5. If a doctor does not discuss a maintenance plan/strategy with the patient.


    I'll try to think of more later.




    Some points that the doctor should discuss.

    If he does not, the patient should ask.

    1. The area of hair loss in sq cms be measured.

    2. the density of grafts in those sq cms.

    The consulatant will, this way, not be able to lowball the figures.

    (The graft calculator on this site is very helpful for that).

    3. the direction and angulation of the grafts be brought up by the patient. That way the doctor will know that the patient is not just another gullible newbie.

    4. Plan your HT assuming that you will progress to NW6. If you do not, great, but if the doctor tries to say that he "thinks" you are unlikely to progress to that stage, have him give that in writing. No one can predict the degree of eventual hairloss. The biggest source of disillusionment with hair transplants is the belief that you will end up lucky and not have more hairloss.

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