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Posts posted by scooter

  1. Has anyone ever heard of this stuff called Nu Hair,and does it work.Is it even worth taking a look into?We seen it at Walgreens.I seen in the ingredience it has folic acid,and biotin in it with some other ingredience.


    If can take vitamins to help promote hair regrowth from my HT and help with my natural hair I still have.Does anyone know what to take.


    I am taking propecia daily,and since I read good things about Nioxin and Nizoral,I will add these to my daily regiment.


    I am just thinking about any vitamins I might add.




  2. Has anyone ever heard of this stuff called Nu Hair,and does it work.Is it even worth taking a look into?We seen it at Walgreens.I seen in the ingredience it has folic acid,and biotin in it with some other ingredience.


    If can take vitamins to help promote hair regrowth from my HT and help with my natural hair I still have.Does anyone know what to take.


    I am taking propecia daily,and since I read good things about Nioxin and Nizoral,I will add these to my daily regiment.


    I am just thinking about any vitamins I might add.




  3. Hi Pushing 40.I will go ahead and copy this to ahback9,thanks for the reminder.


    I am feeling fine,except I still cant lay my sutured area flat on my pillow without it hurting yet.The FU's have been growing each day,it seems all of them have been.They also feel strong and pointy.It feels nice to have something up there even if it is temporarily before the shedding begins.

  4. Hey Bill,


    Thank you for the reply.I am strategizing for my future well I think because of the info that I am getting from you and other informative members.


    Yes indeed our starts are very similar.I took a risk on advice of others at my clinic,after meeting him and seeing results,I took the plung so soon after finding this site.It has been hard to do,I had to dig way back about 5 or 6 yrs into the archives,but I found posts made by Dr.McClellan himself.He was or is[not sure yet]a member of this community.I also feel very lucky that I didnt go to Bosley or MHR.


    He answered lots of questions from forum members.I also seen before that the forum creater,Pat fully endorses Dr.McClellan and has recommended him before.So I dont know why he is not on the coalition list,perhaps his patients dont know of this site yet.


    So what is the different approach you are talking about?Maybe a mega session?How would you handle a 2nd surgery?


    I was told I am a NW5A,but that was the day after I took off my system after 9 yrs.now it seems like my crown hairs [nontransplanted]going toward the front are already starting to grow and fill in after 1 week only.I was thinking that it is too early to think that is from the propecia but rather the fact that I dont have a system in the way constricting airflow and it can finally breathe again.I have only been on propecia a little over 1 month now.I can only hope.


    Take care,



  5. Originally posted by ahback9:

    Thanks for the replies gents. All good info. My biggest concern was the number of grafts that were HT on me seemed relatively low compared to the rest of the group on the forum. I hate the thought that I may have created a problem here but only time will tell. I am no more than a NW3 so hopefully the 1750 will cover nicely. I was in on a two patient day for the Dr. I will post some pics when I return from my bus trip on Fri.


    Hey ahback9,

    Just wondering the latest on the pics?I also went to Dr.McClellan just last week and would be very interested in seeing your latest pics if possible.I had 1973 FU's to the frontal and mid section.I am thinking that is so close to your amt done.My post op is going well and things are scabbing up now.My donor area is still tender but getting better each day.If you have time and if you dont mind sending me a P.M.or just respond,to let me know how things are going for you.It has been hard to find other members here who have been to Dr.Bob.So if you can give me any info it would be greatly appreciated,



  6. Folica,

    You are right,I did get educated here in this great forum.I am very happy to be able to openly discuss our hairloss problems and learn from others and get encouragement and advice.Hopefully I will be able to help others someday once I learn more.



    Thanks for the reply.I was reading some of your threads from your 1st experience with HT's so I can learn more about having a smaller procedure for my 1st time.I am so new to this that 3 months ago I would never have thought I would be able to get a HT,because or the lack of knowledge,the cost and the transition phase.Just like you did,I also got a smaller session for my 1st one.I looked at your pics and your posts and got very encouraged.Even your 1600 Fu's you got and Dr.Katz spread them around from the frontal to your crown area,by your 6 month pics,your results were amazing.Especially when I look at your latest results,your hair looks awesome.Your successful Ht's are very encouraging to me.I figure if my 2000 FU's in he front mid section can look as good as your 1600 spread out,I would consider my 1st one a success,and a great start.I figure to use Dermatch and Topiks together with propecia and rogain to help me with my crown area and the thin areas that my HT didnt cover.


    Just like some of the members here,I will wait and see how everything looks my donor scar,and recipient area heals and grows.If I am happy which I should be,I will discuss my next procedure with Dr.Bob and perhaps a few others and pick whoever I feel will do the best job for me.


    I know it is early but I was very impressed with Dr.Bob and his staff.I know the proof is in the final results but time will tell and then I know I will keep you all posted.



  7. Hello everyone,I want to add to this thread.I have been wearing a system,wig,rug...for the past 9 yrs.Though it worked well enough for me during those years,it got to be a drag with the maintenance and upkeep,and the $.I found myself really looking forward to the day I can get my next "new"system,because they dont always look so good after a week or 2.I found that it was best to keep it short and my natural hair shaved in the back and sides to keep it looking pretty good.,oh yes and plenty of gel.I always wanted a permanent solution.So I decided to opt for a HT.I went for my 1st HT on June 28th,and I am stoked to think that soon I wont need to think about my "system".My scabs are falling off and everything is healing up pretty nice.I am now in the nervous transition phase because I will put a larger system on just to conceal my HT while at work until my new HT grows in enough.Just clip it on hopefully only about 6 months.Once it grows in I plan to cut my hair very short and then just start fresh,and be done with the system.

    One thing to consider for those who want to try a system,sooner or later you will need to decide if you want to do this forever or not,for it is a huge commitment.The HT's technology these fine Dr.s'are using these days are so amazing.I knew once I came up with the right transition plan[system to HT],I would have to just go with it.

    I know wearing a system isnt for every one but I will say that the system was good for me to have for those years.I will also say that for the $ I spent and time I put into it,I think i could have had about 4 procedures done.I know I am stepping in the right direction.

    By the way,I think Jerry's system looks great.

    Good luck to everyone who wants to wear a system,I hope it works well for you.And for those of us who got HT's,HAPPY GROWING!!!



  8. As far as the "chain restaurant"thing,I know what you mean because most of the time with HCM,they seemed all about the $.However,like i said before i was a member for for almost 9 yrs.and understood that.They were good for me during those years of dealing with my hair loss.There were some times they would let me slide on things,payments,products,free services etc..But in the end it is also a business.They made an offer I couldnt refuse when they told me I can skip my June payment,end my membership with them,and switch to paying a finance company and start paying them in July,no $ down and no interest for 18 months.My payments would be the same as i was paying for the system/service haircuts each month.It is set up to pay them off before the interest starts,which i will pay off earlier.So I figured this is the best time to do it.When I seen the results from others and did my research,I knew what I was going to do.I wouldnt be throwing my $ away anymore.Similar to owning or renting a home,to me getting my HT it is an investment,and a start.I do know that I will be getting another HT done next year,so for now propecia,and soon rogain foam,nixoral and Dermatch and toppiks will become my new best friends to help me out.

    Though Dr.Bob isnt a coalition Dr.here,to me doesnt mean he isnt good and experienced at what he does.I am sure HCM would not have shitty Dr.s to represent them.Also like i said before I have known the people at the center here for a long time and I know they wouldnt have even suggested surgery to me,if he wasnt good.In my search I also found that he trained and worked with some of the best in this field,Dr.Bernstein and Dr.Rassman from NHI.I also seen one his his entire corrective hair transplant precedure of a guy named Dean who had horrible old style plugs,and his results were awesome.He and his team know what they are doing,I am absolutely sure of it or I wouldnt have gone to him.When we went to the surgery center in Houston,the only thing that seemed like it was HCM were the signs.The place was an operating room,clean and nice,and they never mentioned $,even when I was going in for 1800FU's they were able to get 1973FU's and just put them in anyway saving me hundreds of dollars.Dr.Bob also gave me another 30 day supply of propecia.

    Today is day 4 and never had much swelling so far and the pain has only been minimun.The redness is turning pink,and the small scabs are starting to wash off each time I pat them,not rub,in the shower.it is still hard to see my donor line through my hair but i can feel it especially when I apply the ointment they gave me,but I know it is going to be just fine.No bleeding at all and the Dr. says the dissolvable sutures will dissappear soon.Oh yes my new hairs are all growing and they look pretty cool already but I know this will only last for another week or 2 then the dreaded shedding begins so I will say goodbye to them for a few months,with the hopes that they will return and then I know for sure this HT was a success.But now it is all up to my own natural ability to grow,which my donor area hair has always grown very fast,so heres hoping.

    Thanks for reading,take care and lets grow some hair,lol


  9. Hey pushing 40,thanks for the reply.To answer your question,it was mostly a $ thing.1800 was what I can afford now,but they were able to give me 1973 in the end for no extra charge.BY next year I know I shoot for the same # again to thicken things up more and hopefully the propecia I have been taking for 1 month now can kick in by then.

  10. Thank you for the replies.Well,I belong to the Hair Club for Men,[not for much longer]Just a few years ago,they started to incorporate HT's as another alternative.I didnt really think too much about getting one done myself as I thought that the transition would would be too drastic.I owe it to my stylist,who I trust because I have been going there for almost 9 yrs.Well she told me that I would be an excellent candidate for one of their Dr.s who is doing the latest in the HT technology.Appently I have nice and thick donor area,and still enough hair on my crown to take propecia.She also told me of about 12 members have alredy done it with awesome results nice growth and vertually no visible scar.After seeing the pics and also meeting a few of his patience,I was sold.I set an appt.to meet Dr.Robert Mcclellan himself and bombard him with questiions,of course.He was also a HT patient about 4 yrs ago and he didnt hesitate to show me his head.I felt that right away he was going to good for me because since he had the precedure done,he woulds also be sensitive to my cosmetic needs.

    Speaking of Dr.Bob,I went back to the surgery center the day after my HT he and his lead tech,checked on me and cleaned my head up.Today he even called me to check up on my progress and make sure I got home ok.To me,I think that is pretty cool.They were very professional,kind curtious.They made me and my wife feel relaxed from the entire time we were there.We talked and laughed some during the procedure everything was fine they wuld ask me the entire time how I was feeling,or if I felt any kind of pain.WE laughed when I told them,I would feel great if they would stop poking my head with needles,lol.

    Only time will tell as do anyones HT's,the results,but I am confident they did their jobs well as he told me,and I confirmed in my research that he has done over 10,000 Ht's and over 3,000 FUT's.Now it is up my "boys"to do their thing,set,shed,and sprout hopefully in about 4-6 months.As far as I know and what I have learned here on this forum,Dr.Bob and his staff did everything just like they should have,and I know I wil be back to him for my next proceddure and I will tell everyone that I recommend him.I have noticed that noone has been to him before but I think I am the first and I am sure in the coming months,members here will know his name because of my successful HT.

    But in the meantime,I will stick with you guys here and pass the time reading about others who have been through this and those who are about to go through it.I have only been a member for a few weeks but IM VERY GLAD TO FIND THIS FORUM.

    You all take care and thanks for the responses and I am sure to keep everyone updated,



  11. 1st HT 1973FU's w/Dr.Mcclellan 6-28-2007


    I am a norwood 5A,I was scheduled for 1800 but they were able to get 1973.I know it is a small amt of graphs but I want to access my 1st HT and see how happy I will be with the initial results,then see about a possible 2nd HT if I choose.I also think the propecia is working well for me.After just 2 months,so far,so good.I know not to expect too much after only 2 months,however my wife,hairstylist and I are seeing some good things happening on top.


    9501022623_7A8C1FEEC0B37C8D71C571FA03B1BAA8.JPG.thumb 9011052933_E6426467FC853EFC4F2F7FDED71AF8DC.JPG.thumb 8441039243_5E4D6CA91C926D790B874AF3A35F63EB.JPG.thumb 8241039243_5D795EBCFDF2EA01C38E2BC601C8918F.JPG.thumb 6071049733_212598CEE124792AEB65313B57096770.JPG.thumb 5471049733_A2D1C9984DAC3905C2138205E455EFDE.JPG.thumb 4261049733_127F70299C6CD49C6BAB0B15D4117DB1.JPG.thumb 3771049733_8BA6D54C95A6CB479444690CBF5FF702.JPG.thumb 3661049733_2BAEDECCA2A4B5767EEF4FA3DA687015.JPG.thumb 3161049733_E3452E0E8C862DCB9F9EF8C8B3148903.JPG.thumb 2841039243_8D07EDEE656D77F7403871A0E3116BDA.JPG.thumb 2371049733_84F207A1B70AD88226D14ED973004CBC.JPG.thumb 2141039243_7AF5F2A16D9C1414964B6666A134BFF2.JPG.thumb 1671049733_2DCD3F4FD84663F6DCE0EAB06A387372.JPG.thumb 1601022623_0251F1117BB1F6E7A40D9AAE229AF8DB.JPG.thumb 1211052933_E008467418F22525CD50C022C3A45C48.JPG.thumb



  12. 1st HT 1973FU's w/Dr.Mcclellan 6-28-2007


    I am a norwood 5A,I was scheduled for 1800 but they were able to get 1973.I know it is a small amt of graphs but I want to access my 1st HT and see how happy I will be with the initial results,then see about a possible 2nd HT if I choose.I also think the propecia is working well for me.After just 2 months,so far,so good.I know not to expect too much after only 2 months,however my wife,hairstylist and I are seeing some good things happening on top.


    9501022623_7A8C1FEEC0B37C8D71C571FA03B1BAA8.JPG.thumb 9011052933_E6426467FC853EFC4F2F7FDED71AF8DC.JPG.thumb 8441039243_5E4D6CA91C926D790B874AF3A35F63EB.JPG.thumb 8241039243_5D795EBCFDF2EA01C38E2BC601C8918F.JPG.thumb 6071049733_212598CEE124792AEB65313B57096770.JPG.thumb 5471049733_A2D1C9984DAC3905C2138205E455EFDE.JPG.thumb 4261049733_127F70299C6CD49C6BAB0B15D4117DB1.JPG.thumb 3771049733_8BA6D54C95A6CB479444690CBF5FF702.JPG.thumb 3661049733_2BAEDECCA2A4B5767EEF4FA3DA687015.JPG.thumb 3161049733_E3452E0E8C862DCB9F9EF8C8B3148903.JPG.thumb 2841039243_8D07EDEE656D77F7403871A0E3116BDA.JPG.thumb 2371049733_84F207A1B70AD88226D14ED973004CBC.JPG.thumb 2141039243_7AF5F2A16D9C1414964B6666A134BFF2.JPG.thumb 1671049733_2DCD3F4FD84663F6DCE0EAB06A387372.JPG.thumb 1601022623_0251F1117BB1F6E7A40D9AAE229AF8DB.JPG.thumb 1211052933_E008467418F22525CD50C022C3A45C48.JPG.thumb



  13. Thanks Wanthairs for the reply.Yes,I did do my homework,I liked what I have read and results i have seen from Dr.Mcclellan.When i met with him,I liked the fact that the first thing he did after he shook my hand was show me his HT.I seen some of his work also and was amazed so natural looking.Also the other people I have spoken with like his work and FU transplants.Also the donor area on the patients I have seen leaves a very small scar.I read that he worked/trained with Dr.Bernstein and Rassman at NHI,who are among the top surgeons in their field.Also,I seen a guy named Dean who had the old plug stlye transplant from the 80's.Dr.Mcclellan,did 3 reconstructive procedures where he removed those plugs and exctracted the FU's and re-transplanted them.The final one was a HT using appx 1650Fu's to help fill in the hairline and mid section.It shows pics from the whole surgery.The result was nothing short of amazing to me.I'll be back soon and share my experience with you all.I really appreciate this forum.

  14. http://www.hairlosshelp.com/hair_loss_treatments/hair_t...nt_correctproced.cfm

    Since I joined this forum,I wasnt able to find much info here on Dr.Mcclellan.I searched and found this patients story.The corrective surgery and HT he did on this guy boosted my confidence even more for Dr.Mcclellan.These results are amazing,and I am hoping for a similar hairline.After 6 months his hair line looks awesome to me.I go in for my sugery Thursday,I am nervous yet excited at the same time.I will post my pics soon.I am very certain I will be browsing here as soon as I can.Wish me luck.

  15. http://www.hairlosshelp.com/hair_loss_treatments/hair_t...nt_correctproced.cfm

    Since I joined this forum,I wasnt able to find much info here on Dr.Mcclellan.I searched and found this patients story.The corrective surgery and HT he did on this guy boosted my confidence even more for Dr.Mcclellan.These results are amazing,and I am hoping for a similar hairline.After 6 months his hair line looks awesome to me.I go in for my sugery Thursday,I am nervous yet excited at the same time.I will post my pics soon.I am very certain I will be browsing here as soon as I can.Wish me luck.

  16. http://www.hairlosshelp.com/hair_loss_treatments/hair_t...nt_correctproced.cfm


    Just geting back to my original post.For anyone who may have seen it and wondered about Dr.Mcclellan.I searched and found this patients story.The corrective surgery and HT he did on this guy boosted my confidence even more for Dr.Mcclellan.These results are amazing,and I am hoping for a similar hairline.After 6 months his hair line looks awesome to me.I go in for my sugery Thursday.Please wish me luck,I will share my story in the near future.

  17. Hello,actionradar.I have been reading many posts with hopes of learning more about my upcoming 1st HT on Thursday..I have seen some very good pics and read many positives of those who use consealers such as Dermatch and Topixs.Have you considered trying it?Just curious because I ordered some,just in case,and I am sure I will want to have it.

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