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Everything posted by 28/M

  1. I was on propecia for 9 months but never experienced any changes in losing my hair. Is that normal? Altought at about the 4 month mark I noticed for a good two weeks I didn't loss any hair after that I kept losing hair.
  2. I hope it will grow hair. If not I'll galdly keep mine. Propecia gave me sexual sides. Athough, I was on the full dose 1mg a day. Still kept lossing my hair never noticed a change.
  3. I took propecia and had sexual side-effects that I didnt like. Do you think Avodart will also cause the same?
  4. I tried propecia for 9 months and it didn't work. Now i want to try avodart. Has anyone tried it before? what dosage did they take? I'm buying my overseas. I'm also wondering if my sexual side effects are from propecia as since taking it I can't get as hard as I once did. Please help me out!!!! My degree of boldness is just the top and its almost gone!
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