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Mike Minneapolis

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New Real Hair Club Member

New Real Hair Club Member (1/8)



  1. Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my hair. I'm really frustrated because I can't find any experiences to read about like mine, and my hair is nothing like the Norwood scale at all. I have fine hair, and always have. I remember my hairdresser trying to explain to me what it means to have fine hair when I was about 10 years old. My mom thought my hair was thinning on top when I was 18, so she brought me to a dermatologist. I never thought it was. I remember that the doctor wasn't completely convinced, but thought it wouldn't hurt to try Propecia. So, I took Propecia for about a year and a half. I stopped using it and never noticed a difference. My hairdresser also didn't really think there was any change. Flash forward to age 25 now. Just a few weeks ago, I had my hair cut really short, as I like to do in the summer. I was styling my hair in the mirror one day, having a particularly unagreeable hair day. I grabbed a hand mirror to see what my hair looked like from the top. I held the mirror up to the top and back of my head and angled it toward the mirror in front of me. I was horrified by what I saw. I didn't realize quite how thin my hair was on top. Maybe I've been oblivious for the last seven years, or maybe I just haven't really noticed. The confusing thing is that my hairline hasn't receded at all. I was looking at old photos of me. I have a mole on my forehead right by my hairline, and from what I can tell, my hairline hasn't really moved at all. All of the images on the Norwood Scale show receding hairlines, followed by thinning spots on top. Another strange thing is that the top of my head is pretty much uniformly thin. The thin-ness isn't concentrated in one area like on the Norwood scales - there isn't a bald spot developing. The density is still at the point that I can make it look thicker than it really is in most cases. I'm keeping the top about an inch long, at least. When I'm not directly underneath a bright light, it doesn't really look too thin. I tried my mirror test again without the direct lights above me, and I can't detect any noticeable bald spots. So I still have hair all over my head, but it's just thinner on top. My partner commented to me when we first started seeing each other, late last year, that I leave behind a lot of hair on the pillow after I sleep, and in the shower drain. But that's nothing new to me. I remember even five years ago finding lots of hair on the pillow and in the shower drain. I've been trying to estimate the number of hairs that I lose each day - at least those that I see. I'm guessing that it's probably around 70. The only places that I notice it are on the pillow and in the bathroom. I don't find much more than just a few hairs anywhere else around the apartment. I spend about 90% of my time awake when I'm at home at my desk. I've found less than 10 hairs here over the last week. Same goes with my desk at work; I've found just two recently. Has anyone else experienced this or heard of this? I'm curious to try Propecia again, now that I'm more aware of my hair's appearance. But I wonder if it will work for me.
  2. Hi everyone. I'm trying to figure out what's going on with my hair. I'm really frustrated because I can't find any experiences to read about like mine, and my hair is nothing like the Norwood scale at all. I have fine hair, and always have. I remember my hairdresser trying to explain to me what it means to have fine hair when I was about 10 years old. My mom thought my hair was thinning on top when I was 18, so she brought me to a dermatologist. I never thought it was. I remember that the doctor wasn't completely convinced, but thought it wouldn't hurt to try Propecia. So, I took Propecia for about a year and a half. I stopped using it and never noticed a difference. My hairdresser also didn't really think there was any change. Flash forward to age 25 now. Just a few weeks ago, I had my hair cut really short, as I like to do in the summer. I was styling my hair in the mirror one day, having a particularly unagreeable hair day. I grabbed a hand mirror to see what my hair looked like from the top. I held the mirror up to the top and back of my head and angled it toward the mirror in front of me. I was horrified by what I saw. I didn't realize quite how thin my hair was on top. Maybe I've been oblivious for the last seven years, or maybe I just haven't really noticed. The confusing thing is that my hairline hasn't receded at all. I was looking at old photos of me. I have a mole on my forehead right by my hairline, and from what I can tell, my hairline hasn't really moved at all. All of the images on the Norwood Scale show receding hairlines, followed by thinning spots on top. Another strange thing is that the top of my head is pretty much uniformly thin. The thin-ness isn't concentrated in one area like on the Norwood scales - there isn't a bald spot developing. The density is still at the point that I can make it look thicker than it really is in most cases. I'm keeping the top about an inch long, at least. When I'm not directly underneath a bright light, it doesn't really look too thin. I tried my mirror test again without the direct lights above me, and I can't detect any noticeable bald spots. So I still have hair all over my head, but it's just thinner on top. My partner commented to me when we first started seeing each other, late last year, that I leave behind a lot of hair on the pillow after I sleep, and in the shower drain. But that's nothing new to me. I remember even five years ago finding lots of hair on the pillow and in the shower drain. I've been trying to estimate the number of hairs that I lose each day - at least those that I see. I'm guessing that it's probably around 70. The only places that I notice it are on the pillow and in the bathroom. I don't find much more than just a few hairs anywhere else around the apartment. I spend about 90% of my time awake when I'm at home at my desk. I've found less than 10 hairs here over the last week. Same goes with my desk at work; I've found just two recently. Has anyone else experienced this or heard of this? I'm curious to try Propecia again, now that I'm more aware of my hair's appearance. But I wonder if it will work for me.
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